Falklands Conflict


Lot´s of thanks my friend Erwin!!! :slight_smile:

Jambock_31 CrossBones
1st Virtual Brazilian Figther Group
GAVCAVI - Brazil

I receive no reply from this guys, i hope they still look for mails :slight_smile: .


The history in this movie is untruth,and it denigrates the honour of the veterans,changing their image.

I didn´t know this when i did the topic.

so sorry.

i don´t know much about this war.

We worked that out quite a while ago, Erwin :wink:


This was the discussion originally embedded in the Odessa thread.


Your army will never be the best,the haven´t a good hitory (well,the navy is great,i must admit,the best),and our air force is much better.

and as i said before,don´t insult my country,because i can insult yours in a bad form,and you will don´t enjoy that.

Argentinian army wants to be like german or french,not british.
the challenger isn´t good as the abrams.

and i named moderator,because i will never use my moderator abilities in a debate,just for your concern.

you´re 23?,oh,sorry old boy,surely,you must be a fat guy with bearb who lives with his dads,and never had a gf and sex.

Ok, you can have one more reply, as long as you promise ot be a good boy and play nice with others.

The British Army doesn’t have a good history? Can you name one army which has a better one? As to the Argentine air force being better than ours, I’m not an expert on it, but I’d doubt that.

and as i said before,don´t insult my country,because i can insult yours in a bad form,and you will don´t enjoy that.

I haven’t insulted your country anywhere on this forum.

Argentinian army wants to be like german or french,not british.

That’s the Argentine army’s problem, no idea why they’d want to do it though.

the challenger isn´t good as the abrams.


you´re 23?,oh,sorry old boy,surely,you must be a fat guy with bearb who lives with his dads,and never had a gf and sex.

I’m married and have a bit on the side, I have an unbelievable amount of sex and I have a house that the British Army lend to me. And they won’t let me have a beard.


Im saying that im not going to use my mod powers against you,ninny!,that can be put inside your brain?.
about the raf,fake.

and im not going to talk more too (you said that 5 posts ago and you´re still talking).

I will abandon this,but i don´t want nobody to call my country as a host of killers.

and btw of moderation: YOU ARE OUT OF TOPIC :lol:

The British Army doesn’t have a good history? Can you name one army which has a better one? As to the Argentine air force being better than ours, I’m not an expert on it, but I’d doubt that.

and as i said before,don´t insult my country,because i can insult yours in a bad form,and you will don´t enjoy that.

I haven’t insulted your country anywhere on this forum.

Argentinian army wants to be like german or french,not british.

That’s the Argentine army’s problem, no idea why they’d want to do it though.

the challenger isn´t good as the abrams.


you´re 23?,oh,sorry old boy,surely,you must be a fat guy with bearb who lives with his dads,and never had a gf and sex.

I’m married and have a bit on the side, I have an unbelievable amount of sex and I have a house that the British Army lend to me. And they won’t let me have a beard.[/quote]}
ok,i will be a good boy and play with the others.
married?,I had more girlfriend than finger in my hands.
unbelievable amount of sex?,me too :stuck_out_tongue:
I don´t have beard or moustache (like you called that hair between nose and mouth.
about attacking my country: you said that it´s a host of killers,and torturers.
and when you attack germany,you have to know that i have parents in germany,i have german blood,and german granfathers!




Royal Air Force:


And its not just numbers, its also about capability. We can go anywhere on the Globe, fly beneath the trees and strike from stand-off. Your aircraft just dont have that capability.

Enough off topic, Im off to the Mess…

our pilots are better,i said that i know you have better planes,but we kicked your navy ass with old planes,and,you win because you had help of chile and usa,there are lots of doubts in what could happen if you hadn´t help of them and france.
im afraid this is enough out of topic but i like it.

Im so sorry,excuse me,i don´t want to be against you brits (im talking to the respectable brits who i have a convivence peaceful with!.

Aarghh, you didnt kick our Navys ass, if you did how come I was able to get a pint in the Upland Goose in Stanley and it wasnt full of Argentine military? Your pilots may be better (maybe I dont know), but their systems are rubbish and today its all about missiles and systems. You wouldnt even get near our aircraft today, even if all your pilots were Buck Rogers.

Im so sorry,excuse me,i don´t want to be against you brits (im talking to the respectable brits who i have a convivence peaceful with!.

Fair enough Erwin, your choice mate. Your not making much sense now anyway and seem to have reverted to the old Erwin.

Fair enough Erwin, your choice mate. Your not making much sense now anyway and seem to have reverted to the old Erwin.[/quote]
well,i don´t want to have problems with users,because,im not going to abandon this forum,and them,some of them abandon,like happened time ago.
I will do the try best for us.
But i have my angryness,living in a country full of foreigners without patriotism,who only want to earn money here makes me to be more patriot.
im not a bad citizen.

Which is why they failed to down any of the Fleet Air Arm’s 1960s vintage jets in 1982 then???

I believe we have Auld Erwin back - quotes from dodgy junta sites coming in 3…2…1…

Which is why they failed to down any of the Fleet Air Arm’s 1960s vintage jets in 1982 then???

I believe we have Auld Erwin back - quotes from dodgy junta sites coming in 3…2…1…[/quote]
If i put a quote,it will be of el malvinense,and then,everybody will hate me :lol: :lol: :lol: so,im not going to reply,and everything relationated with the junta is persecuted,and the people who likes them is attacked.

btw,i don´t like the junta.i just said that because you get angry,and that was funny.

Cool down everybody!! :x :x
I am getting sick trying to read all this bullshit.
Falkland-Malvinas topic is reopened (or am I wrong?). Please post on topic here. On Communism we tried to have a decent debate. It is possible to have a decent debate about SS (and Nazism)??

On the other hand, Erwin, you know that you can’t separate SS (even Waffen SS) from the Nazi ideology.

you`re allowed to delete my posts sir colonel