Falklands Conflict

You forgot to capitalize the “B” in “behave”.

As for your silly comments about my father, let us know when you have faught through the bloodiest battle in the history of modern warfare against terrible odds and been part of a team of soldiers that acheived a 10-1 kill ratio in humid, -40 degree weather, killing Chinese soldiers with an M1 Carbine at 100-200 yards as they ran over a hill 200 yards away by the hundreds. Then your heart and your experience will be as big as your wee sissy mouth, and you can tell me all about how I don’t know jack about the essence of combat.

Remeber when you were 14 and your dad told you all about how running out of magazines meant death? I do.

The only “twat” I smell right now is yours - the one in your face. It keeps putting out pussy farts of blather and indignant garbage. You don’t have enough manhood to even mention my father, much less use him in a commentary.

You completely fail to understand Americans it seems. I thank God frequently that there are men like my father, and other men, who defend freedom around the world. And I’m thankful that Great Britain is a free nation of people who fight for freedom in the world as well. If it were not for those two nations, this Earth would be one f’d up place. So don’t you pretend to know what I value or how much respect I, in your hateful mind, have for those who put their lives on the line so that I can sit at my PC and play a game, or so you can sit at yours and bitch and blather off bullshit full of slanted, nationaistic blather.

I remember when the 1st war in Iraq came about, parking my vehicle on the side of the highway with others to give a “thumbs up” to American soldiers as they passed in their convoy on the way to the airport to board C41’s and head off to war. It moved me almost to tears, you stupid little dink.

Get a freaking tampon in that hole kid.

I can dish it too young man.


As for manners, you have no idea of the amount of foul-mouthed name calling I have been subjected to. I only started giving them a taste of their own garbage recently.

I have no problem with the Gurkhas. As I have already said, I imagine they are fine soldiers. Read back in my posts and you’ll see that. The problem here is that they hound me for reacting to anoyther member’s post, in which they stated that the british policy of using Gurkhas was distasteful. I agreed, and now they are locked in an endless attempt to prove to me that my opinion of the practice is somehow based of false information, and in so doing, they have gone so far as to hide the truth and claim that the practice does not place Gurkhas on the front lines.

All I have done is shoot down their false assertiond that the Gurkhas are indeed recruited for and used as front line fodder. I cannot help it that they dislike the opinion that it’s a bad thing. If they could control their desperation to prove to my own mind that it is a cool thing to do, they could stop hounding me about it.[/quote]

I have repeatedly agreed that the Gurkhas are, indeed, front line troops.
I have posted details of their bravery in the front line at Monte Cassino and elsewhere, and commented on the gallnatry awards they have won in the process.
I have stated that you are entitled to your own, personal opinion as to the recruiting of the Gurkhas.
I do, however, continue to take issue with your use of the term “cannon-fodder”.
This indicates poor troops sent in to soak up punishment without any hope of victory, and, in the context of several of your own posts, as human shields for ethnically British troops.
Do you consider the American Marine Corps to be “cannon-fodder”?
They, along with your infantry and armour, are all front line troops.
That aside, the term front line troops is used to distinguish from reserve or support troops.
It means those troops facing the enemy, and no one on this forum, that I can recall, has ever stated that the Gurkhas do not do that.
They do not now, nor have they ever served as “human shields” or “cannon fodder”, and to suggest that they do insults both them, and the Army they serve.

I can understand that. I would say that the Gurkhas are, as themselves, anything but cannon fodder. It seems that they are a bunch of seriously badass soldiers. However, if they are used in the hopes that they are going to die instead of a British national, then what could they be besides cannon fodder?

The Marines are not an ethnically aligned group. The USMC includes persons of every race and ethnicity as can be found in the US. In fact, something that is rather a problem for the US, is that we have the need to insure such a thing does not happen, else liberal organizations such as the AFLCIO, NAACP, United States Equal Oportunity Employment Commision (a US Government agency) or the Human Defamation League jump our asses for doing exactly what the British do with the Gurkhas.

You see, in America, that kind of thing won’t wash. In Britain, appearently it does. We in the US are burdened by and dedicated to the idea of making sure that whatever we do in the corporate world, and in our military, does not resemble precicely what the British government does by sending Gurkhas into battel as a group, or ahead of caucasian Brits. It cannot happen here. The United States has become dedicated to human civil liberties, and that disqualifies practices such as the one in question from being acceptable in the US.

No doubt there is honor in being a British Special Forces memnber. What I find dishonerable, as any American would, is the idea of selling that Honor to people of a poor country as a way of bettering themselves, only to be the 1st into battle, as an ethnically aligned group of soldiers. I don’t think any American, from my 43 years of living in my country, would find such a practice paletable.

Imagine if the US were to use people who were all black, or all Muslim, or all Semitic, or all Caucasian (then other ethnic groups would scream, “You are excluding us purposely!”) as a fighting force, even if they were not sent into battle as 1st installments, and even if they were not American citizens, there would be a huge uproar. In fact, it could not happen to begin with. Such practices cannot happen in the US, and Americans find such practices to be completely unacceptable.

I hope that helps you understand.

Hang on, YOU made that assertion - now I know why you like Blair: he constantly claims to have said something he didn’t too :roll:

Hang on, YOU made that assertion - now I know why you like Blair: he constantly claims to have said something he didn’t too :roll:[/quote]

It’s not an a assertion, and I was not the one who initially made it; I only agreed with it. It’s already been aknowledged to as fact by at least 2 people here other than myself. We know it is so. As for Blair, I have no idea what you are talking about.

Hang on, YOU made that assertion - now I know why you like Blair: he constantly claims to have said something he didn’t too :roll:[/quote]

It’s not an a assertion, and I was not the one who initially made it; I only agreed with it. It’s already been aknowledged to as fact by at least 2 people here other than myself. We know it is so. As for Blair, I have no idea what you are talking about.[/quote]

Who has agreed with you on this apart from Erwin? Everyone else here has disagreed with you.

I know you are getting confused by the wicked people nastily quoting things you said back to you when they should just accept the fact that you are the greatest military mind since Wellington.

Is it that your medication is wearing off? I didn’t know they allowed internet access in “special” care homes.

Why don’t you go back and join in the group therapy session? If you are lucky you might get to do some finger painting before they put you back in the nice soft room and dress you in your special shirt with the extra long sleeves and the buckles on the back.

Tell me, when you were comitted into care, did you feel anger at the world that had betrayed you yet again? It can’t be easy for you, growing up (I use the term in the loosest sense) with sexual abuse, never having a strong father figure, projecting your need for strong male authority onto the numerous men who just wanted to use your poopchute as a wanksock. Did you end up selling your body to dirty old men just so you could feel human interaction?

Was your mother an alcoholic? Did she used to humiliate you? Do you blame her for your failure to ever forge meaningful relationships with women? Do you hate all women because of her and yet find that no woman will ever measure up to your memory of her?

I really think though that a psychologist should have a peek inside your brain as you seem to be a very mixed up bag of emotions, contradictions, neuroses and some borderline psychosis.

I don’t know and could care less if anyone else agrees with me or not. My opinions are not dependant on that of others.

sissy drivel went here

I don’t know and could care less if anyone else agrees with me or not. My opinions are not dependant on that of others.

sissy drivel went here[/quote]

Your opinions need not be dependant on the opinions of others. but your view of facts should be dependant upon the truth, We dont want to deprive you of your opinion, merely remind you that your opinion and the facts as acepted by the world at large appear to be on divergent courses.

I don’t know and could care less if anyone else agrees with me or not. My opinions are not dependant on that of others.

sissy drivel went here[/quote]

You had just said that at least two people had agreed with you.

Is the problem that the syphillis that you caught as a rent boy is rotting your brain? Speak to the nurses nicely and they might give you some “happy pills” to make all the bad men go away.

I don’t know and could care less if anyone else agrees with me or not. My opinions are not dependant on that of others.

sissy drivel went here[/quote]

You had just said that at least two people had agreed with you.

Is the problem that the syphillis that you caught as a rent boy is rotting your brain? Speak to the nurses nicely and they might give you some “happy pills” to make all the bad men go away.[/quote]

It’s not working.


I don’t know and could care less if anyone else agrees with me or not. My opinions are not dependant on that of others.

sissy drivel went here[/quote]

You had just said that at least two people had agreed with you.

Is the problem that the syphillis that you caught as a rent boy is rotting your brain? Speak to the nurses nicely and they might give you some “happy pills” to make all the bad men go away.[/quote]

It’s not working.[/quote]

I suggest you ask them to change your prescription then.

Just to try & keep this in one thread, tinwalt has yet again claimed that…

… what the British government does by sending Gurkhas into battel as a group, or ahead of caucasian Brits.

…without providing any proof of this!

If it’s so, tell me how many gurkhas were killed in action in the Falklands, and how many in Iraq.

Cannon fodder for sissy soldiers.

Ironman, are you a soldier? Have you completed basic training? Have you been posted to a unit? I think not. I do not know you but I would be very suprised if a soldier referred to another country’s professional army as sissies.

This sounds more like the opinions of a Microsoft warrior. In real life when you shoot someone they scream for their mother and don’t die quietly.

You comments are highly offensive.

Ironman, your conclusion from what you have just posted is a non sequitur.

God, this is like arguing with my kid sister.

Exactly what you do and say:


Thank-you for clearing that up IRONMAN!

Post deleted by me.

IRONMAN is purposely trying to antagonize you. If you would like i can delete this topic if you find it offensive.

Gen. Sandworm, you have pm.