Favorite Waffen SS division

Thats a good point.

my favorite SS division was the crazy Russian horseback one, where they fought against Russians and failed.

Called the 1st and 2nd KOSAKIEN Divisions…General Bunyachenko commanded one of them, and the Corps itself had a trusted reputation that was GRUDGINGLY bestowed upon them for services rendered.

The post war fate of the Cossacks was a tragedy of itself. Captured by the Western Allies, they were handed straight back to the NKVD, who proceeded to shoot, hang, stab, and drop others into VATS OF ACID. It was serious delusion on the part of the Cossack nation to think themselves fighting for an independent homeland. This same delusion was shared by many other slav minorities fighting for the Germans under the Waffen SS banner.

These soldiers fought harder and harder as the situation for the Reich became more and more desperate. As the motivation from the German and Germanic formations disappeared, the motivation for these genuinely anti-communist soldiers likewise increased accordingly. The Cossack occupation of Budapest was achieved without a single atrocity, and as the heroes of the hour, only served to alienate them from the moribund Reich. It was too little, too late for the Cossacks.

Stalin’s wrathful revenge was swift and immediate…

You dear B5N2KATE seems know nothing about truly Cossacks.
Primaraly free people in 17-18 centures , they become the most devoted the Tsar troops since the 19 centure.They were realy a basis of Tsar’s power in Southern borthers of Impire.
It was a old military estate that personally sweared to Tsar to fight and defend the borders of Impire.
Most of Russian cossacs lived in my region - Kuban.Other place were south of Ukraine and Stavropol area.
It was estate that PRIMARY aim entire last centure was to defend their country from foreign enemy.
The Pitful parody at Cossacks- product of Goebbels ill imagination- the 1 and 2 pseudo-KOSAKIEN Divisions- were just gang of criminals, traitors and Nazis collaborationists ( and simply jews haters) who betraied their motherland and OLD cossackes rule- to defend their land.
Those gangs commited a lot of crimes aganst civils of Yougoslavia where the 1 and 2 division have been sent with “pacification mission”.

The post war fate of the Cossacks was a tragedy of itself. Captured by the Western Allies, they were handed straight back to the NKVD, who proceeded to shoot, hang, stab, and drop others into VATS OF ACID. It was serious delusion on the part of the Cossack nation to think themselves fighting for an independent homeland. This same delusion was shared by many other slav minorities fighting for the Germans under the Waffen SS banner.

Yea gang of criminal wanna escape to the Britain, ugly b…rds.This was a common behavious of such muds - commited crimes in the East and run away to the West:)
They actualy decerved what they got.

Hoebbels greetings the Cossacks.

These soldiers fought harder and harder as the situation for the Reich became more and more desperate. As the motivation from the German and Germanic formations disappeared, the motivation for these genuinely anti-communist soldiers likewise increased accordingly.

He he
The motivation increased accordingly the retrebution was getting closly:)
After the “glorious” pacification of Yugoslavia ( resault was a total terror)the “genuinely anti-communist” was scary for their fate… very well.

The Cossack occupation of Budapest was achieved without a single atrocity, and as the heroes of the hour, only served to alienate them from the moribund Reich. It was too little, too late for the Cossacks.

There were never occupation of Budapest by Nazis-Kosaken.
You probably mix it with the BAttle for Prague in may of 1945 when the former Vlasovs army (ROA) refused to execude the GErmans order and even started the resistence to germans.

Stalin’s wrathful revenge was swift and immediate…

Yea- right end for them.
Brits did it right - they transported all of traitors back…
I did write an article - where one of “cossacks” veteran of XVth SS Cossack Cavalry Corps recals , they all were sure , surrendering to Britains, they will USEFUL in new war against Red Army, but in the side of allies.
Even the end they want to kill the other Russians.
I just wonder why so many of them have survived Gulag?

Stevey we’ve already been here and they weren’t all perfect, in fact quite a lot were of little combat value, many involved in atrocities and some never fought at all. You cannot compare the performance of Das Reich with Kama for example.

Stevey:that was great :smiley:

Stevey dropped his calling card with his first posting here (-:

stevey14/88 is trolling here tooo!! Nooo!!!

My favorite Waffen SS Divison was the Liebdstandarte SS Adolf Hitler Division. No particular reason I suppose.

No Stevey, you are accused of these things because you make stupid sweeping statements that are patently untrue. You cannot say all the Waffen SS Divisions were fantastic because the combat performance of some was distinctly average if that.

23rd Kama justify your statement with this Division please ?

Substitute w for t in retard and you have reward, which you seemed to think you deserved after a couple of forum posts.
Keep calling people names and you might get a reward, but not one you’ll like.

Mine will be SS Division Wiking because my father joined this division in 1943.


5th ss wiking is my favorite and 11th nordland

  1. SS-Pz-Div Totenkopf
    4 reasons:
    1 Demyansk pocket(bled white but never surrendered)
    2 Kursk (completed all objectives assigned by Hoth’s 4th Panzer Armee)
    3 rescue of Eicke body(loyalty to divisional commander)
    4 fear and hatred from the russian army(valour in combat recognised by the ennemy)

my fav is hitlers home guard…not hitler
the ones with black unifrom with ties on
with the hard helmet

Favorite ???
I despise them all equally :mad:

That’s a most sophisticated statement and everybody was surely waiting for that information. Did you go to college for this?

We have to put up with your inane prattling on every subject under the sun, so you can put up with some of mine for a change :wink:

I love to, it’s still generalising and unworthy to a WW2 forum. Hey, and if you had paid more attention at school you’d now be able to prattle during work as well!:wink: