Foreign troops, Mercenaries and Defence Contractors.

Any “proven” lies that you do find IRONMAN, should preferably have been “proven” by facts relevant to the claims he makes.

For instance if he asserts. That a 30-06 round is only effective to 200 yards, it is not feasible for you to correct him by posting a quoyte in which he has said section fire occurs at 600 metres.

you must try to respond to what people say, not the voices in your head.

Enough of this inane yet amusing banter I WANT AN ANSWER FROM IRONMAN, WHY DIDN’T YOU JOIN UP YOURSELF???

Enough of this inane yet amusing banter I WANT AN ANSWER FROM IRONMAN, WHY DIDN’T YOU JOIN UP YOURSELF???

Perhaps he is not qualified enough. There is an Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Sample Test, and examples can be found at

A further example is below:

General Science
The General Science test consists of 25 items encompassing both physical and biological sciences.

Water is an example of a (D. is the correct answer)

A. crystal.
B. solid.
C. gas.
D. liquid.

I don’t think the real test gives you the correct answer, but you never know.

God what a bunch of sissy hypocrites. You look like dumbshits! I see all of you in your underwear burning an American flag while drinking beer at mid-day, sweaty, ranting, frothing at the mouth, concupiscent with hate, intollerance, envy, and mindlessness. That is what the image your sissy anti-American ranting creates of you. You are a sad example of what Britain is really like. :lol:

Call Blair and tell him you want Britain to wossie out on it’s participation in Iraq instead of blathering hypocritical trash at another country. Sit on your anti-American “all things are British” bullshit and spin. Get Blair on the phone while you are spinning. :lol:

explain how we are hypocrites?

Firstly, explain what your meaning of hypocrite is. As I see it we are not hypocrites primarily because we are (nearly) all involved in the military of our nation.
I would say all, but there is always an anomoly.
How is it hypocritical of us, to question why you did not, or do not join the military, the reason that we do not ask each other is because we are aware of where we stand on the issue of national service. (read the miltary service thread - that you have not posted in)

You are allowed to say that you "just didnt fancy it." I just dont see how we are being hypocritical.

Why would we phone Blair to pull out of Iraq?
we are in Iraq, it is not conducive to the stability of the middle east to kick up a hornets nest and walk away, that is of course if you believe the stability of the middle east is important IRONMAN. If you have no sympathy for the situation post liberation then yes one might support the idea of pulling out, but until you explain your standpoint so we can reason with your perspective anything that you say will sound rather false and hollow.

Thank you.

Please, drop the Gurkha topic before I paste a bunch of stuff from international sources in a post you don’t want to read about how they have been treated. I suggest that you take this opportunity to stop carrying on about it and change the subject.[/quote]

I, for one, would be grateful if you do indeed have any evidence that the British Army mistreats the Gurkhas.
I’m aware of the pension situation, and like most Brits, military and civilian, I can’t say I particularly like it, but we are tied by International agreements (the TPA or tri-partite agreement).
I’m also aware that the British Government has managed to work around the TPA with “special allowances” which make the pay of a serving Gurkha the same as any other British soldier of equal rank.
I am a great admirer of the Gurkha soldier, and if you do, indeed, have evidence to back the claim of mistreatment, and your claim of their being mistreated by British Officers, I would be grateful if you would post the links to the sources you mention.

To bring us back to the subject in hand, saw this on Arrse. It highlights the problem of the PMCs and who controls them. It also indicates that coordination is not as good as it could be. There also seems to be a bit of jealousy between the PBI and the rich end of the market. Something the MOD is aware of and are quite concerned that the PMCs are poaching trained soldiers.,0,5681407.story?coll=la-home-world

WASHINGTON — U.S. Marines forcibly detained a team of security guards working for an American engineering firm in Iraq after reportedly witnessing the contractors fire at U.S. troops and Iraqi civilians from an armed convoy, the military said Tuesday.

After three days of detention in jail cells at a U.S. military base in Iraq, 19 employees of North Carolina-based Zapata Engineering, including 16 Americans, were released last week…Mark Schopper, a lawyer for two of the contractors, said that his clients, both former Marines, were subjected to “physical and psychological abuse.”

He said his clients told him that Marines had “slammed around” several contractors, stripped them to their underwear and placed a loaded weapon near their heads.

“How does it feel to be a big, rich contractor now?” the Marines shouted at the men, Schopper said, in an apparent reference to the large salaries security contractors can make in Iraq.

This is believed to be the first time that the U.S. military has detained private security personnel in Iraq for allegedly putting American troops and Iraqi civilians at risk. By some estimates, there are as many as 20,000 such workers in Iraq protecting American civilians and U.S. and Iraqi government officials.

And the main problem as I see it.

“Two years into the [Iraq war], and there’s still a hole when it comes to a legal structure,” said Peter W. Singer, a Brookings Institution scholar who has written extensively on private military contractors.

“Where in the chain of command do [contractors] fit? Where is the accountability? If something bad happens, who investigates it, who prosecutes, and who punishes?” he asked.

Comments please gentleman.

God what a bunch of sissy hypocrites. You look like dumbshits! I see all of you in your underwear burning an American flag while drinking beer at mid-day, sweaty, ranting, frothing at the mouth, concupiscent with hate, intollerance, envy, and mindlessness. That is what the image your sissy anti-American ranting creates of you. You are a sad example of what Britain is really like.

Beer at mid-day! I wish!

Comments please gentleman.

Very problematic. One major problem is the mindset that has developed in the minds of the neocons, that of “postmodern” warfare in which, for example, the Geneva/Hague conventions do not apply in certain circumstances ie. arbitrary detention is acceptable. This was exemplified in Rumsfeld’s Strangelove-esque nonsensical remarks about “known unknowns”!

Also the US state and military apparatus is being subverted in a manner reminiscent of Nazi Germany. The CIA has been undermined by various neocon projects and Colin Powell was frequently sidelined and undermined when he was in post. This is at the behest of shadowy neocon types from politics and from industry. There are some great American generals and I would like to point to two of them. George Marshall took no nonsense when he was General of the Army and even Roosevelt was wary of him. Likewise, Eisenhower (as POTUS) warned about the growing power of the “military industrial complex”.

Something similar has happened (to a lesser extent) in the UK where posts (such as the head of the Secret Intelligence Service) have been farmed out to Blair toadies who toe the party line. The current head of SIS is John Scarlett who took part in the “sexing up” of intelligence material as war propaganda, and was rewarded accordingly. Likewise, the new Our Man in Washington was a Blair toady. The UK prime minister has prerogative powers that Dubya would be (and probably is) jealous of.

So warfare has - to an extent - been contracted out. It’s not surprising that the USMC (I have known serving and ex-jarheads and respect them greatly) are upset.

Despite what Ironman may think, I like and value Americans. They are great people. I also like and value Germans but do not equate the German people with the Nazi Party. I hope that analogy is clear.

Please, drop the Gurkha topic before I paste a bunch of stuff from international sources in a post you don’t want to read about how they have been treated. I suggest that you take this opportunity to stop carrying on about it and change the subject.[/quote]

I, for one, would be grateful if you do indeed have any evidence that the British Army mistreats the Gurkhas.
I’m aware of the pension situation, and like most Brits, military and civilian, I can’t say I particularly like it, but we are tied by International agreements (the TPA or tri-partite agreement).
I’m also aware that the British Government has managed to work around the TPA with “special allowances” which make the pay of a serving Gurkha the same as any other British soldier of equal rank.
I am a great admirer of the Gurkha soldier, and if you do, indeed, have evidence to back the claim of mistreatment, and your claim of their being mistreated by British Officers, I would be grateful if you would post the links to the sources you mention.[/quote]

I’ve already posted plenty of the “evidence” you have requested, several times. Repeatedly asking for it does not make it go away. Read it again, as you already have. I have also told you that the subject is not mine and I do not wish to discuss it. You’ve had my opinion on it for a very long time now. Nothing you say will change either my opinion or the factual accounts that I have provided. It would serve you better to not keep bringing it up with me. Don’t you think?

Please, drop the Gurkha topic before I paste a bunch of stuff from international sources in a post you don’t want to read about how they have been treated. I suggest that you take this opportunity to stop carrying on about it and change the subject.[/quote]

I, for one, would be grateful if you do indeed have any evidence that the British Army mistreats the Gurkhas.
I’m aware of the pension situation, and like most Brits, military and civilian, I can’t say I particularly like it, but we are tied by International agreements (the TPA or tri-partite agreement).
I’m also aware that the British Government has managed to work around the TPA with “special allowances” which make the pay of a serving Gurkha the same as any other British soldier of equal rank.
I am a great admirer of the Gurkha soldier, and if you do, indeed, have evidence to back the claim of mistreatment, and your claim of their being mistreated by British Officers, I would be grateful if you would post the links to the sources you mention.[/quote]

I’ve already posted plenty of it. Read it again, as you already have.[/quote]

So no evidence of mistreatment by British Officers then?


You’ve had my opinion on it for a very long time now. Nothing you say will change my opinion. It would serve you better to not keep bringing it up with me. Don’t you think?

I’d just be grateful for the proof of your statement that Gurkha soldiers are often badly mistreated by British Officers.
It’s not, I’m sure, difficult for you to post the evidence, just as I’m sure you wouldn’t have made such a bald statement without evidence.

It would also appear that the Pentagon is also providing the PMCs with weapons and equipment.

Lapan said the vehicles and weapons, which were owned by the Corps of Engineers and loaned to the workers under the contract, were impounded as part of the investigation.

Lapan is the US spokesman.

A number of points from the report.

Under what authority did the US army arrest the PMCs?
Can they hold civilians for this length of time without charge?

Who watches the watchers?

Equally, if a PMC, British or US Government employed, carries out what could be described as a “war crime”, who is responsible?
The persons involved would obviously carry individual criminal responsibility, but would it stop there?

I’d just be grateful for the proof of your statement that Gurkha soldiers are often badly mistreated by British Officers.
It’s not, I’m sure, difficult for you to post the evidence, just as I’m sure you wouldn’t have made such a bald statement without evidence.[/quote]

Lets not pussy foot around, it’s slander, unless you have evidence. And that does not mean “I heard it form someone at some time in some place”.

I’d just be grateful for the proof of your statement that Gurkha soldiers are often badly mistreated by British Officers.
It’s not, I’m sure, difficult for you to post the evidence, just as I’m sure you wouldn’t have made such a bald statement without evidence.[/quote]

See? You blather. Just blather. Once more, you cannot change my opinion or that of many others, including your own country’s citizens, members of your country’s Parlaiment, or people of other nations, including Nepal. All of that has been provided for you. Like it or not kiddo, it’s all around. As long as you are bringing it up, you keep wasting your energy for nothing.

I’d argue that it is in fact libellous. It’s written material, not spoken words. I wonder if it’s US law or UK law that the case could be brought under. The slander has been posted in a manner accessible in the UK, but the site is administered in the US (I think).

Can anyone with any lawyer friends help out?

I’d just be grateful for the proof of your statement that Gurkha soldiers are often badly mistreated by British Officers.
It’s not, I’m sure, difficult for you to post the evidence, just as I’m sure you wouldn’t have made such a bald statement without evidence.[/quote]

See? You blather. Just blather. Once more, you cannot change my opinion or that of many others, including your own country’s citizens, members of your country’s Parlaiment, or people of other nations, including Nepal. All of that has been provided for you. Like it or not kiddo, it’s all around. As long as you are bringing it up, you keep wasting your energy for nothing.[/quote]

In response to the original UN-edited post of Ironman, where he asked where he had ever claimed that Gurkhas were mistreated by British Officers.

Indeed. We have seen in other posts quoting you British citizens and the British government that Gurkhas are treated as second-rate people by Britain (often mistreated by british officers)
Shall I post the whole gamut so you will stick your head up your ass in embaressment?[/quote]

(my highlight)

You’ve had my opinion on it, and the quoted opinion of many people in the world, including your country and Nepal as well, for a very long time now. Nothing you say will change my opinion. It would serve you better to not keep bringing it up with me. Don’t you think?