Georgia in Crisis: Major Fighting Erupts with Russia

Am I missing something here?

Isn’t there an important oil pipeline or two through Georgia?

Which supply America, among other oil hungry nations?

And America has provided military support to Georgia?

If the positions were reversed, how would America react to Russia training Canada’s military forces while Canada had oil pipelines crossing it for Russia’s benefit, and Russian sponsored and aligned Canada had launched a military attack on one of its provinces on America’s border which wanted to unite with America?

I think what is happening in Ossetia is appalling and should be stopped immediately because people are being dispossessed and hurt and killed, but politicians in warring nations and their sponsors never care about that so the reality is that Russia’s actions should be judged by the conduct expected of a comparable nation in a similar position. In which case America and China and India would all act in exactly the same way.

It’s got bugger all to do with who’s morally right or who started it and everything to do with what is in the interests of the nations involved, and who has the most military and political power to get their way.

Putin and Bush couldn’t give a shit who gets shot, as long as it’s not them. This is a pity because if the clowns at the top took the same risks they send their soldiers off to face they’d take a different attitude. Well, Bush, at least, the draft dodging prick who’s currently lost over 4,000 lives of other Americans on an idiotic adventure in Iraq, about oil.

Ossetia is in part about oil, yet again, as well as big power politics and, among other things, Russia letting America know that Russia still has the military power and will to act as it always has in the past, so don’t site an American missile defence shield in middle Europe or maybe Russia will advance there, too, because there’s still life in the old dog.

There is NO oil in South osetia. The oil pipeline does NOT cross it either.

Right, no one is morally right there. That is why it is strange to listen how Russia gets blamed for everything, where it, in fact, deserves to be blamed only for half of it.

The difference with Osetia and Sudetenland is that unlike in 1938, it was GEorgian military starting full scale military operation on Friday August 8th.
And what a coinsidence! The same day Olympic games in Beijin started - a sly attempt to jeopardise the oncoming olympic games in Sochi, Russia.

Yes, Russia acts like a bear, as always. But it does not mean that it has to be blamed for everything!

I am taking my chances calming that you know NOTHING about history of this conflict not how the things in Caucasus really work out. Yet you make brave conclusions.

Georgian rocket launcher baraging Tshinval last Friday BEFORE Russian Army moved in:

I know that.

Which is why I referred to pipelines crossing Georgia.

Just like on your map. :wink:

I know it is going through Georgia, but it is not crossing the territory of South Osetia.
Just like on my map. :wink:

-Russia confirmed for the first time on Monday it had advanced beyond the borders of Abkhazia, saying it had launched an operation in the town of Senaki.

-And the conflict over South Ossetia also appeared to have widened, with Georgia accusing Russia of capturing the town of Gori, just 76km (47 miles) from Tbilisi.

-Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland issue a joint statement saying that as “once-captive nations of Eastern Europe” they share a “deep concern” about Russia’s actions towards Georgia.

I think Moscow can deny all the things that are happening, but they are happening. I seem more inclined to beleive Georgia, because as a defending nation, they wouldn’t make up all this bull about being attacked.

Maybe the Russian government wants to bring the Russian power that they had during world war 2. But this not the way to handle this matter. Russian needs to back down and hol their fire or Nato my declare war on Russian and then Where is America, right in the center. Im onne the first to say attack Moscow but this is stuped. They can’t win. even China has told them to back down.

So were dose this leave us. Out with or ( excuse my words ) asses in the wind. So Were does this leave us?

I just read in the newspaper today that there have been claims for Georgia to join the NATO in the recent past with The USA as a supporter. Well, that would have caused a major problem by now…

Haha, Georgia isn’t even close to any NATO nation, much less the Atlantic Ocean.

Well, it’s still a fact they (Georgia) wanted to join…

I know, I was just pointing out the obvious…

Just like the Russian Army…

Just lik in Afganistan in 1979;):mrgreen:

Its’ not just about Oil ,mate.
there alot of russians who lives here in Osetia , Abhazia.
Althought the oil is probably importaint matter, but it’s also a matter for USA who support the Georgian regime.
Do you know what is a lofe in Geogia accidentally?
Their pensioner get 20$ per month.
The unemployment is 61%.
This is a state-bankrupt.
At the same time his state has an biggest Army in region and strong Special forces and Police.
This is tupical Third world dictatorship that suppress any their inner opposition by rough police methods.
Insted to increase the life-level of its peoples- the dictator Saakachvili just do nothing except the Military hysteria.
And now this madman want to spread their power over Osetia and Abhazia- where the life-level higher then in Georgia ( becouse many peoples work in Russia).
Rgis is not starange - the local peoples don’t wish to be joined to Georgia.Especialy by rough force.

As i know russians forces attack the Georgiam military aims outside of osetia.This is doing to break the Georgian war potential.
Nobody plans or wish to cupture the Georgian territory.

Well the Russian’s could want the world to see that they have not lost their poweer in the eastern world. But it could also be that they may want their land back that they had when they where the USSR. Well at any rate they need to halt and give what they took back. Or Nato will make a strike on the Russians and then their will be a new World war. Im one of the frist to say attack and win against the russian’s But this is a war with no end.

Now that is not a reason that the Russian gov. would want to bring to their people. I hope they can find a way to end this before any more are killed or wounded.

Not while Western Europe depends upon Russian gas and oil, apart from any other reasons.

Oh come on.
Nobody will start the WW3 becouse of little dictators banan state that attacked “their civils” with Mortars in Tshinvali.
This is just hysteria, that has no any sense.
I/m sure the hostilities should have finished soon, just right after litle banan Military regime lost their ability to attack in future.

So, Russia funds and arms separatists in a province of a new state which used to be part of its empire.
Russia hands out passports in said province like candy.
Armed separatists cause problems for the new state prompting a police action.
Russia then invades, claiming “protecting its citizens”.
New state defends its sovereign territory, offers a ceasefire which basically gives away the breakaway province.
Russia declines, expands the war to the remainder of the state on the pretext of preventing retaliation.
Oh and look – now Russia has control of ALL the gas and oil pipelines running from Central Asia to Europe.

It is transparently textbook stuff…

Not true.
At the moment of attack the Osetians has only few old tanks. Georgians got about 150 re-armed and reequipment , supplied by Nato on American money.
Feel the deffirence who armed whom?
And in what scale.

Russia hands out passports in said province like candy.

Wrong .
The ANY people has right o take the Double sitezenship.
There a lot of people who has the double American-European.
Now say thet USA hands out pasports:)
BTW there are about 1 million of Georgians who have a Russian pasports
Say that Georgia is like a province of Russia:)

Armed separatists cause problems for the new state prompting a police action.

Police action …with Howitzers, Tanks, Bombers and Mortars:shock:
are you crasy?
The “police action” that kills the 1600 civils calls by the other world:(

Russia then invades, claiming “protecting its citizens”.

What russia has invided?
The S.Osetia?
Just ask a locals osetians WHo has invided them?

New state defends its sovereign territory, offers a ceasefire which basically gives away the breakaway province.

The other New state Serbia also pretty defended its territory by all means.
Now say the soveraign territory Kosovo has no right to be independent and protected:)

Russia declines, expands the war to the remainder of the state on the pretext of preventing retaliation.

True, Russia declines.
Becouse you have to punish agressors who calls the unfair attack on civils with Army as “Police action”

Oh and look – now Russia has control of ALL the gas and oil pipelines running from Central Asia to Europe.

Oh yea so Russians has cuptured the Georgian Oil Pipe already?
I did know it.
Say me please the source where from you’ve learned it?