Falklands Conflict

Please don’t delete. The topic is not offensive, it is Ironmans accusations that are.

You may, or may not, have realised that many of those posting on your site are serving and former British Soldiers. None of them mean any harm to your site, on which there are some interesting and worthy threads.

But Ironman posted comments on this page http://www.ww2incolor.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=126&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=90

which were

It was cowardly of the British to send in troops comprised of people from another nation instead of using British-born soldiers. That’s cheap, and it tells you that Britian still has it’s nose in the air thinking that it’s too good to spill it’s littly-white blood in battle if some non-English subject is willing and stupid enough to do the fighting for them. I suppose to those Gurkas, a British military salary is better than hearding goats on a hilside in their native country. At least they would get free food.

Ironmans remarks have been circulated widely on the internet causing a great many serving and former British sodiers, including at least one retired Ghurka whom I know from having served with him, great offence.

Obviously we all hope that Ironman will do what any honourable man would, admit that he is wrong and apologise. But given the widespread offence he has caused I’d say you are best to preserve this thread lest anyone imagine the we British are going to stand idly by and see our comrades insulted.

I’d like to seem him call a Ghurka stupid to his face by the way.

They are not used as gunfodder, to save lilywhite anglo-saxon lives (which in iteslf is stupid since many of those serving in the rest of the army are not Ango-Saxon or even British, and he might note that the only seving VC holder is a black man from the West Indies).

Tinwalt, are you or have you ever been a serving soldier?

(By the way, Girl Guides/Brownies/Boy Scouts does not count).

Something else I don’t get about this “hide behind the darkies” scheme we apparently have going - what about the mostly white officers in the Gurkhas? Do they send the Gurkhas off into an attack and then wait behind to see how many come back?

Tinwalt - you are, as ever, talking about a subject which you clearly have no knowledge of what so ever. You are, as ever, arguing with people who know what they are talking about (just like in every other thread). You are, as ever, being an aggravating little shit. You are insulting the Gurkhas, who have a proud history with the British Army, you are insulting the British Army (the one that your army always wants fighting with it, whether or not we bring our “native cannon fodder”) and you are insulting the brave men who are proud to have served alongside the Gurkhas in conflicts all over the world.

I don’t find the topic itself offensive - it is made by someone who clearly has no idea what he’s talking about. The way he has continued to spout his crap after being corrected, is deeply offensive to pretty much the whole British Army.

I beg to differ Sir. It is a few others who are attempting to antagonize me. All I did was agree with someone on the subject and I did not bring it up again. However, because I, unlike the one who expressed dislike to the practice in question, was not intimidated by or become humbled by their aggressions, and because they dislike the opinion so much, they rant and insult me endlessly and fill the thread with it in their attempt to badger me into changing my opinion. How can someone’s opinion be changed by such? It cannot. I have no interest in discussing the subject really, and never did. Please do delete the thread.

I beg to differ Sir. It is a few others who are attempting to antagonize me. All I did was agree with someone on the subject and I did not bring it up again. However, because I, unlike the one who expressed dislike to the practice in question, was not intimidated by or become humbled by their aggressions, and because they dislike the opinion so much, they rant and insult me endlessly and fill the thread with it in their attempt to badger me into changing my opinion. How can someone’s opinion be changed by such? It cannot. I have no interest in discussing the subject really, and never did. Please do delete the thread.[/quote]

The problem I have with you is not because I find your opinions distasteful (although I do), it is the insulting and sometimes more than slightly racist way that you put said opinions across.

I agree that you are entitled to your opinions and to paraphrase: “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to be a cunt!”

Please do not delete this thread.
As I have stated before, Ironman is entitled to his opinion with regard to the recruitment of Gurkhas from Nepal.
This is not, and has never been the issue.
That is his opinion and despite disagreeing with him, I have not tried to change that opinion.
What I, and many others have taken isuue with is the statement he made in his original post on the subject.

It was cowardly of the British to send in troops comprised of people from another nation instead of using British-born soldiers. That’s cheap, and it tells you that Britian still has it’s nose in the air thinking that it’s too good to spill it’s littly-white blood in battle if some non-English subject is willing and stupid enough to do the fighting for them. I suppose to those Gurkas, a British military salary is better than hearding goats on a hilside in their native country. At least they would get free food.

Now, we have established that the use of non native-born troops is not restricted to the British Army, but exists in the US Army also, a fact Ironman has accepted.
There have been many examples of events within the US Army to which I and others would take serious exception, but I would never express an opinion of them in the terms expressed above.
As a point of interest, and one which , again, has been made several times, the Gurkhas are not and have never been British subjects.
Since that original post, Ironman has tried to equate the concept of “front-line troops” with that of “cannon-fodder”, an equation that does no service to, among many other fine Units, the US Marine Corps.
It is this contention, with it’s accusation of cowardice levelled against the entire British force deployed in the Falklands campaign, and not his opinion of the morality of recruitment, that we have argued against, and will continue to argue against

The Gurkha Battalions make up only a small percentage of UK forces. If the shoite that I’ve never been a soldier but my dad was a marine man postulates was true then you would see a higher percentege of combat loss in relation to other elements of the UK forces. To date the only Gurkah losses in the sand box where private contractors for US companies.
The only Gurkha lost in the Falklands was after the surrender ( land mine). I don’t have a figure for actions in NI but I don’t remember any , We havent done cannon fodder since WW1.
I think that IroningMans problem may stem from the lack of reprisentation of Gurkhas on PC games, though being far too busy with real life to play them I may be wrong. Once again Iron Man exactly what branch of the armed services were you in.

IRONMAN… you begin a thread which is both racist and controversial but complain when you are shot down in flames… Exactly where have you seen action? I feel if you had been in any theater of ops with British troops you wouldn’t last a day. I think you would of packed your bags due to the confrontational manner at which you approach everything… more to the point your just a cnut.

Large Brew - Gurkhas don’t serve over in the green corner of the Empire, they stick out a bit too much :wink:

BDL but surly if TW’s premis is correct NI would have been teeming with Gurkhas.

You’d think so :?

with due respect , the reason why the gurkha people want to join the british army is because they and there familys are treated with a duty care the same as all the miltary in the british army
we are all one family and we all unite togeather and the british miltary are the finest in the world


Oh no, she has followed us!

Yannie, please don’t come here spouting your usual rubbish.

To all members of this site who don’t know him/her/it yannie is what we normally call a “troll”. She/he/it has lied repeatedly on another forum about who and what they are. Please ignore them.

I even find IRONMAN preferable to yannie…

Of course, it may not be yannie at all, but I find the style of the post far too similar for my liking.



With all the respect due to you (i.e. none) FUCK OFF!!

Do you seriously get pleasure from the fact that no one likes you? You have already tried to drag one internet forum under by being a dullard troll, please don’t do this to another.

When you have learnt how to deal with people in a sensible and coherent manner, come back and we’ll chat. Also please learn how to spell and punctuate. Learning how to use the Shift key would also be appreciated!

Mods, please could you take the example of another site and delete any and all posts by this moron? Please feel free also to delete my replies.

See Ironman? It isn’t just Americans who get roasted when we think they’re trolling :wink:

yannie,you are woman,deducing for the name.
if you continue saying sir and those fucking respects,i will kill you.

im not your sergeant.

who invited this to the forum?

i dont think you will kill me i may be a pain in the backside .
but there are a load of british people who love me


yes,starting for tubby boy,bluffcove,cuts,pdf27.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
i don´t think they love you so much

With all the respect due to you (i.e. none) FUCK OFF!!

oh,they like you so much!