Falklands Conflict

we attacked?

we defended our occupied country,you wrong.[/quote]

defended? this suggests we were attacking your territory, the fact you had no citizens there and that there were only 20 opposing military personell in the region, seems to have eluded you, how exactly was your arrival a “defensive action”?

you don’t have all we have there,you just have the tanks in the tank place :lol:

it’s an uncomplete site,if you see that,of course we will look like a poor army.
tell to the admin of that site that he must complete it

you are showing our poor conditions in a war with a world power.
at least we have a pair of balls.

we attacked?

we defended our occupied country,you wrong.[/quote]

defended? this suggests we were attacking your territory, the fact you had no citizens there and that there were only 20 opposing military personell in the region, seems to have eluded you, how exactly was your arrival a “defensive action”?[/quote]

you stole them,you fucking invader.

but you are supported by nato and all those shits.

also by usa.

No we didn’t, there were no civillians on the islands when the British claimed them.

your territory Laughing .

i take a piss on your business.
luckily you will fall,and you are a world power of third class and not the old empire Twisted Evil

Maybe you’re right erwin, but we still managed to beat your sory excuse for an army didn’t we?

make illegal things legal…

Hmm wonder if argentina will ever make human rights abuses “legal” or whether it’ll jsut deny them.

That a great high horse youve got there Erwin, Id hatre for you to fall off it!

Just one pair between all of you?

we attacked?

we defended our occupied country,you wrong.[/quote]

defended? this suggests we were attacking your territory, the fact you had no citizens there and that there were only 20 opposing military personell in the region, seems to have eluded you, how exactly was your arrival a “defensive action”?[/quote]

you stole them,you fucking invader.

but you are supported by nato and all those shits.

also by usa.[/quote]

Name one US or NATO unit involved in the Falklands War

the 101st of the 12th of the 17 of the 9th airborne brigade sent some mascara. But thats it…

The US were neutral, because they were under the NATO and Rio Pacts.

[quote=“Erwin Schätzer(argentina)”]

you don’t have all we have there,you just have the tanks in the tank place :lol:

it’s an uncomplete site,if you see that,of course we will look like a poor army.
tell to the admin of that site that he must complete it[/quote]

Click on Army, then you will see it is complete. It is a well respected US site and its information is fully up to date.

How dare you let facts get in the way of an Argentinian bullshitting session?


No we didn’t, there were no civillians on the islands when the British claimed them.

your territory Laughing .

i take a piss on your business.
luckily you will fall,and you are a world power of third class and not the old empire Twisted Evil

Maybe you’re right erwin, but we still managed to beat your sory excuse for an army didn’t we?[/quote]

excuse?,we fought with well paid volunteers,you had to fight with our actual soldiers jerk!.

illegal?,the legal is illegal now.

Is it illegal to send your professional soldiers to a war then? Is it our fault your soldiers weren’t good enough?

The invasion was illegal, us retaking them was not.

I don’t see the sk-37 or the hercules.

it don’t haves the artillery and anti aircraft artillery also :lol:


Is it illegal to send your professional soldiers to a war then? Is it our fault your soldiers weren’t good enough?

The invasion was illegal, us retaking them was not.[/quote]

i fuck on your laws

it was illegal when you sunk the belgrano in exclution zone

No it wasn’t, the exclusion zone was declared by us to keep civillian vessels out. Your navy not being able to defend one of your best ships is hardly our problem.

I don’t see the sk-37 or the hercules.

it don’t haves the artillery and anti aircraft artillery also :lol:[/quote]

Bloody hell? And you are Argentinian, well the SAMs are part of the Air force as are the Hercs in the Argentine military, just click on the Air Force to see their equipment.

Your winding me up arent you?


No it wasn’t, the exclusion zone was declared by us to keep civillian vessels out. Your navy not being able to defend one of your best ships is hardly our problem.[/quote]

FAKE,for both military and civilian!

Is it illegal to send your professional soldiers to a war then? Is it our fault your soldiers weren’t good enough?

The invasion was illegal, us retaking them was not.[/quote]

i fuck on your laws

it was illegal when you sunk the belgrano in exclution zone[/quote]

We never sunk the Belgrano.

But we did use papier-mache to craft a flight deck for it, then painted “Invincible” on the side before we sailed it to Portsmouth, backwards.

Also, once you have finished copulating on our laws, would you mind wiping them clean. It’s quite distressing to have a wet patch where there is important text.