Falklands Conflict

you think i´m stupid or what??

that´s invincible GOING TO MALVINAS.


that´s invincible GOING TO MALVINAS.

She’s going to wrong way then, unless she’s sailing in reverse.

Eagle mate, just a little history on me.

I served 6 years with the Gurkhas.

I am very proud to have served with them, I am fond of them.

I am also quite fond of ripping in to anyone who comes up with drivel about them, it is quite common, from the faintly amusing to the very serious.

Your post reference Gurkhas killing Argie POWs puts you in the VERY F*CKING SERIOUS category.

The Gurkhas never did anything of the sort. They are merely the victims of the propaganda put out by the Brits, and the propaganda the Argies put out.

The Junta, for some reason, told their soldiers that the Gurkhas would eat them, etc. In 200 years of history the Gurkhas have never harmed their prisoners.

They may be fearless and fearsome in battle, but you’ll find they are not savage killers afterwards.

It is not honourable for a warrior to kill defenceless POWs.

If you wish to persist in these myths, then find proper links, not argie propaganda sites or forums full of nutters a la libreonions.

If you want to learn more about these fearsome warriors, please PM me. I can direct you to some decent sites, that are not mainly inane drivel and are not full of pro Gurkha rubbish either.

I can also direct you to some decent books and other sources, if you wish.

The, so called, story of the time that a Gurkha was told to silence a bunch of Argie POWs so he slit their throats/cut all their heads off with his Kukri is rubbish also, just in case you heard it.

The Brits put all kinds of propaganda out, whilst they were on their way down, including lots of pictures of them sharpening their Kukris.

It seems to have worked. Practically every assault on the Falklands was carried out with bayonets fixed, yet no one bats and eye lid!!!

The Gurkhas Kukri charges, however, drew fear and terror from the Argies and captured the Argie peoples minds aswell. Curious don’t you think?

Which will hurt more this…

Or this…

As for any tales of the Gurkhas eating POWs or in any way harming them, rubbish. Once they are taken, they are protected by the Gurkhas, not harmed.

The Argie Junta told their soldiers that the Gurkhas would eat them, mutilate them, etc. Why I don’t know, it wasn’t going to make them fight better was it? Just put them down in the dumps.

Heres a picture of a Gurkah in No2 dress

Kukri drawn.

Hardly scary is he???

Hi mate.

I will have respect for any member as long as they make valuable posts, are not insulting and dont consistently bang on about rubbish like HMS Invincible was sunk in 82.

It is impossible to build a secret ship of that size.

If any of you believe that then you are truly brainwashed, delusional, non-free thinking individuals.

Guess what

Irish Duck wrote this on the falklands Forum:

Y se nos va nomas, el hundido portaaviones Invincible se retira de la derrotada Real Armada de Malvinas…

Pasó que lo úncio que no se hundió fue su nombre, porque el portaaviones que salió del puerto en marzo de 1982, no es el mismo que el que llega a Portsmouth el 17 de septiembre de ese año.

Y que raro che, ¿por qué el diario infobae saca la noticia que se retira, si ninguno de sus lecotres le importan estos temas… ?

Infobae… ¿tan importante es la nota?, que curioso…

Ayer, el diario Infobae titula en una de sus mas destacadas noticias:

“El portaaviones británico “HMS Invincible” pasa a retiro”

¿Cuál es el objetivo de publicar esta noticia que a muy pocos le importará y en un diario tan leído como éste?

Sellar, dejar aclarado que al portaaviones nada le pasó en la guerra de Malvinas, y una vez más cumplir con los de arriba, con los que dirigen ese diario.
Porque todos sabemos la otra historia, la verdadera, que el portaaviones Invincible nunca regresó a Gran Bretaña luego de la guerra de Malvinas, y esta noticia solo intenta tapar tal hecho.

He aqui el resto de la noticia:

"El prestigioso portaaviones “HMS Invincible” tendrá hoy su ceremonia de despedida antes de pasar a retiro.

Es la nave más antigua y representativa de la marina real y veterana de la guerra de las Malvinas, que hoy navegó hacia una bahía del sur de Inglaterra, por última vez antes de pasar a retiro.
Al momento de su homenaje, el portaaviones de 22.000 toneladas llevaba a bordo cientos de tripulantes con sus familias.
El “HMS Invincible” entró en servicio hace 28 años y mañana será escenario de una recepción para 500 ex oficiales.
Si bien la operación fue criticada por ser considerada como una manera de reducir costos para financiar la guerra en Irak, el ministerio de Defensa explicó se trataba de una estrategia de largo plazo y que el navío será puesto en servicio nuevamente si fuese necesario."

El portaaviones que hoy pasa a retiro no es el Invincible, es un gemelo. El portaaviones HMS Invincible, descansa seguramente en las frías aguas del Atlántico Sur.

Este portaaviones nada tiene de “prestigioso”, es la verguenza británica luego de Malvinas.

Por algo es el buque mas antiguo, ya que recordemos, el verdadero Invincible vivió de 1977 a 1982. Luego vaya a saber que manejos hicieron, y quedó un gemelo de él o quizá otro gemelo más, que duraron desde 1982 hasta el día de hoy.

Como para entender, que los medios masivos estan y seguirán comprados, y le seguirán mintiendo a su gente.


Basically says the same. Of course it could be another Patrico and not ours.

No doubt replyed to by various morans along the lines of.

Ce, Ce, I see the picture, the shiiip it is on fire, amigo.

Deez Brits are stupido, I have interviewed a british docker who worked on the secret ship yard on the falklands, he told me they built 4 extra carriers.

etc, etc.

you think i´m stupid or what??

that´s invincible GOING TO MALVINAS.[/quote]


The comment that the picture shows a ship leaving Portsmouth is, frankly, drivel.

The buildings that you can see in the background are the towerblocks of Somerstown and Portsea, two areas of densly populated tenements and tower blocks constructed in the fifties and sixties to replace builidngs severely modified by Lufthansa’s Military Division.

The link below shows the scene as it is today.

Now I know we are an industrious country but do you really think that in the short time between the “sinking” and “return” even we could build a spare aircraft carrier and relocate a city of 230,000 people by half a mile across a harbour?

Perhaps, it is just possible, that we let the ships all leave harbour backwards so that we would have returning photos incase they got sunk and we wanted to hide the fact?

If you are ever fortunate enought to visit Portsmouth you will see that the harbour entrance is very narrow. No vessel leaves the harbour other than forwards and before you ask where all the accompanying wellwishes are in the little boats they are excluded from the harbour entrance when large vessels enter due to current and space restrictions.

Ergo, the photo is a ship ENTERING Portsmouth.

Here I post incontrovertible proof that Maggie Thatcher nuked Buenos Aires in 1982. Sshhh. it was a secret and the inhabitants believed the propaganda from Thatcher that it was not destroyed:

Posted a similar picture in the Why? thread MoS. Can’t believe anyone can disbelieve that BA was nuked:

you think i´m stupid or what??

that´s invincible GOING TO MALVINAS.[/quote]


The comment that the picture shows a ship leaving Portsmouth is, frankly, drivel.

The buildings that you can see in the background are the towerblocks of Somerstown and Portsea, two areas of densly populated tenements and tower blocks constructed in the fifties and sixties to replace builidngs severely modified by Lufthansa’s Military Division.

The link below shows the scene as it is today.

Now I know we are an industrious country but do you really think that in the short time between the “sinking” and “return” even we could build a spare aircraft carrier and relocate a city of 230,000 people by half a mile across a harbour?

Perhaps, it is just possible, that we let the ships all leave harbour backwards so that we would have returning photos incase they got sunk and we wanted to hide the fact?

If you are ever fortunate enought to visit Portsmouth you will see that the harbour entrance is very narrow. No vessel leaves the harbour other than forwards and before you ask where all the accompanying wellwishes are in the little boats they are excluded from the harbour entrance when large vessels enter due to current and space restrictions.

Ergo, the photo is a ship ENTERING Portsmouth.[/quote]

so it´s not coming from Malvinas, because my photo is when it was coming from Malvinas.
And are two differents ships.
I have the photo in colours you in black and white.


Hola TheIrishDuch (if hola offends you please accept my apologies). If MoS are off-topic, could post some links on-topic?

this topic is about invincible i´m talking about that.

but people still talking about gurkas, and stupid things, even you.

Can I say it? Please! Please! Please!

Oooooh! Can I?

Irish Duck, you truly are a special member

Here we have the stereotype of a british soldier.

Lynda Cash, she/he was in the Invincible in 1982 and she knows the true.


The topic is “HMS Invicible sunk in Malvinas War 1982” as your request.

So, please, did you found any links that could prove the sinking of HMS Invincible???

If no, I think we could close this unuseful topic (until you could provide evidences from other sources than Argentinian).

Don’t you agree?

Why do you keep posting about him/her? If she’s typical of the British Army, why are you so keen to show that your army was kicked off the Falklands by a bunch of cross dressing puffs?

so it´s not coming from Malvinas, because my photo is when it was coming from Malvinas.
And are two differents ships.
I have the photo in colours you in black and white.

The photo in that post is of the Invincible returning to Portsmouth after the war, that’s why all the people are there to welcome her home.

hahaah censured, because the pirates of the forum don´t like the true.

I´ve posted lot of links, and not only link proves things.
That´s stupid.

Not all is in the web.

i gave you the link to small brtish wars, the link to the Malvinense´s site.
The link to the photos of the attacked wich were censured…

you want to censured this but you don´t know how.

hahaah censured, because the pirates of the forum don´t like the true.

I´ve posted lot of links, and not only link proves things.
That´s stupid.

Not all is in the web.

i gave you the link to small brtish wars, the link to the Malvinense´s site.
The link to the photos of the attacked wich were censured…

you want to censured this but you don´t know how.[/quote]

I’ve seen two links from you, one was some bollocks Junta propaganda, one said the Invincible got home safe.