Falklands Conflict

yeah!,the sons of nora femenia of falklands-malvinas.com ,most of them are foreigners,and the argentine seems to be a civilian pilot,who are influenced heavily by foreigners.
also,most of those usernames could be puppets of nore femenia.

i see the germans supporting falklands instead of malvinas everywhere.

im starting to feel embarassed about my german heritage.

luckily,the guys from the colony hinojo don’t think the same![/quote]

Hmmmmmm …i not suport anybody ,in my post i tell then i belived then Invincible not sunk becouse ,i saw in one link he is been in Nato exercise 1998. :wink:

Well if that true he is not sunk.


i know mate,the true invincible (that who was sunk in 1982) is sleeping in the deep sea.

see the invencible topics to know the truth.
that invincible you saw wasn’t the same.

[quote=“Erwin Schätzer(argentina)”]

i know mate,the true invincible (that who was sunk in 1982) is sleeping in the deep sea.

see the invencible topics to know the truth.
that invincible you saw wasn’t the same.[/quote]

Well i dont want to going forward with this debate,did he real or not i dont know ,i only saw Invincible in exercise 1998 ,so i dont know what ti belive ,i think its better then i look info ,alone . :wink:

I think you’re right amusing though it is at times, I think the only way to remove the brainwashing that Erwin etc have been obviously exposed to, is a thorough de-programming or a lobotomy. :lol: :lol:

Arguing over this subject with such people, who despite all the evidence to the contrary cling to their little conspiracy theories, is akin to banging ones cranium against the side of HMS Invincible. I think even if our Argentinian members stood on the decks of the Invincible itself they would deny it existed.

I was quite sure that through reasoned discussion with Erwin we’d reached mutually acceptable conclusions on the Falklands. Now some new members (intonation intended) have turned up, we’re back to square one. It’s llike dealing with alcoholics. The can go dry, but it only takes one drink for a complete relapse.

[quote=“Erwin Schätzer(argentina)”]

i know mate,the true invincible (that who was sunk in 1982) is sleeping in the deep sea.

see the invencible topics to know the truth.
that invincible you saw wasn’t the same.[/quote]

Erwin - this is a serious question - how much proof do we need to post before you’ll accept that Invincible wasn’t sank?

Invincible was sunk by Hitler in a flying saucer, celebrating the Nazi victory in World War Two, where Britain was occupied, the Russians surrendered and all moved to the Isle of Wight and Elvis sings lullabies in Klingon.

It gets really draining to log on expecting intelligent posts and finding constant ridiculous lies, the likes of which haven’t been seen since a certain halfwit Klansman was banned for two weeks.

PS - if you use a large enough typeface in bold, even the most ridiculous lies become true.

:lol: Was the before or after the British Army took to using Operation Hide Behind the Darkies and using our Nepalese friends as human shields?

After consulting further sources (chemical ones, best injected directly into the bloodstream where the goverment can’t watch you) it is apparent that the Invincible was used to kill Princess Di. The French covered up the evidence of Naval Gunfire Support into the centre of Paris, but there will soon be a book that proves this.

or maybe that most intelligent people believe proven facts rather than propaganda. If you look through the many posts on this subject you will find it’s not just British members you are arguing against.[/quote]
shut up.
it isn’t propaganda,but it is your unique argument. :lol: .

Err, sorry Erwin, but on certain issues was only propaganda. Check my posts in “the locked thread” :wink:

I’m afraid you are right Crab!

Chaps (i.e. the ones who tend to think that certain ships never sank back in 1982)

I have a horrid feeling that ES, ID and co. have been reeling us in all along.

Have we bitten? Are we in for the mlaaaarrrring of all time here?

ES, ID and co. You can now tell us. You are really some Brit squaddie with a fiendish sense of humour aren’t you?

Gordon flippin’ Bennet. I wish I’d thought this one up!

Nobody, but nobody who is a member of even the primate group, never mind Hom Sap, could really carry on believing all this tosh about the Falklands being Argentinian and how we lost thousands of troops, ships etc etc.

It must be a wind up!

ES, ID etc - sir, I salute your idefategability!


ES was already here before I posted the link to this site on the army site, and was the reason I posted the link there.

or maybe that most intelligent people believe proven facts rather than propaganda. If you look through the many posts on this subject you will find it’s not just British members you are arguing against.[/quote]
shut up.
it isn’t propaganda,but it is your unique argument. :lol: .

Err, sorry Erwin, but on certain issues was only propaganda. Check my posts in “the locked thread” :wink:[/quote]


I KNOW,but the junta never said this.
and im not based in propaganda.

what was the purpose of this post dani?



sorry :oops: ,just to make things clear.

Chaps (i.e. the ones who tend to think that certain ships never sank back in 1982)

I have a horrid feeling that ES, ID and co. have been reeling us in all along.

Have we bitten? Are we in for the mlaaaarrrring of all time here?

ES, ID and co. You can now tell us. You are really some Brit squaddie with a fiendish sense of humour aren’t you?

Gordon flippin’ Bennet. I wish I’d thought this one up!

Nobody, but nobody who is a member of even the primate group, never mind Hom Sap, could really carry on believing all this tosh about the Falklands being Argentinian and how we lost thousands of troops, ships etc etc.

It must be a wind up!

ES, ID etc - sir, I salute your idefategability!


fluffy,write something we can all understand.

Can any of the Argies on this site put aside their claims to the Island for a minute, and think about what it would be like to be an Islander?

If you view my previous post I have clearly outlined some of the things that they feel strongly about?

Erwin and Eagle. You have till the next post to explain how you would feel, if you were told now, that you were going to be part of Chile.

Would you want to be part and why, or not. What would you feel against the people forceing you to swap?

Would you like your new Chilean friends?

What you feel if they started to strip away your identity, your laws, your freedoms even.

Please remember that the Falklands are defended by Britian as part of Britain, but they actually govern them selves pretty much. They are thus quite independant people.

Would your country honour that freedom?

What of the tourist trade. I think the last thing they would want is a load of Argies to rock up and start gobbing off about the Malvinas were Argie again.

And there again is point. What would you call it if it was yours.

The Islanders are Falklanders. I doubt they would appreciate a change.

Please think carefully and reply as honestly as you can Erwin and Eagle.

As for Arkantos and Irish Duck, well they have proved themselves to be on crack or something, and are probably not capable of this sort of thought.

Sadly, I firmly believe that if the Junta had left the Islands alone in 82, the Argentinian flag would hve been flying over them for a fair few years now.

I just had a look at the 1958 UN Convention on the Continental Shelf (http://www.un.org/law/ilc/texts/contsh.htm), which forms a major portion of the Argentine claim. The Argentines claim that “the falklands are located on our continental shelf”.

If we look at Article 1 and see exactly how continental shelf is defined:

For the purpose of these articles, the term “continental shelf” is used as referring
(a) to the seabed and subsoil of the submarine areas adjacent to the coast but outside the area of the territorial sea, to a depth of 200 metres or, beyond that limit, to where the depth of the superjacent waters admits of the exploitation of the natural resources of the said areas;
(b) to the seabed and subsoil of similar submarine areas adjacent to the coasts of islands.

This is quite explicit and refers to the SEABED and subsoil. Since an island does not form part of the seabed, then for the purposes of the Convention, it does not form part of the continental shelf. The rest of the convention deals with the rights to expoit the resources of the continental shelf, i.e. the seabed and the subsoil thereof. It does not deal at all with the sovereignty of islands.

If we look further and see who owns which bits of the continental shelf, we find ourselves at Article 6 (my emboldening):

  1. Where the same continental shelf is adjacent to the territories of two or more States whose coasts are opposite each other, the boundary of the continental shelf appertaining to such States shall be determined by agreement between them. In the absence of agreement, and unless another boundary line is justified by special circumstances, the boundary is the median line, every point of which is equidistant from the nearest points of the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea of each State is measured.

  2. Where the same continental shelf is adjacent to the territories of two adjacent States, the boundary of the continental shelf shall be determined by agreement between them. In the absence of agreement, and unless another boundary line is justified by special circumstances, the boundary shall be determined by application of the principle of equidistance from the nearest points of the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea of each State is measured.

  3. In delimiting the boundaries of the continental shelf, any lines which are drawn in accordance with the principles set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article should be defined with reference to charts and geographical features as they exist at a particular date, and reference should be made to fixed permanent identifiable points on the land.

Since the Falkland Islands are sovereign territory of the United Kingdom (as evidenced by both de facto and de jure government, and also confirmed by plebicite), and assuming that no prior agreement with Argentina exists, then according to Article 6 of the 1958 convention, the Argentinian continental shelf terminates on a line equidistant from both Argentina and the Falkland Islands, i.e. 241.5km from both FK and AR at its closest point.

Therefore, the seabed surrounding FK is at least 241.5km outside of the AR continental shelf!

If this were not the case, the following countries would have claims on the following islands:

France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark & Norway would have a claim on GB & Ireland
Morocco and Western Sahara on the Canaries
Italy on Corsica
India on Sri Lanka
Mozambique on Madagascar

I’m sure someone with total double-standards will now scream that I’m wrong, and the convention is wrong, and blah blah blah…

Your WRONG!!!



That OK?

Man Of Soat, I am sorry but that message cannot be used in favour of the United Kingdom.

You are showing us only is a political declaration because the text only is supporting the fact that United Kingdom recognizes “himself” his announcements about how they believe about the Malvinas islands.

We need to see the fair rights, with the support of others international rights.

1000 said:

“Sorry eagle, History is all well and good, but the Islanders who live there NOW are what matter in this.
They want to stay British, so they will.
The Islanders of tomorrow may want to join Argentina, and should that happen, you will find that Britian does not stand in their way.”

I am not discussing this. If they want to be british, so they will be it. But the problem is that they can be british, in british territories. British haven’t got any fair right over the islands, and the most of british know this. Their navy and colonialists instaured the british flag in 1833.

You cannot defend the autodetermination right when it is not allowed if the colonialist were introduced by an invasion and expeling to people who live in there.

And it wasn’t only one argentinian native.