I’m nothing like you. I haven’t even referred to you by name, even your site name, and I certainly haven’t accused you of being a fanatic - as it happens, I don’t think you are a fanatic (after all, you think shooting rabbits is the macho thing) - just an ingrate. We British get rid of the evil Junta for you, and there you go having a pop at us for it.
If you want to investigate crimes, why don’t you investigate those that have been committed by your own people against your own people. I’m sure that their are many perpetrators of those crimes roaming about Buenos Aires.
I’m sure if that happened in my country and I was so concerned about bringing people to justice as you appear to be, I wouldn’t be wasting my time with some flimsy story about some supposed war crime in some obscure place. I’d be too busy chasing after the bad guys. Or is it that you, as with the Junta, are attempting to distract attention away from that?
Obviously Bravo you are now in such state of anger and hate that is impossible to make a proper discussion with some sence right now.
Better we let this thing for other day.