Falklands Conflict

hmm massive national spending on the militay following an economic collapse, increased nationalism, military Kenynesianism - My thesis is growing as we speak!

Edit - as we type!

you have bollocks?
you have the moustachios,you are the moustachy guys :lol: ,also montgomery had.

puny chested?.
you are pre-pubescent too.

tutu?,beckham uses tutu.effeminate is your army,lipgloss and handbags are part of the basic kit of the raf!.

our boys were trained as shit.
luckily this changed,but too late.

erwin is reasoning in his non native languague.
i want to see you fighthing in spanish :lol:

spanish ats.

I don’t quite follow you here? I quoted the example of Pte Beharry as an instance in recent combat where Chobahm armour has defeated hand held AT missiles. I’m not sure why this isn’t relevant.

the brits will support you,but when ironman did that,everybody laughed.
i can say that pvt mosconi destroyed a harrier with a hammer also!.

i know that the apache is a chopper,and?.

When you refer to the SK 37, do you mean the SAAB VIGGEN or is it another type of weapons system?
we call it sk37 as you call the mg 12,7 as cal 30.


Fighting in Spanish, Id prefer to fight you in a Bar! Failing that…

I want to see you fighting in the Islands. That would be funny, see whether your chat and machismo extends to moongrass Peat bogs, snow squalls, Minefields, rock runs, and tumnbledown!

I want to fight you in my fucking islands.
i have been in my macho commando training.suck
i was under those things except the minefields,the anti personal mines were destroyed after a convention.

I love this argument the Argies on here come up with - the British Army is effeminate and the RAF all wear skirts (let’s be honest, we all knew that already).

Not one of them has actually managed to explain how these effeminate pre-pubescant nancy boys managed to kick their army of double hard real men off the Falklands.

We don’t have to talk Spanish - nobody ever beat us in a war and forced their language on us.

You own an island?

You did two weeks of commando training and got kicked out for being weak.

destroyed after a convention? which one of those peieces of paper went out and removed the minefields inthe Islands.

I suggest you walk norht grom goose green till you find a fence marked 33 then get out your pogo stik and fil your boots with “no minefields”

Commandoes? - You sacked it you Cunt!


I love this argument the Argies on here come up with - the British Army is effeminate and the RAF all wear skirts (let’s be honest, we all knew that already).

Not one of them has actually managed to explain how these effeminate pre-pubescant nancy boys managed to kick their army of double hard real men off the Falklands.

We don’t have to talk Spanish - nobody ever beat us in a war and forced their language on us.[/quote]

im not forced to talk like you.
im just talking english to help the americans! :lol: .

our nancy boys were male,and also they were attacked by old moustached high trained gays,*guys of an army who always attacks and wants problems

Erwin Long bow is a joint American/British programme involving development of both the aircraft and various components within the aircraft.

As far as I am aware, no other country will get them.

If the argies buy Apache it will be the older verrsion that the Yanks don’t want. which are about as much use as your Panzerfaust when it comes to taking out a CR2. Only Hellfire would have a chance of taking out CR2, and even then there is a fair chance it wouldn’t knock it out.

Face it your army will always be sucking on hind tit when it comes to equipment and training.

army that always attacks?

errrrrr… who attacked hte falklands.

Cue interesting use of the word “liberate”

Dont mention Iraq youll find we mostly agree here!

Correct me if I’m wrong, but our Army was quite happy sat in Aldershot minding their own business before your Army invaded part of our territory.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but our Army was quite happy sat in Aldershot minding their own business before your Army invaded part of our territory.[/quote]

No correction here. Some of the boys were getting hteir legs waxed and one of them was at the hairdressers shortly before the attack. IIRC

we are going to buy new stuff.
to who we need.
we can buy hellfire as we put an exocet on tatchers ass.

we attacked?

we defended our occupied country,you wrong.

,lipgloss and handbags are part of the basic kit of the raf!.

Shit! You have better intelligence than I thought. I was just in stores this very morning replacing my handbag and listening to the roars of the mighy Tornadoes, you cant guess how dissapointed I was when they told me the shipment of lipgloss hadnt arrived.

Back to the real world, check out what the Argentines actually have:


The bit about the make-up of the Army and what they actually use their NCOs for tells us all we need to know about the quality of the outfit.

Kind of reminds me of the old Cold War style soviet NCO cadre.

we attacked?

we defended our occupied country,you wrong.[/quote]

You didn’t, you attacked land that is legally British and which is populated by people who wish to remain British.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but our Army was quite happy sat in Aldershot minding their own business before your Army invaded part of our territory.[/quote]
your territory :lol: .

i take a piss on your business.
luckily you will fall,and you are a world power of third class and not the old empire :twisted:

Given the ammount of time the Argentine forces had to dig in and the ammount of information available on the make up of the task force and the route it was taking from the worlds press. My daughters girl guide troop could’ve mounted a more credible defence.
Argntine forces had a limited supply of Exocet which where wasted in attacks on Sheffield, Coventry etc that would have little effect on the land war.
The sinking of the Atlantic conveyer and its cargo of Chinooks was a major blow. Had Exocet been held back for attacks on fuel tankers of troop ships the outcome may well have been different.

we attacked?

we defended our occupied country,you wrong.[/quote]

You didn’t, you attacked land that is legally British and which is populated by people who wish to remain British.[/quote]
you make the illegal things legal.

you legally kicked civilians of argentina there first