Favorite Waffen SS division

Actually I think there must be a subtext to this.
Why are you have a go at my prattling, and ignoring other posts in this thread that are far more inane ???
Could it be that you are an SS fan boy, and don’t like people pointing out what scum bags the Waffen SS were.

Nope, it’s because he’s German and (wrongly) takes criticism of the Waffen SS as criticism of modern Germans in general.

Like are sure about that, like I am not wishing to disagree with you I am just interested to explore your point of view, like e.g. were you to be of the opinion that smashing babies heads against concrete walls was a right on thing, like some of these SS units might have made themselves too busy fighting Soviet mechanized armor to engage in such activities would they be perfect or would you think the baby head smashing types would be better, your opinions are obviously important and I would be interested to hear them.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Surely I know to distinguish between the several units in question. And when a 16-year-old wanna-be german announces “all of’em were perfect” I definitely spare myself a comment.
Thanks for calling me a boy at my age but “fan”? I accredit military achievements especially of the “classic” Waffen-SS divisions which were undeniable. But like the vets say by themselves: “Where’s much light, there’s much shade.” Even if I put myself in danger of recurring, I think it’s just superficial to call an entire branch of arms of 900000 men “scum bags”.

Oh no it’s the Fashion Polizei again!

Hi aly J, only jokeing


Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Not really, why should anyone waste his time and criticise modern germans/Germany since we become that irrelevant on the international stage. It’s just flashy to me that these generalising and superficial points of view mostly derive from about the same geographical area…

I don’t like them [ ie the SS ] and therefor I wouldn’t have a favourite unit, the whole thing amongst other issues was a farce, in that if it had not been for the Nazis it is difficult to imagine the Soviet Union occupying the likes of Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia for forty years. Funny crusade against communism this turns out to be… you give Ivan what he didn’t have before. Even within its own vicious crackpot terms of reference the SS was a disaster, all that said I don’t like sweeping generalizations in that people join the military for all sort of reasons and it is not good to tar everybody with the same brush in respect of their service in the Waffen SS and as for flamethrowerguy like really I don’t think he would qualify as an SS fan boy.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Well, first of all thank you, Adrian!:slight_smile:

Not so sure about that one though…

I understand Red coat reaction and respect it.Favourite is not the right word I would have chosen for the thread,more like the best Waffen-SS unit (in terms of combat performance/efficiency)would have been more correct.
You(not directed to anyone) can hate the Waffen-SS for whatever reason you want but can’t deny some of the divisions elite status?

Well that would probably be a thread in a “What if” forum section, e.g. what if, Hitler becomes a famous painter, abandons politics, marries a Hollywood Jewish actress and goes to live in Beverly Hills!

LOL Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Yes, I think it could be a “What if” thread but much closer to reality than “Hitler becomes a famous painter, abandons politics, marries a Hollywood Jewish actress and goes to live in Beverly Hills!”


…it is difficult to imagine the Soviet Union occupying the likes of Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia for forty years.

The Soviet Union…Poland…September 17, 1939…wasn’t there something?
But the soviets would have never try to expand westwards if Germany hadn’t started, would they?

Hi, given the nature of the Nazi regime and given the role the SS occupied within Nazidom, really there is no way one could phrase the sort of question to start this thread without the likelyhood of its being offensive to people and people having good reason to be offended. So Red Coat had a point when he said what he said initially but he tripped up by going on the offensive, he should have just defended his position which was a good one. Like e.g. I don’t like the phraseology elite being applied to the Waffen SS, like what is elite about an organization run for the benefit of a bunch of crooks and murderers? The only thing positive one could say, is that re some individuals and arguably some units in the SS is that they made the best least worst choice of seeking to act honourably in a bad situation and should be respected for that.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

For sure the Soviets would have tried it on if they had an opportunity to do so, but I rather think they might have thought twice about having a go at Poland if it had required a solo performance on the part of the Soviet Union rather than acting in concert with the Third Reich. Like their Finnish campaign was hardly a spectular success.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

I think that comment is most unfair to Flame, he certainly doesn’t defend the Waffen SS or take criticism of them as aimed at him. He does defend the Wehrmacht when attacked from a viewpoint that his family served there and he has some knowledge of what they did.

Redcaoats statement is as pointless as Stevey’s glorifying them. There were a million men in the Waffen SS and a good proportion were conscripted in and whose only crime was to fight for the wrong side. Why would you despise one of the 2,000 Luftwaffe ground crew conscripted into Leibstandarte, the Panzer troops transferred into Dirlewanger or 16 year old boys conscripted into 31st SS ??

In their particular case they fully deserve it for their actions, with the possible exception of a very small number conscripted in Spring 1945.

hey adrian…ur right
im in 2 fashion

The Division Dirlewanger was made up of the members of the original unit who fully deserve to be despised. There was however an Army Panzer detatchment, Panzerjager Unit, Engineer Brigade and a Grenadier Regiment (1244). These joined the unit in Feb 45 and do not represent a small proportion of the unit. Six Army Infantry Battalions compared to four SS ones. The Grenadier unit was half students from the NCO training school system and 25% Volkssturm. They cannot really be judged the same as the animals that served in Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger.

I wasn’t aware there were quite that many transferred in, but for the rest of them my comment stands.

No I totally agree with you, they were vermin, however a lot of innocent men died as a result of this record when the Russians overran them.

4.SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Brigade Nederland and Waffen-Grenadier Regiment der SS (bulgarisches Nr 1)