German SS outfit clothing

Right. It would most likely be less of two evils. But I was wondering about “in most cases ignored by the troops”.

I do not doubt that some of the officers were repulsed by that and did not carry it out. I do know that most of German officers denied participation in execution of this the Commissar order. But that was after the war, of course. During the was most Wehrmaht divisions regularly reported numbers of executed Commissars, Party members and Jewish Bolsheviks.

Please do, I am anxious to read that one!

I can not dig the exact quote right now… I read it in the book “Breve fra Østfronten” where it was mentioned that in number of propaganda materials intended for Wehrmacht soldiers was mentioned that Soviet soldiers are somewhat illegal combatants because they defend criminal Judeo-Bolshevism and thefore can not be given honor as an opponent soldier normaly should have.
I think there was a quote from a material distributed to the Wehrmacht the night before Barbarossa begun.

i want to make film. reenactment isn’t exactly the same.

the waffen ss tank uniform was black the soldier uniform was foreset camo

The waffen SS panzer uniforms sometimes had camo…

cool…ur family members was in the ss… wow.dont worrie about it
im sure they where good germans…there where good ones out there.
they werent all bad.

yes i do agree
germany lost and the world is a shit heap
and we still got another country rulin us

I thought australia was now independent of great britain.:slight_smile:

haha i mean usa rulin this earth

Nooooo, not as far as I know…

Hey…Greece, Rome, Holy Roman Empire, France, England, Germany all had turns…now it’s our turn muahahahahaha! See how silly that sounds? That’s what it sounds like when people say the US is trying to rule the earth.:smiley:

but its true
nearly every one hates usa
even the germans r not hated more than u
usa dont really deserve 2 be rulin
germany did bad things to jews
but want did the yanks do to the south africans

where they in the normal german army

Yes, all-grunt, no brass…

thats so hot…
any ways what does all grunt and no brass mean?

I don’t know of any country where we have soldiers boots on the ground that we intend on staying as a conquering nation. So how are we ruling the world? Remind me again what we did in South Africa, as I have no idea to what you’re referring.

i think i offended u ,im sorry
most countries hav done bad things
im just pointin out 2 u that america kid nap
blacks from s/f and use them as slaves,long time ago.
in iraq u got usa troops in there country.

No offense taken! As for the slavery issue, the US dealt with that internally (US Civil War) and obviously don’t have slavery anymore. Contrary to popular belief, we had justification to go into Iraq because they didn’t follow UN mandates set after the first Gulf War. (other countries went in with us) It’s a lie to say that Iraq didn’t have weapons of mass destruction since Saddam Hussein used poison gas on the kurds in northern Iraq to stifle rebellion after the first war. Maybe they didn’t have as much as was thought. Anyway, at this moment the US is reducing the amount of forces in Iraq.

yes very true…
i just think that the usa govement think that there better
than all of us
thats why i hate usa.
not the normal people of usa
may be i should just said that in the first place.
lik i hate hitler but i lov harm done
any ways is all the guys on here in there 50s
am i the only 20 something on here
u guys speak very adult…lik very mature

Well, if you didn’t use chatroom language here, you would sound mature too…? Just saying, no harm intended…

this is funnie
it feels lik im really talkin 2 the real churchill
im kind of really young 4 my age