Falklands Conflict

It is quite clear that the pope had the right to give land to whom he liked. So he gave it to Spain who gave it to Britain.

The last major pre-Reformation exercise of this power came in 1493 when Pope Alexander VI published the Bull Inter cetera, dividing the New World between Spain and Portugal: the two powers accepted the arbitration the following year in the Treaty of Tordesillas, whereby Portugal was to have all land in the Western hemisphere east of the north-south line drawn 370 leagues from Cape Verde, Spain taking the rest. This proved one of the most important rulings in history, since it gave Portugal Brazil, which remains Portuguese-speaking to this day, and left the rest of the Americas to Spain


Snap :smiley:

Riever if I had not stopped to watch top gear I would have got there first. :slight_smile:

The discovered of the islands should be attributed to Esteban Gómez, pilot of the expedition of Magellan. Esteban Gómez with the ship “San Antonio”,

No you are wrong.

All of you.

I´ve explain why the islands are argentine, so read it again if you don´t understand.

UK doesn´t have the legitime of the islands, they didn´t discover and they only stayed there 8 years and then recognised the sovereignty to Spain.

In 1833 they invade because they found a lot of fishhhhhh and minerals to explote, but the law say the islands are from Argentina.

UN called to resolve the dispute, it means that UK give back the islands to Argentina.-

and read all the other posts,you just ignored them and asked again the same question in repeated times,as tubbyboy made confussion.

I believe it`s only a strategy of evassion only because you cannot find better reasons from argentina to take the islands.

im really bored of those union jacks,the commonwealth and gurkhas,leave always those things when we talk about something else (well,you can talk about that,but only here!).I`m nationalist,worst for you,good for me.

Bluffcove,i prefer to have a debate with people with enough “capacity” to do that (not that i didnt used hateful words),and not with you,if you are full of hate,and you had something in the islands,its not my problem,and the idea is to send them back to england,no to kill them,they will live better in the uk,and BTW,malvinas aren`t their homes/territories,you can build some of those in england :smiley: .

Irish Duck,you cant be more right,as you see,the brits here try to make me and you to abandon this thread,but,its imposible.

Gentleman,i will go for a green hills.

We could have a treaty, dividing it between us?:wink:

Let´s see…

Until 1810, Spain controlled the territories that today are known like Argentina, it was “El Virreinato del Río de la Plata”.
Includes the Malvinas islands.

And when in 1811 Spain went away, the “Virreinato del Río de la Plata”, who was controlled by th new nation, Argentina, pass the sovereignty to this country.
So that, Malvinas, who was controlled by Buenos Aires (1776-1810), passed to Argentina (1810…)

That´all guys, you can go to sleep now.


Spain had a claim to the Islands.

Argentina is independent of Spain, Argentina fouyght for its independence and is a seperate state. What happened? Spain lost a war, but volunteered other territories?

Explain how Soldiers - (paid by the BA government to occupy an area militarily) are comparable to
Shipwrights and farmers choosing of their own volition to stzrt lives down there profitting from the Cape Horn trade?

The settlers werent sent by anyone, they moved there, and being British recieved our protection. But the Argentine garrison was sent there specifically to defend the Islands.

If you send Soldiers to defend a region you cannot complain when they are then forced from it. It was a military venture that you lost. we did not usurp settlers, we fought your soldiers and won.

Soldiers do two things. they either win or they lose - the Soldiers sent to occupy the Falkland islands failed to defend them. if they were yours by a matter of international right they would not be necessary the fact you sent troops illustrates that the threat of armed force was likely. You realsied this and sent troops and they failed to defend themselves or your territory

So what is the claim to South georgia based upon?

Or south Shetland?
Or south Sandwich?

Is it becasue the Argentine build crap Ships and so scrap metal dealers need convenient ports to “break down in” all over the south Atlantic? :stuck_out_tongue:

Ohhh but Dad I really want independence why cant I rule myself. I hate Europe you Dont understand. Perry (in this case - Chile) he got independence why cant I have my own government I want to be a self adminsitred province, Your colonial crap is so fascist :cry: I hate you its so unfair.

Dont worry Kevin you can have independence, we will move back to the North Atlantic and try to sort our own problems, you can have the entire south American continent to look after. There there Kevin we’ll let you look after yourself, you are a big boy now your a teenager.

Thanks thats excellent… Oh its so unfair. I hate you, Cant i be part of the Spanish Empire I want to have the Malvinas. Its so crap. I want a colony too!

No Kevin, The falklands werent part of the deal They were Spanish terriotry bt you aren’t part of Spain remember your independent. That is why four years after we left you made a big show of claiming the islands as yours. Now run along we’ve cut the apron strings you ahve to look after yourself You are independnet now if you want a colony you have to get them yourself.

(8 years later) Hurray I sent some soldiers there to guard them. Oh thats Crap my soldiers got beaten. Thats not fair I had a military and everythign and now they have been beaten to shit, thats crap, can we paly again, I wasnt ready, you didnt really win the Islands. Im going to get them back, your so fascist. Just cos i like stuck soldiers on them didnt mean you were allowed to attack they were mine in the first place… Well they were my Dads in Spain, but he kind of gave them to me, well a bit sort of like, well err yeah youre such wankers I hate you!

A long time Later.

Hmmm Im a country full of Nazi war criminals I have just killed all of my Pro-democracy students and lost a couple of thousand people in a football stadium, and still im not popular. I know what Ill start a nationalistic war with a country miles away and claim its all entirely legit, That way they will forget the failing economy and think Im excelllent.

1 Conscript army - onto the boat - four months Later, remnants of 1 conscript army off the boat.

"ooh its so unfair I hate you, they were our Islands we kind of like deserve them like cos this one time ages ago liek this country that we arent part of cos we are independent had a settlement there and liek i know that for 180 odd years you guys have had families there but like thats sooo not fair. like this country that we arent part of and are independnet of and fought a war with to gin independnece kind of left them to us, well it didnt but yes your such fascists.


Bluff wrote:

Hmmm Im a country full of Nazi war criminals I have just killed all of my Pro-democracy students

If you read back the thread a bit, youll find that the statement you made about killing students is just untrue.

As Erwin has already pointed out, they are in fact all living in Switzerland and were not thrown out of a C130 at 15.000 feet into the S Atlantic at all.

Some people just refuse to believe the facts…

Editted to add - sorry it must have been in the Odessa thread

The Falklands aren’t their homes? Many of them have been their for 5 generations! By the same logic, Argentina is not your home, Erwin, and you could go & build one back in Germany.

Irish Duck’s argument is full of holes and inconsistency (but not as bad as yours, Erwin, so I have to give him some credit), and neither of you seem to understand the academic device of applying identical logic to another, closer-to-home situation to point out flaws.

The brits on here have approached the question from many different angles, whereas you two have just repeated the same attack from the same angle ad nauseam.

Would a neutral party such as Walther (the Germans being neutral? Undenkbar! :lol: ) like to comment on which arguments he’s been most convinced by?

This was in my Inbox - its from one of the Mods, I presume he wnated me to make it public and it appears to be “on topic”

you outdone yourself bluffcove,it´s the first time i see one idiot of your category ,btw,for when you make public this message,LAS MALVINAS SON ARGENTINAS.

cheers and fuck up!

I presume that goes in with the “fuckermother” quote from his last bout of South Atlantic bollocks

Wow! He firmly believes that the act of you posting that message will change the sovereignty of the islands! That’s quite tragic!

It’s also conduct unbecoming of a mod, of course…

unbecoming of a Mod of course but:

Low, backhanded, tempestuous, ill advised, ineffective, easily countered, ultimately… Argie! :lol:

“HE” is an anagram of a king that tried to stop the Tide I do believe!

Fantastic. Nice to see things haven’t changed around here.

I still reckon that we should have a big fight to see who gets the Falklands…oh yeah, we already did that! D’oh! :lol:

Well as you’ve not named anyone there can’t really be any mature complaint.

But we’ll still have OMO on the patch, won’t we ?

We have more than “them” in almost every respect.

Primarily because with sole control of the region for night on 200 years everything there is ours.

Im trying to think of Island surnames that sound Spanish and I can only think of one, and I kow that the Tellez’s at N.Arm are from Uruguay! and Oscar and his family fled Pinochet to escape Argentina and willingly revoked his links to the south American Mainland.

Several years ago I remember seeing a documentary about the “disappearences” in Argentina. One of the interviewees was a naval lieutenant at the time and his account of the excesses commited by himself and others was frankly chilling.
One thing that stuck out in particular was an account of what happened when one og the snatch squads got the wrong address. Instead of the “terrorist” (read “demonstrator”) they expected they bagged a completely unrelated woman. However they didn’t know this so they took her back to the naval base they worked out of and started “softening her up” (I think you can guess how :x ). The interrorgator then turned up and the mistake was realised, but instead of releasing the woman they just shot her out of hand rather than risk a witness surviving to tell what they had done.
After this the snatch squads started to “mistakenly” grab more young, attractive, women knowing that there would be no surviving witnesses.

I can’t rmember anymore details of this, I think it was C4’s Dispatches , does anyone else have any more recollections?

when you talk about dissapeareds,you forget that the comunication mids and some history books (luckily no all of them :slight_smile: ),you forget that most of the killed guys were terrorist (you are suffering them!,and you defend them from argentina!),and you forgot that the terrorist tortured and kiddnaped soldiers and members of their family,boys with helmets obligated to attack terrorists aren`t torturers,only some soldiers tortured,like the green beret,and the TERRORIST TORTURED MORE!!!,and they fought like girls using bombs behind civilians who worked in military institution.

but,of course you hear only one side of the history,and it`s better for you that the people hate the army,and forget the killer montoneros and guerrillas,beacause you want our army weaker and not to grow!.