Falklands Conflict

Why do you keep posting about him/her? If she’s typical of the British Army, why are you so keen to show that your army was kicked off the Falklands by a bunch of cross dressing puffs?

so it´s not coming from Malvinas, because my photo is when it was coming from Malvinas.
And are two differents ships.
I have the photo in colours you in black and white.

The photo in that post is of the Invincible returning to Portsmouth after the war, that’s why all the people are there to welcome her home.[/quote]

no way man

my photo is the Illustrious because it´s different, isn´t HMS invincible.

and there is coming from Malvinas, so go to sleep and think about that, but be careful don´t dream with Lynda…

Hey Trolly (because I wrote it - I’ll consider you a troll until I’ll receive your answer), be good and read my questions and answer!!!

With pathetic phrase like

hahaah censured, because the pirates of the forum don´t like the true.
you are on your way to your 1st warning.

Reason: Constantly you post trollish phrases.

I think you are gay, it´s confirm my theory of the british soldiers.

Why dani?
Why always that another persons want to make a topic about the War of Malvinas/Falcklands, you insist in closed that.
Why do you still against the Argentine people?
This forums is Racist?
If the Irisdh Duck say the true or not?
I think that you must to allow them give his self opinion.
And allow me one more question?
Did you read the all post in this forum?. Why you not reading the insults and the stupid things that the all person like BDL and 1000 . ?

Why do you keep posting about him/her? If she’s typical of the British Army, why are you so keen to show that your army was kicked off the Falklands by a bunch of cross dressing puffs?

so it´s not coming from Malvinas, because my photo is when it was coming from Malvinas.
And are two differents ships.
I have the photo in colours you in black and white.

The photo in that post is of the Invincible returning to Portsmouth after the war, that’s why all the people are there to welcome her home.[/quote]

no way man

my photo is the Illustrious because it´s different, isn´t HMS invincible.

and there is coming from Malvinas, so go to sleep and think about that, but be careful don´t dream with Lynda…[/quote]

It’s the INVINCIBLE you tit, the Illustrious was in the Falklands when that photo was taken.

? what??

how much does the brits pay to you?

Hang about, how can one of the crew of Invincible now be a woman?

I thought they all died?

IrishDuck please do not confuse anything that you have posted with anything that is sane or indeed realistic, or indeed has actually happened.

I think you are gay, it´s confirm my theory of the british soldiers.[/quote]

The British soldiers who battered your army and kicked them off the Falklands? What does that make Argentinian soldiers?

Oh, I’ll answer that.

Lickle girls in pink dresses

Why do you keep posting about him/her? If she’s typical of the British Army, why are you so keen to show that your army was kicked off the Falklands by a bunch of cross dressing puffs?

so it´s not coming from Malvinas, because my photo is when it was coming from Malvinas.
And are two differents ships.
I have the photo in colours you in black and white.

The photo in that post is of the Invincible returning to Portsmouth after the war, that’s why all the people are there to welcome her home.[/quote]

no way man

my photo is the Illustrious because it´s different, isn´t HMS invincible.

and there is coming from Malvinas, so go to sleep and think about that, but be careful don´t dream with Lynda…[/quote]

It’s the INVINCIBLE you tit, the Illustrious was in the Falklands when that photo was taken.[/quote]

no, when invincible sunk, illustrious arived to portsmouth in september, invincible is under the water now.


Did you read the all post in this forum?. Why you not reading the insults and the stupid things that the all person like BDL and 1000 . ?

Insults like telling truth about the war, rather than following the Junta propaganda lie?

With hair in braids and pink bows on the shoes.

like this

These are men of the elite “pink ladies” commandos preping for battle on Tumbledown.

No it isn’t, it’s in Portsmouth harbour you fool.

This is cause of claim Argentine about MALVINAS
The Argentine government responded by dispatching
troops commanded by Don Jose Maria Pinedo to restore law and
order. In January 1833, while Pinedo and his troops were
pursuing the murderers, British Captain James Onslow arrived at
the Islands on HMS Clio, under instructions to take and hold the
Islands for Britain. The British had ordered the expedition after
receiving word from their consul in Buenos Aires of the unstable
situation in the Islands.(17)
The arrival of the British forces caught the Argentines by
surprise. According to historian W. F. Boyson, Clio’s presence
constituted “the embodiment of dazzling order, discipline and
restraint.” Onslow convinced outnumbered Pinedo to quit the
Islands under protest but without firing a single shot. Except
for two months in 1982, Britain has maintained control of the
Islands ever since.(18)
News of the British capture of the Islands was bitterly
received in Buenos Aires. Boyson states: "The young republic was
ablaze with indignation at the insult to her dignity… "(l9) In
London, the Argentine ambassador protested the British
occupation. Arguments between Britain and Argentina over the
sovereignty question, discussed in the next chapter, have
abounded ever since.

The british Usrped the lands of Argentine.
Dani I ´m waiting for you answer.
Kind Regards

you ???

you are a child who don´t know nothing about Malvinas

retired that or you´ll see the consecuences.

You can claim it all you like Arkantos, you tried it on, we kicked your arses all over the South Atlantic. The islands are British, the people are British and that’s the way they want to keep it.

Well Dani they are insult us, and what happen with that?
I´m waiting for your answer?

you ???

you are a child who don´t know nothing about Malvinas

retired that or you´ll see the consecuences.[/quote]

You’re the one who started the pointless insults about men wearing dresses (even though those men managed to beat the Argentinian ‘men’ in battle)

We are talking about HMS Invincible so shhh, or go away.

All calm down.

We are talking about HMS Invincible don´t insult.