Foreign troops, Mercenaries and Defence Contractors.

Quite right Crab. :oops: In my defence I think of this as talking. :frowning:

please show.

I am not in the least interested in changing your opinion, or, indeed, in any opinion you may have.
You have, however, made a libellous statement in regards to British Gurkha Officers which you have been asked to substantiate or withdraw.

Equally, if a PMC, British or US Government employed, carries out what could be described as a “war crime”, who is responsible?
The persons involved would obviously carry individual criminal responsibility, but would it stop there?[/quote]

But how would you try them, as the crime was outside national boundaries? Civies working for MOD outside Great Britain come under QRs. I they are subject of Great Britain them they could be tried in the international Court as we have signed up to it. But the US has not. So you could have a situation when 2 members of a PMC commit a crime together. “A” being a subject of Great Britain could be tried and “B” a citizen of the US gets away with it.

Something similar has happened (to a lesser extent) in the UK where

posts (such as the head of the Secret Intelligence Service) have been farmed out to Blair toadies who toe the party line. The current head of SIS is John Scarlett who took part in the “sexing up” of intelligence material as war propaganda, and was rewarded accordingly. Likewise, the new Our Man in Washington was a Blair toady. The UK prime minister has prerogative powers that Dubya would be (and probably is) jealous of.

Sorry VE mist this it was covered by all the other chatter.

In some ways the PM of Great Britain has more power to get things done than the president of the US.

This reminds me of the PRCs formula for taking over counties. Once in power do not let go. Zimbabwe any one?

I am not in the least interested in changing your opinion, or, indeed, in any opinion you may have.
You have, however, made a libellous statement in regards to British Gurkha Officers which you have been asked to substantiate or withdraw.[/quote]

You’ve seen the substanciation. Why do you blather as though you have not? What you do look like saying that, is a basketcase. :lol:

What “substantiation”? Repeatedly saying that you have substantiated something (when you have not) does not make it true, even if you’re Tony Bliar.

I am not in the least interested in changing your opinion, or, indeed, in any opinion you may have.
You have, however, made a libellous statement in regards to British Gurkha Officers which you have been asked to substantiate or withdraw.[/quote]

Adding a smiley and an insult is not substantiation.
You gratuitously added this statement to a previous post.
I merely ask you to, in your terms, put up or shut up.
Where did you find the evidence that British Officers often mistreat Gurkha soldiers.
This is a specific and libellous allegation, not a matter of opinion.

(edited for spelling error)

I am not in the least interested in changing your opinion, or, indeed, in any opinion you may have.
You have, however, made a libellous statement in regards to British Gurkha Officers which you have been asked to substantiate or withdraw.[/quote]

Adding a smiley and an insult is not substantiation.
You gratuitously added this statement to a previous post.
I merely ask you to, in your terms, put up or shut up.
Where did you find the evidence that British Officers often mistreat Gurkha soldiers.
This is a specific and libellous allegation, not a matter of opinion.

(edited for spelling error)[/quote]

Your pretension to blindness does not excuse or conceal.

I am not in the least interested in changing your opinion, or, indeed, in any opinion you may have.
You have, however, made a libellous statement in regards to British Gurkha Officers which you have been asked to substantiate or withdraw.[/quote]

Adding a smiley and an insult is not substantiation.
You gratuitously added this statement to a previous post.
I merely ask you to, in your terms, put up or shut up.
Where did you find the evidence that British Officers often mistreat Gurkha soldiers.
This is a specific and libellous allegation, not a matter of opinion.

(edited for spelling error)[/quote]

Your pretension to blindness does not excuse or conceal.[/quote]

And that means precisely what, exactly?

I’m still waiting for a reason as to why you didn’t join up Ironman, i will continously hound you until there is an answer.

Did you call Blair to complain about Britain’s involvement in Iraq? When will you live up to your hypocicy?

I was one of 2 million in the streets in London if that counts.
and that is evasuion, tell us why you didnt join up (maybe you can admit to being 17 (?) and we will then move on.

Why are we hypocrites, we fight for the Queen when we fight as an army, we do not fight for the president/Prime Minister/Tony, this is because the British army is not under political control, Cromwell etc etc. You (Americans) have the 2nd amendment for similair reasons - if the state were to be corrupt it must be possible to overthrow the government. The British Army are not duty bound to fight for the government. a squaddy is called a private because he is a “Private citizen” fighting for himself, as an individual.

It is not hypocrisy to oppose the government and fight for the Queen, infact in my case I would not be fighting “for” any of my leaders or ideologies. I am not averse to running around when cold, wet, tired and hungry and consequently if the British Military want to pay me to run around in the middle of the night with lots of other bullet dodgers then I might as well. No one else pays me to do things that I enjoy. (hypothetically) As a soldier I think that I would enjoy the challenge aspect of it all more than anything, I do not imagine there are many “ideological” soldiers (post Cold War) I am just a bloke that chose to get paid for a line of employment he felt he could do well in.

If you can explain to me where the hypocrisy is in anything anyone has said relating to the IRAQ war then I will gladly discuss it with you, provided that you lengthen your posts and dont respond with smiley alone or poorly worded one line pithy comebacks used solely to bump your post count up.


Did you call Blair to complain about Britain’s involvement in Iraq? When will you live up to your hypocicy?

I don’t give a flying f*ck about hypocracy, because in fact i supported the war in iraq and still do. Answer my question why didn’t you join up?

Are you in Iraq fighting right now?

Are you in Iraq fighting right now?

Are you? Talk about hypocracy! :evil: I am going to go, first however i must finish my degree then i’ll be on the first plane out there.
So come on then, WHY DIDN’T YOU JOIN UP?
Stop being a coward and answer the question.

To the rest of you chaps please carry on my crusade to get Ironman to answer why he didn’t join up as i’ll be away tonight at the HAC ball.
And to Ironman;
You sir, are a coward, dullard and are of low wit. Your repetitive posts where you spout vile drivvle and continously avoid answering directly show the aptitude of a baboon suffering from mild dementia. Should you desire to stop being a servile cur and a yellow-hided rapscallion and answer my question then sir, you shall have my gratitude. And please for the sake of us of a more enlightened persusaion stop using such prol phrases such as ‘kiddo, holy guano batman, et al’ it makes you sound like the mental equivalent of a pitutiatry dwarf (i.e. if brains were related to size). Anyway enough of this riposte i must be going,
yours in anticipation,
Student-scaley, KFS,TLA,MIA(bar),CEFO,PRESAR, Order of the dirty Bath, Knight Commander of the Honurable Lazy student Order

Shouldn’t it be the HHH, Honourable Hartillery Hompany. And give yourself a CDM for good work. :slight_smile:

My maternal grandfather was in the HAC in the Great War, but he was into politics.

HAC eh? Good form there. I’ve had an excellent evening beating the retreat followed by the summer ball. The best year yet, I believe. Thank you, Bristol UOTC.

So I take it that you are a foul-mouth sissy who is not fighting in Iraq and not called Blair to complain about British involvement in Iraq? What mistakes do parents make to produce your kind? I cannot imagine. Seriously!