Forgotten soviet war, forgotten soldiers - Anti-soviet movements in Eastern Europe

But WIKI was a “enough reliable” source for them who like to tell about soviet war crimes .
Let’s go on Egorka.:wink:

My statement work for the two postures in this topic.

Panzercracker did not you know that the govermants of all 3 Baltic states in 1930s were the result of the military coup? :wink:

You mean Panzerknacker…I did not, that is a shame compared with the democracy in the CCCP. :mrgreen:

Ha hA hA Ha …:smiley:
Panzercracker- so much better,… :wink:
Sorry mate for banality but that’s funny.

No offence, but is not it practically the same.

I did not, that is a shame compared with the democracy in the CCCP. :mrgreen:

Yes, very funny for us nowadays! :slight_smile: But there were in fact number of peoplein the Baltic countries before 1940, that were thinking about USSR ar a more democratic alternative to the natinalistic authoritarian regimes.

It all much easier and clearer backwards…

The famous Danish philosofer Søren Kirkegård said in 18th century: “Life must be understood backwards; but… it must be lived forward.
It sounds even better in Danish!


Probably they did not know the democratic alternative very well.

And if you wish to call me Panzercraker (even it sound like a cookie) you can do it.

Here is an interesting stuff about the views of British goverment (and particulary Lord Halifax) on the Baltic countries and Finland on June 1941, a week before Germany attacked USSR.


Here are just 2 pages. I advise to read the document from the beginning.

page 4

page 5

And can anyone read this one (marked as “FDR note”) and post the text here? I can not figure out the handwriting…

Thx for answering my question (though it sure took me long enough to say it). I was wondering about this ever since reading Yaffa Eliach’s “There Once was a World”. Eliach and some novelists have stressed the anti-semitism of the AK. They may have overdone it. Most Poles are anti-semitic, but it had more of a religious-cultural basis as opposed to the psuedo-racial basis of the nazis. I had anti-semitic relatives in Poland who hid Jews during the occupation.

Sure, and UFO did landed in Rosewell :slight_smile:

He He He;)
I/ve aready told you Kovalski the covering the jews during ww2 does not save the Poland from the jewish financial court claims.
The common portraytion of the Poland is mostly anti-semitic.

Ufo didnt land in Roswell, it crashed in Roswell.

Whatever… :expressionless:

joking !:slight_smile:

I take that back, most BEFORE the war were anti-semitic, there are few Jews left there today. However, I did specify that it was a religious based anti-semitism, not a nazi type. Like one disliking Mormons or Jehova Witnesses.

Igor Korenev,
I cannot make out all of FDR’s handwriting but can decipher most:

To Till Cripps(?) most unwise to advocate now my approval of pre-1919 Russian frontiers.
In addition, contrary to Atlantic Charter. xxx-xxx sure Cripps will not want to make me call attention to that fact. The matter had best be handled between xxx + me a bit later on

In essence, FDR wanted to not discuss the issue. Later on, the US never recognized the incorporation of the Baltic states into the Soviet Union.

Thank you, nomonhan!

They just had to be annexed? Estonians did fight, but the overwhelming numbers were too much.

I belive that Finland was strongly against entering USSR , therefore it was the Winter war.
Yes…? This is a simple truth.

Besides , Stalin never wanted to include all Finland to the USSR, just some territory near the Leningrad.
And now you go and say against your own previous statement.

But Baltic states themself ask to enter into USSR ( I agry that it was the pressure of Stalin) but it never was 99% against USSR.
?? wait-what??
This is profoundly wrong. Ask any Estonian, and they tell you something which is not remotely close to this case. I have asked.

Perhaps some number of population (about 60 %) was displeased ( and only 10-15% was enemily).
You forgot that in that period the communism was strong (all the Europe countries had ComParty ) . And many peoples in Baltic states (not all) of couse was under Comunism ideology too.
40 000 Estonians were exported and communist puppets were the ones who “asked” to be “allowed” to join the SU.(nice article in history-magazine gave pretty good frames in this matter, and studies did confirm the magazines numbers)
-I presume that you have knowledge to counter this?

Estonia was more or less the only one with some cases of resistance. On the contrary in Latvia there was practicaly no resistance at all.
Again there was a considerable portion of the people that was seeing USSR as a better option compare to the military dictatorship regims in the Baltic States.
Not that it proves much…

40 000 Estonians were exported and communist puppets were the ones who “asked” to be “allowed” to join the SU.(nice article in history-magazine gave pretty good frames in this matter, and studies did confirm the magazines numbers)
-I presume that you have knowledge to counter this?

Sorry, I do not get it. You mean 40.000 Estonians were deported to inner USSR?

Estonians were looking for allies right before the war. They figured that Finns would help, seeing that Finns were involved in the civil-war there and are kin.
But we had neither manpower nor material to send then.

Again there was a considerable portion of the people that was seeing USSR as a better option compare to the military dictatorship regims in the Baltic States.
Not that it proves much…
Many don’t actually know that they were less democratic then.
During ww2, they were just a few of democratic republics to begin with.

Sorry, I do not get it. You mean 40.000 Estonians were deported to inner USSR?
Jep. It might take me a while to actually get the magazine back, as it lies within the coffee-break place of my workplace… But I’ll see who made the article.