Forgotten soviet war, forgotten soldiers - Anti-soviet movements in Eastern Europe

Lithuanian partisans from Aukstatija - alive.

The last KIA Lithuanian warrior Antanas Kraujalis - “Siaubunas”, from “Vytautas” district. killed in action in 17th of March 1965

From left: Juozas Luksa -“Daumantas” (architect, writer of the bestseller “Fighters for Freedom” , KIA 1951.09.04); Viktoras Vitkauskas - “Saidokas” (book-keeper, Commander of “Tauras” district, KIA 1951.02.02), Pranas Naujokas - “Kietis”
Notice US made MK-2 grenades.

One of most outstanding figures in WW2, that in Lithuania ended only after 1993.08.31 (when the last soldier of Russian occupation forces had left the country) was architect Juozas Luksa - “Daumantas”, “Skirmantas” (1921.08.10 - 1951.09.04).

He joined armed fight in the Spring of 1945. 1947 became a commander of “Birute” brigade, “Tauras” district (south of Lithuania). In the May of 1947 together with J.Kriksciunas - “Rimvydas” he crossed Iron Curtain (border) for Poland to restore contacts with Lithuanian political leaders in exile. Returned back and after some time crossed border (during the fighting with NKVD border units) again in 15th of October 1947. From Poland he reached the West - visited and made great number of contacts with Lithuanian leaders and unofficial with the officials from secret services of US, UK and France in W. Germany, France, Sweden - seeking for any political and military support from Western Democracies. Unfortunately, the only support he get - was a treason by NKVD-KGB agents infiltrated in UK MI, and US CIA.

Juozas Luksa get married in France with Lithuanian girl, both knowing, that he is going to return back soon, to continue his fight to the end. She died few years ago, still as a widow of Juozas Luksa.
During his short stay in the Free countries he wrote the book about what was really going on in Lithuania (the bestseller) “Freedom Fighters: Lithuanian Partisans Versus the U.S.S.R, 1944-1947”:

The book was translated in many languages. Here is in English:

In 1950.10.03 he was paratrooped with other two Lithuanian Freedom Fighters, (all armed and well trained in special secret service schools in France and W.Germany - Klemensas Sirvys - “Sakalas” (1926-2003) and Benediktas Trumpys - “Rytis” (1919-1951). During this landing in Zemaitija, they have lost some of the equipment, because of the traitors in UK MI. NKVD were well informed and waiting for them! But all 3 managed to reach the active Partisans in the South of Lithuania, “Tauras” military district. B.Trumpys - “Rytis” KIA in 1951.05.20 in his bunker, near Zapyskis (close to Kaunas), but K.Sirvys - “Sakalas”, from 1951.07.20 commander of “Zalgiris” brigade, in 1952.07.24 was not killed in action, but unfortunately only wounded. After NKVD treatment, he became a traitor of MGB and during 2 years was used for provocation and other purposes. After that he was sentenced 25 years in Communist Labor camp plus 5 years in exile. After that he in the 1970 returned to occupied Lithuania. Died in 2003.


Large part of this post was taken from “Lit” thread in Axis Forum.

Edited once to add source.

If you want to see some disturbing photos maybe you should look at what the UPA did to Polish peasant families in Volyn.

I read about Volyn. It was terrible.

Lancer , maybe you never hear that “forest brother” after ww2 killed in Litva 25 000 peoples most of them (23 000) were the civilians.
Do you want to see some photo of victims of “Freedom fighters”?
Ore another interesting information about bandits who cruel killed it’s own countrymens?
When you write about “fogotten soviet war” please , give the full picture of violence, not just “one side”.


Chevan, I know well that “forest brethren” killed many people. I think real figures are higher than yours.
For me the facts stated below are important:

  1. This was USSR which occupied LIthuania and other Baltic states.
  2. This was USSR which beside occupation and numerous murders and/or forcible resettlements behind Ural or to Gulag camps, incorporated Pribaltika into USSR.
  3. As history show it was against wish of 99% of population of this countries.
  4. There is no other way to defend any country than killing attackers and occupants.



  1. They annexed these territories under the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.

  2. What is your source for the 99% claim? From the Baltic nationalists perhaps? The same jerkoffs who don’t even remember that their buddy Germany was responsible for their annexation?

  3. Russia had a right to defend its borders too. The Baltic land was necessary for this.

Jasa, no offence, but you display tribal mentality. Annexation and occupation = aggression no matter what pacts are involved.
After 45 years of soviet occupation 99% of Lithuanians supported independence.

The right to defend its borders cannot be justification for aggression and occupation + mass killings and deportations. There were soviet murders and deportations before “forest brethren”.
Every action is causing reaction.
It’s the same with Volyn, UPA and treatment of Poles by Ukrainians.
Ukrainians lived for many years in humiliation because policies of Polish nobility first, than Polish settlers, than finally totally stupid policies of Polish government between 1921 and 1939.
I talked to some people and they remembered that Ukrainians were treated badly, very badly. Revange was inevitable. I don’t blame them. How cruel this revange was is another matter. But again I would not like to be in UPA members shoes when they were caught by Home Army squads. Same cruelty on both sides.


Mate , no offense, but sometimes yourself “display tribal mentality”.
After 45 (in 1990) all republic of USSR supported independence. It’s absolutly don’t mean that in 1939 Baltic on 99% was against USSR. It’s nonsense.
I belive that Finland was strongly against entering USSR , therefore it was the Winter war.
Besides , Stalin never wanted to include all Finland to the USSR, just some territory near the Leningrad.
But Baltic states themself ask to enter into USSR ( I agry that it was the pressure of Stalin) but it never was 99% against USSR.
Perhaps some number of population (about 60 %) was displeased ( and only 10-15% was enemily).
You forgot that in that period the communism was strong (all the Europe countries had ComParty ) . And many peoples in Baltic states (not all) of couse was under Comunism ideology too.

Revenge? Why did the UPA have to take its revenge on unarmed woman and children in Poland?

Because for generations there were opressed by the Poles?
Because they hated Poles so much?
Maybe also because they tried to force Poles to escape?
Or maybe because they tried to exterminate to most ressistant ones?

The CHILDREN were the most resistant Poles? Well that speaks very good for Poland at least but DAMN! Besides, the oppression of Ukrainians in Galicia by Poles in no way justifies what the UPA did.

I was trying to make you aware of complexity of this problem.
But I’m afraid that you are able to see some aspects, mostly the most comfortable for you.
I’m not justyfing the UPA. I’m not justifing any of the people who kill children, women, olders, or any unarmed human being. And it doesn’t matter what organisation or nation they represent.


What was the relation between Lithuanian Activist Front and the Nazi Germany prior to 22-June-1941?
From what I have read here it is obvious, that their aprising was coordinated with Germans. Or I am mistaken?

And do you know if Algirdas Klimaitis was a member of Lithuanian Activist Front?

a small town near Kaunas as the rebels tried to prevent the Soviet army from crossing the Nemunas. (Niemen)

Which way was the Red Army crossing the river? I guess they were retreating, right? And LAF tried to prevet them from fleeing Germans?

Let’s not believe in miracles and LAF complete independence… German Abwehr obviously penetrated LAF and probably influenced decision about uprising.

Lithuanians are adamant that he and his unit was not in LAF. It cannot be proven anyway.

Obviously, by preventing retreat, LAF helped Wehrmacht in destruction of soviet units.

Anyone looking at situation in June 1941 should look at a broader picture.
Below link to Latvian site which explain a lot about situation in Baltic states.

Pages from 68 to 89 may explain what retreating soviet forces could expect from enraged Latvians.
The same situation was in Lithuania and Estonia.

Below link to Latvian site which explain a lot about situation in Baltic states.

On the page 96 there is given indication for the “uncountable” and “INNUMERABLE” victims: Arrested, Banished, Missing (driven away) - 32.895;
Murderd - 1.355;

The Latvian population was 2.000.000 people in 1939.

I do NOT mean it in a cinical way, but since we are such great historians in here and try to look at things in a “broader picture”, I would like to say that the number of victims was rather low. Obviously, it does not make it any easier for the murdered ones.

In USSR in 1936 - 1937 almost 1000 death sentences were given every f**king day. Even if half of them was justifiable, it still makes this 1355 in 1 year a drop in an ocean. But this is of course looking at “broader picture”. So one could argue, that Stalin showed his feminine side when handling Latvia.

I do understand that for Latvians it is a big deal. No objection for that! But still there a “broader picture” left to deal with… hmm…

N.B: Hey, guys! If 1355 is “uncountable” and “INNUMERABLE”, then what does it make 600.000 civilian german victims of firebombing in to? Hmmm… tough one… Aaahh, I should be looking at “broader picture”!

Best regards and wishing well to everyone! And sorry for some sarcasm…
Igor Korenev

Just for the comparision.

Having occupied Latvia in summer 1941, the German command created the local voluntary troops (Schutzmannschaft or Schuma), to struggle against the Soviet partisans and serve as guards in concentration camps for Jews and Soviet prisoners of war. [1] [2] The group of the Latvian auxiliary police known as Arajs Commando murdered about 26,000 Jews, mainly in November and December 1941.

Don’t need to repit for you that so called Latvian Freedom fighter killed not only jews but also and other nationalities from the neighbourgh states.

Hello Guys!

Sorry, if it has been mentioned here, but I wanted to ask
what was the type of the goverment in the 3 Baltic coutries prior to 1940?
Was it democratic? :wink:

Hi Egorka,

here’s the answer:
Latvia - an authoritarian regime of Karlis Ulmanis,
Estonia - an authoritarian regime of Konstantin Päts,
Lithuania - an authoritarian regime of Antanas Smeton.
In all three countries the power had been seized by force - classic “coup d’état” (Lithuania in 1926, Latvia and Estonia in 1934).


Just to add that in this topic Wikipedia may noy be a very reliable source due all the ethnics and political themes involved.

But WIKI was a “enough reliable” source for them who like to tell about soviet war crimes .
Let’s go on Egorka.:wink:

Hi guys,

When I asked I already knew the answer my self. But I was reluctant to say it. Wanted to non-russian person to put it in here. Kovalski gave a great answer to my question.

Panzercracker, did not you know that the govermants of all 3 Baltic states in 1930s were the result of the military coup? :wink: