German SS outfit clothing

Well, I’m glad you don’t hate the normal people of the USA. Maybe if you got to actually know some you might get a better opinion of us. I’m sure the germans are glad you love them.:smiley: As for age groups, there’s more than likely a number of different ages onboard.

[QUOTE=navyson1;134830]Well, I’m glad you don’t hate the normal people of the USA. Maybe if you got to actually know some you might get a better opinion of us. I’m sure the germans are glad you love them.:smiley: As for age groups, there’s more than likely a number of different ages onboard.[/QUOTE
just the govements
so there is older guys on here…
i lik older guys better

Ummm… someone in their twenties is an adult. From your language I had assumed you were about twelve.
In fact, it is entirely possible I’m younger than you are…

Leave my friend Aly j alone PDF…I like him, so be nice. You already scared off SS Kommando in this thread…

I thought Aly j is a girl or I am confuseing Aly j with somebody else?

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

At the risk of you lurking around her with your tongue hanging out from now on, aly j is female…

Hi SS Ouche-Vittes a polite suggestion, really as in everything there are usually quite a lot of good people and a few nutjobs, that said it would seem to me that proportionally there might be more nutjobs in the SS memorabilia hobby than there would be amongst say people who collect beer mats or old record players for a hobby, now I am sure there are lots of nice people involved in collecting SS stuff but that would be little consolation to you, if you have happened to meet some of the not so nice ones. Furthermore in a number of countries with a number of people, they have strong feelings about the SS in that e.g. German forces entered one Russian village but the people had fled except for a young woman with her baby, the troops wanted to know where the villagers had fled, so they grabbed the baby out of her arms and swung it at full force against a pillar so it’s head exploded, with that the Woman became hysterical and the troops were able to find the location of the villagers. People tend to have a long memory when it comes to stuff like that, so you might want to think carefully where you would go and who you would meet, if you would be deciding to dress up in an SS uniform.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

What is a Saniation Co? Did LtCalley belong to one? He SANITIZED a bunch of “gooks”. His punishment,2 days in the brig.then sent home to work in a jewelry store The scales of justice have different size pans for different people. I was in the Army at that time, am I guilty of war crimes too(by association)? Are confederate re enactors guilty of being pro slavery? Or are you just a bitter old man with blinders? Give the kid a break!
I bet you wouldn’t call a biker with an Iron cross tatoo a wanabee elitist(that would get your A## kicked) You are much too serious. Do you wear a sanitation uniform?:wink: Is there a commode pin on the collar?

No, although I do have a ball and chain on there!

Is this a fact or another “urban legend” made by some German hater?
Here is a fact ,the Serbs impaled a Hungarian Gendarm alive on a wooden pole(rectum up through neck) after the allies refused his entry into Austria in 45, and gave him to the Jugoslav commies. The Ruskies marched 50000 Honved (hungarian) soldiers who surrendered into a river in winter to drowning. I don’t think any were prosecuted for war crimes, do you? The Ruskies raped 5000+ women in Budapest alone, one woman had her pelvis fractured by the multiple rape attacks and died two days later,no war crimes there! Some of those guys (in their 80s) still wear medals and smile at Moscow parades! NO GROUP is INNOCENT,not Russians,Germans,Americans French,English,Rumanians etc etc. Crazy Bastards come in all flags and colors. When any one group calls itself better innocent or righteous I sense Bull Sh*# and ignorance.

Hi I am sure, pdf27 can answer for himself, so I have not intention of doing that. As for the general issues you raise. The US Armed Forces were Vietnam with a mission of defending the people of South Vietnan, now the thing might have been riddled with SNAFUs but there was not a formal policy or even an informal policy of exterminating the South Vietnamese people. Westmoreland made a hash of things in that defending South Vietnam was not served by fighting a war of attrition on NVA and VC forces, in that political policy dictated that much of North Vietnam was off limits to US military intervention and thus Hanoi could turn the tempo of the War up and down as it suited it. All Hanoi had to achieve given that the US had a free press, was to create the impression that the US was fighting an unwinable War against an enemy which never give up for a country that was not worth fighting for. The Americization of the War and the fighting of a War of attrition, is exactly what Hanoi wanted and that is what Westermoreland duly provided. As for the Confedracy, slavery was wrong and the denial of civil rights to black people in the South till the 1960s was wrong too, that said the Confedracy had an evil within called slavery and discrimination against the blackman, whilst the Third Reich was not something that was part good and part bad like the Confedracy but evil from start to finish top to bottom and unfortunately life is shades of Grey not black and white and I didn’t seen any disgruntled Southern good old boys crashing aircraft in to the twin towers on 9/11 with cries of “Hurrah for General Robert E Lee and dam the Yankees” but I did see some modern days palls of old Johhny one ball, doing it with cries of “Allah al Akbar”, so I would cut some slack for people that are interested in re-entacting the Confederate side, that I might not for folks who like to dress up in the likes of Waffen SS Das Reich uniforms.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Ha Ha You are OK!

There was an informal policy of raisng the daily body count by any means possible without bringing up any media attention.

Slavery is Evil from top to bottom and running a pickup 150 into the twin towers yellin YEEHA would only shake up the driver and loosen his only tooth!:wink:

Sorry I think you are missing the point, the purpose of my remarks was not an historical essay but to suggest to SS Ouches Vittes that he might be getting involved in stuff which has risks. If you have issues with the Commies I am not one, never been one and I would not have had a moral problem with their being nuked during the Cold War. Might I also respectfully suggest to you, that if it was not for the likes of Herr Hitler, SS Reichfurher Himmler, the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS and the whole motley Third Reich crew that the Soviets would not have occupied a large part of Europe and therefor would not have been in a position to be raping and murdering people in those occupied countries.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

So everybody in the South is a red neck hick, that would be incapable of pulling off a stunt like bringing down the twin towers if they put their mind to it? And Hallal pigs can fly.

And I said it wasn’t did I?

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Could you elaborate please, I do not understand what you are trying to say?

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

yes im a female…and im not 12
im 26

If this rube isnt a troll…I dont know who is. LOL Well at least these post are fun to read. Carry on…:slight_smile:

rube isnt troll…what does that mean?