Georgia in Crisis: Major Fighting Erupts with Russia

Give it a week and they will have this pipeline.

So I take it as read is then that Georgia equally has the right to send its peacekeepers to Chechnya to punish Russian aggression, and expand into other parts of Caucasian Russia ? They do share a border, and I’m sure that there are at least a handful of Georgian nationals living there that need protection.

I reckon Russia will stop when it’s made its point, which is to demonstrate to Georgia that it will come off worst if it wants to push Russia over S. Ossetia or anything else.

Anyway, Russia has already achieved its main aim, which was to punish Gori for spawning Stalin. :wink: :smiley:

Like it. :slight_smile:

This is an interesting thread; full of Coldwar prejudices, accusations and counter-accusations, and generally lots of double standards. Very entertaining. :slight_smile:

And here is the winner of the Most Shamelessly Hypocrital Stupid Statement Award, from the Idiot of Iraq.

US President George W Bush today warned Russia to reverse course in Georgia, saying Moscow had damaged its world standing.

"Russia has invaded a sovereign neighbouring state and threatens a democratic government elected by its people. Such an action is unacceptable in the 21st century,’’ he said in his strongest condemnation yet of the fighting.

Mr Bush pressed Moscow to accept a Europe-crafted peace plan that calls for an immediate ceasefire, withdrawal of forces from the conflict zone, a return to the pre-August 6th status quo, and pledges to refrain from further use of force.

"Russia’s government must respect Georgia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. The Russian Government must reverse the course it appears to be on and accept this peace agreement as a first step toward resolving this conflict,’’ he said.,21985,24166792-661,00.html

George has taken a special interest in Georgia purely because he thinks it’s named after him. :smiley:

bravo, sir !!! :slight_smile:

You perfectly right mate.
The Gori will spawn no more Stalins in future:mrgreen:
World can live in calm:)
The war is over.
Medvedev said on TV the military operation has been stopped:)
Mission has accomplished
The ww3 has been rejected…

You have missed.

I meant it was about oil from the Western governments’ perspective.

Do you think any Western government really cares much about Georgians?

But also i 'm not sure that Russian gov actualy cares ONLY about Ossetians;)

Georgia’s President should have learnt one thing, which Poland should note about the missile shield and which was part of the message in Russia’s actions: America ain’t gonna go to war with Russia just because Russia slaps a minor country on its borders for getting too close to America.

Poland should have had enough experience of being let down by supposed allies when threatened by Russia that Poland will get the message loud and clear.

Just like in Afghanistan?

Actually, I think the Russian gov’t is playing a dangerous game of brinkmanship, and killing a good number of Georgians in the process…

True, but isn’t the US being dangerously provocative towards Russia by training Georgia’s military?

Plus wanting to put the missile shield in Poland?

Kennedy didn’t react too well to a somewhat similar, but rather different and more threatening act given the type of missile, when the Soviets put missiles into Cuba.

No nation likes being ringed by its potential enemy.

As i know the intervention to Afganistan was planned as “Liberation company” from most beginig.
the Soviet troops was planned to say here for a long time/ As long as it was needed.

Actually, I think the Russian gov’t is playing a dangerous game of brinkmanship, and killing a good number of Georgians in the process…

this is rather danger game.
But as truly write Rising Sun, the russians have no much choice.- The USA too intensive direct our neighbourds agains Russia, ignoring( or supporting) the anti-russian hysteria here.
The USA wage a danger game from most beginning.
Russia just says - no more of it HERE.
Lets play in Iraq and Iran as much as you wish. But Caucaus is a wrong place.
In some russians inner forums there is an oppinion that the “Georgian company” is the ONLY FIRST testing of Russian ability to resist to Washington expantion.
They need to learn where is going the Line that can’t be crossed.

MAte , have you accidentally been recruited by FSB?:):):mrgreen:
Your posts look too pro-russian.

That’s not what you said when we were debating Lend Lease and who won WWII. :wink: :smiley:

I can see why Russia would feel a bit beseiged by America, which insists on launching military actions all over the planet to protect American interests, while vigorously objecting to anyone else doing the same thing if it threatens American interests.

Add in Turkey and middle European nations joining NATO; America in Afghanistan and Iraq and threatening to go into Iran (which, if it does, will probably be the second time it’s been humiliated there in the past three decades); a major air base in Kyrgyzstan; training Georgia’s military and sponsoring it for NATO membership; and the Pacific fleet, and it’s not hard to see why Russia feels it’s being ringed by America.

Since the demise of the COMINTERN and the USSR, Russia hasn’t been anywhere near as arrogant or aggressive as America outside its border areas, but now it’s getting confident again about its economic, diplomatic and military power and starting to use it.

Which Bush the Idiot can’t handle, so he lectures Russia about a limited week long incursion into Georgia after he’s spent years fucking Iraq over beyond all belief with a lot less justification than Russia had for going into Georgia. Or did I miss the American peacekeepers in Iraq killed by the Iraqis in an ill judged initiation of armed conflict as happened with S. Ossetia?

Maybe like in Afganistan… where USSR stupidly fell victim of American provocation. Do you know what I am talking about? :wink:

How good is that armour?

What do you mean?

That is good, I did not think of the oil and gas part of the problem. But why attack a little country that has no worth, or better yet no value. Yes the lives of people are important but their is no reason for the Russian higharcy to invade this little ( pardion my words ) shit hole an leave the world in aw of what they are doing.

And yes I can’t spell very well. O.K

Sorry, I don’t speak Russian.