Falklands Conflict


you have to put a warning to 1000ydstare or sent off of this forum, he has insulted veterans and insult the tripulation of the Belgrano Cruiser.[/quote]

But you posting pictures of a veteran who happens to have had a sex change wince the war as ‘typical of British soldiers’ isn’t an insult?[/quote]

no, becasue i was talking about a member of Invincible.

and ??? have you seen my last post??? nothing to say?[/quote]

All your posts are bollocks and based on bollocks propaganda spread by an unhinged and tottering right wing regime. I’ve posted plenty of proof that you’re talking crap, you just ignore it. You’re clearly delusional, possibly medically so. Seek help. Seriously.

BDL, you are a children that believe in all that you teacher teach.
The inhabitants of Malvinas not are british, they were slave of britain, and until the attempt they are considerate, citizen of second level.
they are poor people sent for the britain.


you have to put a warning to 1000ydstare or sent off of this forum, he has insulted veterans and insult the tripulation of the Belgrano Cruiser.[/quote]

But you posting pictures of a veteran who happens to have had a sex change wince the war as ‘typical of British soldiers’ isn’t an insult?[/quote]

no, becasue i was talking about a member of Invincible.[/quote]

So? It was an insult to veterans who actually manager to win a war.

I think you are gay, it´s confirm my theory of the british soldiers.[/quote]

First and last warning to TheIrishDuck.

TheIrishDuck and Arkantos please stop insulting.

1000ydstare please cool down as well.

Flame war again? Be my quest.[/quote]

have you read my lasts post???

BDL, you are a children that believe in all that you teacher teach.
The inhabitants of Malvinas not are british, they were slave of britain, and until the attempt they are considerate, citizen of second level.
they are poor people sent for the britain.

So when they held a free vote on the islands a few years ago and 99% of the population voted to stay English, the result should have been ignored? You talk almost as much crap as Irish Duck.

Topic closed. Because I was involved in this flame war I will ask FW-190 Pilot to decide about the warnings needed.

I don’t want to complain or fight…

BDL I’ve read your post that you said that the 99% of islanders want to be british.
We are not discussing that.

The problem is that this Auto-determination right is not allowed to this case because:

*The Auto-determination right is allowed only when the people who want to enjoy this right are natives, the first people who were installed the virgin terrain in dispute, or people who installed on the terrain in dispute when no other citizens were there.

We can see that this right is not allowed to the islanders from the Malvinas, because when the crown sent them, there was an Argentine colony installed there, and the Royal Navy forced it to board the frigate Clio in order to be repatried.

The geography/history rights supported by Argentina are the real rights to have in count.

HISTORY rights:
Argentina is the heiress from all territories on the River Plates’ dominions, included the Malvinas islands.
The United Kingdom recognized in 1825 the entire independence of Argentina, and the entire sovereignty of all it territories. There wasn’t a discussion about the islands.
In 1833 the Royal Navy force to the argentine colony to board british ships to be repatried, standing new british colonists.

The right of nearness.
The Malvinas islands are in Argentine sea, over the American platform.

The conquest right from 1982 is not allowed in favor of the british posture, because the right is only allowed by UN when there was an official war, a war declaration, which wasn’t declared by the conflict between March 20th and June 14th.

All members who have knowledges about the theme can discuss with respect each other, and seriously.
If you haven’t got knowledges and only want to complain or fight, don’t try to post here.

To the mods, if somebody post messages or themes which could be taken as offensive, please don’t close the topic, only remove the message. Thank you.

And again, forgive my so bad english language.


That is true…

the most important matches to Argentina are Argentina-Brazil and Argentina-England!!!

the most important matches to England are England-Germany and England-Argentina!!!

They are classics rivals eachother!

Some of the people who live there can trace their families on the islands back for 150 odd years, there is (I believe) one native Argentinian on the islands, compared to around 2000 British. Self-determination should be the only thing considered in this debate and the people have spoken.

Sorry eagle, History is all well and good, but the Islanders who live there NOW are what matter in this.

They want to stay British, so they will.

The Islanders of tomorrow may want to join Argentina, and should that happen, you will find that Britian does not stand in their way.

Yes, there is a lot of technical reasons that the Falklands should go to eitehr country. But none of that really matters.

What would you think if your town/city/province was claimed by Chile because of a similar historical reason?

Would you say, OK, I am now Chilean? Or would you want your rights and wants to be taken in to consideration?

That is something few people who argue that the Falklands are Argie seem to realise.

And of course the British can’t even acknowledge the fact and thus give you maybe some pride back because of the rabid belief in Argentina that the Falklands shouldbe yours. And of coures the fact that you invaded.

Never a good thing. The islanders, and i have been there, still remember all to clearly being forced to speak spanish and drive on the wrong side of the road. Amongst other things.

Why would they want to be Argentinean?

Would you let them live as they do? OR force them out with islanders of your own?

Would you put massive military bases on the islands? and make them some kind of military base? WOuld you rule them like Argentina or would you allow them semi-independance?

Until your government starts putting these kind of fears to rest the Falklands are never likely to be voluntarily part of Argentina.

It is one thing to wonder.

Where we would be today, if the Junta hadn’t waded in with their size 10s!!!

it’s obvious!,the poll will be: they belong to united kingdom 99999999 / they belong to argentina 3 or 4.


because most of our members are british,and argentines 3 or 4

I think that should be a third option of the poll:
“This forum demonstrated that it isn’t a proper place for discussing this issue”

also,this forum always takes one side (where the majority of the members are!)

or maybe that most intelligent people believe proven facts rather than propaganda. If you look through the many posts on this subject you will find it’s not just British members you are arguing against.

How about we stop talking about the Falkland Islands? All it ever does is descend into name calling, currently via the route of ridiculous and implausible lies.

or maybe that most intelligent people believe proven facts rather than propaganda. If you look through the many posts on this subject you will find it’s not just British members you are arguing against.[/quote]
shut up.

it isn’t propaganda,but it is your unique argument. :lol: .

ok crab,at your orders.

Funny thing is that here is a very polite discussion going on about the same topic on www.Airliners.net:

There are even some dissenting Argentine voices, who state that it is the right of the people living there to chose their own government and nationality.


yeah!,the sons of nora femenia of falklands-malvinas.com ,most of them are foreigners,and the argentine seems to be a civilian pilot,who are influenced heavily by foreigners.
also,most of those usernames could be puppets of nore femenia.

i see the germans supporting falklands instead of malvinas everywhere.

im starting to feel embarassed about my german heritage.

luckily,the guys from the colony hinojo don’t think the same!