Favorite American Gun

Im sory but the M1 Garand Is a far better rifle then the Lee Enfield Smle because one you have a Eight rounds and the enemy only has one. The Enfield is a good rifle but it is a bad I idea to fire a bolt action rifle when a German is firing a Mp44 or a m40. Against a 98k is a far match up. But I rather have a M1 then a SMLE… !0 v.s 8 but 8 is semi- auto…

Well My fav. Has to be the Thompson SMG. It has the power to stop the German running at you and the compated for paratrooper to use.

I should have said “safely single load”;;"hey Sarge could you hand up my thumb-nail ,while i stop the bleeding!!!

Mine is the M-60 I used to love firing this baby…

Which one is nicknamed the “pig”? Is it the M60 or the M249?

That would be the M-60

the 249 is the saw, basically the same weight as the 16 as I remember, I volunteered to carry the 60 because after a road march we used to do rifle drills and after carrying that beast for 15 miles a 16 was like a feather in my hands…

You have to be a complete idiot to get your thumb caught, by the way…

The M60 is a good weapon but I like the Marine Corp Mediam machine gun the stinger .30 cal weapon but the problem of this weapon is a few burstsand you or out of ammo. So It is a ammo eater. But The Japs did not expect the Marines to have that kind of fire power with them.


The “Stinger” was a one-off experiment by an individual marine that modified a gun out of a crashed dive-bomber. Not an actual production weapon…

the m14. best of the garand with the ability to top off.

Very popular with all the Allied troops from D-Day to the fall of Berlin.

Now when was the 7.62 x 51 invented again…?

It would have been nice!

.308 Winchester

7.62x51mm NATO

I like the old Colt .45 M1911A1
Aye yours,

i like the tompson m1a1 and1928a1 models. strong,reliable,high stopping power the only problems where its price and accuracy over 50 meter (55 yards)

Most sub-machine-guns aren’t terribly accurate over 50 meters, and even if they are somewhat with a 9mm, the round is going to lack stopping power…

the m1 and springfield are better cause they did better damage and i think its better

garand is all fine and dandy but the K98 has it whiped by a long shot take the K98 VS Garand set up a 300 yard target garand will always hit outter target lines has K98 will always in inside