Falklands Conflict

I don´t know any translator of welsh.[/quote]

Erwin, check this:

I don´t know any translator of welsh.[/quote]

Erwin, check this:
dani,always helps :smiley: ,thanks!

Topic Moved :arrow: No direct relation to WWII; mindless debating in general

The topic is once again reopen for discussion, please do not insults other members again. If members are to find insultings the others, they would NOT receive a warning, but rather find themselves demote a rank and ban to post any message for a week (no appeal would be allowed, this rule ONLY APPLY in this post). I really hope we would have a constructive discussion from now on, thanks and have a nice day

I’d be interested to know if there was much reconciliation between the Brits and the Argies, i know Simon Weston met the pilot who bombed him and hence horribly disfigured him, and they subsequently became friends. Any other similiar stories?


i don`t know much about reconciliations between our soldiers,some veterans in argentina are now wanting to recover the falklands,and they want to kill another soldier of falklands or at least,die for his nation.

why they want war again?.

easy,because they lost.

There are some forums for the reconciliation between our countries,but,there`s always somebody wanting to insult.

btw,you heard about the newest book of the falklands?

Not… Bliar’s Britain by any chance ? :lol:

Erwin Yes thanks to the Daily/Sunday snail we have heard but as it is’nt in print and none of us have read so it we can’t comment. The fact is that the Benny’s dont want you there, Argentina can’t afford a war at the moment , We are busy in the sand box and GW wouldnt be happy with any interferance with his coillition of the willing. We are all getting on fine so why F*ck with the status quo.
BTW who do you fancy( to win ) for the Coppa Libatadores.

it´s a bit out off topic,but argentina is first in points,but,the libertadores don´t commenced.They´re only the eliminatorias.

back on topic:
this page talks about simon weston:

that´s the man you were talking about,student scaley?

That’s the chap, there was a particularly graphic documentary about his treatment on the BBC some years ago. Shocking stuff.

I wouldn’t give too much credence to Mail on Sunday stories, it is often a deeply unpleasent paper to read and is wrong equaly often. It could be that Bliar is being a bit revisionist but I doubt he has the guts to be too critical of the Falklands campaign.
The story in the Mail seemed to indicate that the sinking of the Belgrano is an indicator of British “weakness”. The answer is: Of course it was! The Belgrano was a bloody cruiser, the same mass class as the British carriers, it had more and bigger guns than anything the RN had and it’s task-group had Exocet. Add to that the Argentine carrier, also Exocet equipped and you have the makings of a very nasty Pincer movement with the British task force in the middle. The most effective way to mitigate this weakness was to remove one arm of the pincer, either the Belgrano or the carrier, whichever was found first was in trouble.
Now the Galteri regime, as is the way of Dictatorships, only heard what it wanted to hear (thus they wrongly heard the recall of Endurance as “invade now, we don’t care”). So when Britain declared an exclusion zone it assumed that anything outside the zone was safe, when patently by custom and necessity the combat Navies of belligerant nations are fair game to each other on the open sea, otherwise there would be no reason to have Deep Water fleets. I very much doubt that the Argentine government would have had much compunction about sinking Hermes or Invincible mid-Atlantic had they the opportunity. But then that’s war for you :cry:.

There is an excellent (British centred but generally balanced) account of the War. It has a comprehensive British ORBAT and quite a bit on the diplomacy failiure that lead up to the conflict:
The Battle for the Falklands (1983, rev. 1997), Max Hastings & Simon Jenkins, Pan Books, London.

[quote=“Erwin Schätzer(argentina)”]

it´s a bit out off topic,but argentina is first in points,but,the libertadores don´t commenced.They´re only the eliminatorias.

back on topic:
this page talks about simon weston:

that´s the man you were talking about,student scaley?[/quote]

Simon weston is the chap erwin, i’ve actually met him he’s a very brave and equally funny man. I met him back when i was a cadet (1999/2000?), our school CCF was raising funds for the royal star & garter home for disabled veterans. He was at the time (not sure if he still is) a big supporter and fund raiser for them. Our school raised a lot of money for them and were intending to raise more so he came along to thank us at our CCF dinner and encourage us to raise more money. Truly a great and brave man.

I,ve met Simon weston a couple of times as my Business and his Charity(Weston Spirit) have similar aims. He is an all round top bloke with a great sense of humour. He is the best example of triumph through adversity that I have met, after all it can’t be easy being Welsh. Irwin if you want more info on Simon go to westonspirit.org.uk where you will find a profile and photo.
He was the subject of a tv series Simons war, about his physical and mental rehabilitation and a documentary about his meeting with the pilot who bombed the Sir Galahad, in which he was severly injured. His ability to forgive should be an insperation to us all.
Simon Weston highlights what is wrong with the honours system in the UK as he is way past due for a Knighthood.

LMFAO! :lol: :lol:



hehe, :lol: dont take it personally :wink:

:smiley: ,good work as mod sam

Iam argentinian and new to the forum. There is a lot of lies and “myths” around Falklands war put in the heads of youngs mens of my homeland about the war. I can see a lot of them in Erwins replys.

1- “Argentinian pilots are the best of the world”. A lot of people here thinks that. Its hard to belive if you consider the facts of low budget for training, poor maintenance of aircraft and old equipament. They did a good job bombing the Task Force, and i think despite the circunstance they have a good perfomance. But they were not "the best.

2- “Gurkas are mercenarys and blood thirstey beasts”. They are regular soldiers of the brits army. Because of the alpine zone where they live (Nepal), they have an excelent shape or phiscal condicion. Thats is why they are so valuavle in the army. And of course they are fierce warriors, but still regular soldiers.

3- “the attack on the ARA Belgrano was a war crime”. If i was a sub commander in the Falkland war and i find the HMS Hermes or the Invencible i fire all my torpedoes at them, no matters if they where in or out of the exclusion zone. If the brits lost a carrier the balance will incline in favor of my side. The same thing goes for the Belgrano. It was a powerful ship, the brits should be idiots if they got the ship in their sights and no fire at him, no matters where the ship was. They cannot miss the oportunity.

Sorry my english, i no use translator, i can read english but my writing is poor.

Welcome aboard mate and a good first post. Its good to see that not everyone in your country has the same miopic views.

Once again, welcome and hope you have a good time here…

Welcome aboard as Firefly said. To be fair to Erwin though, I suspect many of his earlier opinions were based on misinformation - the classic being the untranslated list of Argentine successes that he posted which featured such obvious exagerations that it could only be for propaganda purposes.

Don’t worry about your English, very few native speakers do :roll: . The only suggestion I would make is punctuation: capitalise your “i” when refering to yourself (ie “I” not “i”). For some reason lower-case I’s make things difficult to read, I don’t know why.