Falklands Conflict

No you are wrong.

All of you.

I´ve explain why the islands are argentine, so read it again if you don´t understand.

UK doesn´t have the legitime of the islands, they didn´t discover and they only stayed there 8 years and then recognised the sovereignty to Spain.

In 1833 they invade because they found a lot of fishhhhhh and minerals to explote, but the law say the islands are from Argentina.

UN called to resolve the dispute, it means that UK give back the islands to Argentina.-

Oh well in that case we’d best just pack up and leave the Falklanders to defend themselves then…

Oh well in that case we’d best just pack up and leave the Falklanders to defend themselves then…
In that case you have to send your kelpers to the queen’s circus again (the island of the north),it´s better than eat seaweed everyday!

Who discovered Argentina? Would that be the native tribes who lived there in the first place? When are you going to hand your country back to them?

Just asking…

Who discovered Argentina? Would that be the native tribes who lived there in the first place? When are you going to hand your country back to them?

Just asking…[/quote]
excuse me,what the Fu*k has that to do with the malvinas?.

i see that you want to change the topic only to make confussion and forget the words of the irish duck.

the islands are argentinian,final point.

Who discovered Argentina? Would that be the native tribes who lived there in the first place? When are you going to hand your country back to them?

Just asking…[/quote]
excuse me,what the Fu*k has that to do with the malvinas?.

the islands are argentinian,final point.[/quote]

It has everything to do with it!

The main argument on your side is that, as the “Malvinas” were not discovered by Britain, we should not own them. In the same vein, as Argentina was already settled before Spain took over, surely the natives should own the country?

There are legends of a Welsh prince who discovered what is now the USA. Does that mean that Wales should own the USA?

My point is that land changes hands over time. If you go by who has ruled certain countries during history, Britain should still have the Empire - no, wait, the Romans ruled parts of Britain so Italy should now rule the Earth!

The Islanders want to stay British, final point!

Who discovered Argentina? Would that be the native tribes who lived there in the first place? When are you going to hand your country back to them?

Just asking…[/quote]
excuse me,what the Fu*k has that to do with the malvinas?.

the islands are argentinian,final point.[/quote]

It has everything to do with it!

The main argument on your side is that, as the “Malvinas” were not discovered by Britain, we should not own them. In the same vein, as Argentina was already settled before Spain took over, surely the natives should own the country?

There are legends of a Welsh prince who discovered what is now the USA. Does that mean that Wales should own the USA?

My point is that land changes hands over time. If you go by who has ruled certain countries during history, Britain should still have the Empire - no, wait, the Romans ruled parts of Britain so Italy should now rule the Earth!

The Islanders want to stay British, final point![/quote]

we are discussing here if the malvinas are argentinian or not.not if argentinian belong to aborigins who are died or live in the border with chile and bolivia.In bolivia,the aborigins are respected,so,send them back to bolivia,the aborigins living in argentina are from chile and bolivia,the argentinian aborigins are died,so,we have to send those restandt 2000 aborigins to chile and bolivia,like they invade us with their aborigin population don´t mean they are the owners of argentina.

we can´t give our country to DEAD PEOPLE.

the welsh prince is a LEGEND.the colon’s navigator NO.

The islanders are britain,so,send those citizens of 2nd to england back!!!,they want to stay british because britain sent them here!!!.

put that inside your mind.
if they are brit,if they live under our rule,we will kick them to other country,we don´t want brits to mix with us,we want to preserve us,like france does (well,we are mixed,but we don´t have english here,only welsh,who are better).

and stop confussing.


finally,the final point :wink: .

By your logic then, Argentina, to be truely Argentinian, should send back all people of non-Spanish ethnenticity?

(Then welcome to Germany Erwin!)

I am not trying to be argumentative, merely playing devil’s advocate and trying to show the holes in your argument!

The discovery of Malvinas is disputed, you say 1520 - Gomez, many Brits say 1592 - Davis.

What many people ignore is the possibility that they were discovered in c. 1504 by Amerigo Vespucci (Italian).

Does this mean that Italy should lay claim to the Islands?

you forget that like the 1/3 or a bit less of the population is spanish
the other 1/3 is italian,and the other 1/3 are integrated by various etnics,but the majority is german and after that welsh.

that don´t means that the germans are invading or taking control of argentina,we are just working.

welcome back germany, so funny :? ,NEVER.i was born in argentina for your concern.

we accept inmigrators,including british,but you will feel rejected because you are not going to receive a normal threat if the people knows that you are brit.

gomes discovered it before davis.

the italians are other majority of argentina,amerigo never discovered the islands,and if that happened,the italian are one of the ethnic majority in argentina,and italy never claimed the malvinas.
so,they are still argentinian :smiley:

I think you have missed my point, so I will leave this debate for another, more sober, day (on my part)


Im afraid you tub,lost the point when you started posting here,let´s talk about the malvinas,and forget the aborigins,and who argentina belongs to,don´t tell me you are claiming argentina.



Im afraid you tub,lost the point when you started posting here,let´s talk about the malvinas,and forget the aborigins,and who argentina belongs to,don´t tell me you are claiming argentina.



Don’t try to be patronising, I put my debate on hold when you failed to see my point that, if Argentina lays claim to the Falklands, you need to recognise that many countries/peoples could also lay claim to many other countries!

I obviously did not explain myself well enough which is why I backed off.

I thought that I was being nice by doing that but you have chosen to be a bit of an arsehole about it.

I will wait for I_D beofre I re-enter this thread.

tubbyboy,im afrad you are at the deffensive,check my last posts,and you´ll find that they don´t have insults or anything else like that.
I with my saint patiente tried to resist the temptation of insulting and discriminating your country/… .

but i decided intelligently.

so,don´t play with my really little patiente.

im not an arsehole,and im afraid you are such thing,and btw,im sure that you don´t like me,and i don´t like you,but you have to see me when you enter to this forum,sorry,you are obligated,im not going to abandon it,NEVER.

you have enough islands (most of them aren´t yours),leave us,and go to invade the sovereignity of another country like you do with irak.


tubbyboy,im afrad you are at the deffensive,check my last posts,and you´ll find that they don´t have insults or anything else like that.
I with my saint patiente tried to resist the temptation of insulting and discriminating your country/… .

but i decided intelligently.

so,don´t play with my really little patiente.

im not an arsehole,and im afraid you are such thing,and btw,im sure that you don´t like me,and i don´t like you,but you have to see me when you enter to this forum,sorry,you are obligated,im not going to abandon it,NEVER.

you have enough islands (most of them aren´t yours),leave us,and go to invade the sovereignity of another country like you do with irak.


Where have I insulted or discriminated against your country?

I apologise for calling you an arsehole, but I feel that, at the point where I called a ceasefire it was a bit shit of you to turn around and trash everything that I had said! I realised that you did not understand that I was merely playing Devil’s Advocate and that you were taking my points to heart. That is why I decided that enough was enough and that we should leave this discussion for another day.

I have NEVER said that I don’t like you, we have exchanged PMs before and got on well.

BTW, bringing up Iraq is pretty low and, when you consider some of the things I could have said about your country in the same vein I feel you are being unreasonable in the extreme!

Please can we just leave it for the moment until we have both calmed down a bit?


i never trashed one of your posts,or ridiculized them.

my country was repeatedly ridiculized in the waffen-ss thread,and here too,with bluffcove ,and that of the machos,im afraid he don´t know a shit about my country,take in count that we aren´t very friends of mexico,and their form of persons,we aren´t dirty and talk like them (spanish mexican * spanish argentinian).

you aren´t obligated to like me btw.

calling irak was low?,low is the things you do in Irak!!!,and btw,you can´t say nothing bad about my country comparing to the things i can say about your country!,but im not a shit to post the images of the things you do in irak,and british dead soldiers pictures of the 82 (wich i have a long collection,because of my malvinas interest).

i will get calmed when you get calmed.

remember that you have lots of factors in your side for example: everybody has your version of the history,the un supports you,you actually have the islands,you have imperialist politics,you solve everything with the militar conflicts (wich we used for first time in the 82 if you ask),i talk in my non native languague,and most of the members here come from uk,thing that gives you enough help.

I say again:

Please can we just leave it for the moment until we have both calmed down a bit?

A little confusion here perhaps ?
However, Erwin is correct.

So the Falklands were discovered by an Argentininian gentleman, hmmm.

As Argentina came into existence as an independent country in 1810, it would mean that the FI were ‘discovered’ post that date.

If I may borrow a line:

Hate to piss on the party, But i htink youll find that hte firs people to Land there were British,

The first people to settle there were french.

The Spaniosh arrived AFTER both of them, and then left, as did the brits

However the Argentine never settled the islands they sent a garrison, Garrisons are not settlers.

and we did not send an army of occupation to the islanders. farmers and Scottish Highlanders moved there through free enterprise of their own volition (after hte plantation of scotland hteir options were limited) but htey were private individuals who chose to start new lives and families in that place. The only Argentines that ever lived therer were soldiers sent by the government to hold the land with no interest in clutivating a community.


“The Islands are Argentine, Final point”
is not only a remarkably open minded and nationalist viewpoiunt but also hideously miisguided, check you history books look in 1982 I think you wil find they have big fuck off union Jacks all over their anglo saxon white walled red roofed houses.

For the record, Spain’s claim to Argentina, and thereafter to the Falkland Islands, had nothing whatever to do with who discovered them.
In 1493, the Spanish-born Pope Alexander VI issued a series of Papal Bulls creating a line from pole to pole about 320 miles west of the Cape Verde Islands.
This was a ploy to inhibit Portugal, Spain’s great maritime rival at the time.
Spain was “given” exclusive rights to all newly discovered lands, regardless of who discovered them, west of this line, while Portugal was to stay east of it.
This line was later altered by the Treaty of Tordesillas to a point some 1185 miles west of Cape Verde, sanctioned by Pope Julius II in 1506, enabling Portugal to claim the coast of Brazil after its discovery.
It wouldn’t have mattered if Argentina had been discovered by a Finn, Spain had “legal” Papal rights.
However, these days things have changed a little…
