germany hand waving question

Actually, I’d say Nestor Kirchner of Argentina is the funniest president. At least, he’s the funniest looking. :lol:

Looks like he has a bug in his eye:

I guess corrective surgury for his eye is too expensive?

With a nose like this, he must be able to smell absolutely everything!

i think he left his dentures out on this day:

The human bloodhound:

This one looks like he’s dumping a big load in his pants. It must be painful. “Please God! Make it stop!”

Big nose :smiley:

The raised right arm was the Nazi party salute aimed directly at Hitler. Up to summer 1944 (attempted coup d´etat by Wehrmacht officers) did the Wehrmacht salute with a traditional military salute. Afterwars they had to use the Hitler salute as well, to prove their loyality.

German opposition had a different meaning for the Hitler salute. Instead of saying “Heil Hitler”, they would say “So hoch steht die Scheisse!” (“This is how high the sh*t is piled up!”), when raising their arm (obviously not in the presence of Nazi snitches).


Am I the only one here who likes Bush? :smiley:

Well , that really depends on what you mean by bush :smiley: :smiley:

yes i rather like a few Shrubberies!

But i really dont care much about G. W. Bush, I think hes an “idiot” he can’t even speak properly.

Each to his own.

Not too keen on Bush myself always seem to end up with a hair in my mouth. :lol:

At least he manages to get the American people to stand behind him, whereas Blair is disliked even in Parlaiment. They’re about ready to throw him out. :lol:

I imagine there are plenty of Brits wiping beef from their chins in the pubs, enjoying a nice cup of “Blairs is a complete dingbat”.

At least he manages to get the American people to stand behind him, whereas Blair is disliked even in Parlaiment. They’re about ready to throw him out.

Must have missed the election then or is it that ours is over in a night and we do not spend months in court arguing about the result that fools you.

I am sure that if it were possible for Blair to stand for US president he would get the US vote.

Americans like Blair overall, mostly because he had the balls to say that Britain needed to participate in the war against terrorism. That’s a large part of the reason that Bush has been so poular in the US. He has the balls. Some men who run for president, like the idiot Clinton (the biggest presidential mistake in the US in a long time), would likely sit around and blather about things that the US does NOT need to do.

However, Britain is a fairly liberal society, and the US is fairly conservative by comparison. I don’t think, even if it were possible for a European to run for Presidnet in the US, that he would get many votes.

But Blair is an action man, and Americans like that. They like a leader who has the gaul to stand up and tell the laid-back liberal consession-makers what needs to be done.

Americans like Blair overall, mostly because he had the balls to say that Britain needed to participate in the war against terrorism. However, Britain is a fairly liberal society, and the US is fairly conservative by comparison. I don’t think, even if it were possible for a European to run for Presidnet in the US, that he would get many votes.[/quote]

Hmmm we really needed another war on terrorism didn’t we? I mean it isn’t as though we had already been fighting a war on terrorism for the past god knows how many years! Much of it, I have to say, funded by certain Americans who were stupid enough to donate.

What enemies of the US or Britain has the US contributed to? I’m open minded. If anyone did that, I’d like to know how.

As for terror against Britain, I guess Blair has a better appreciation for the events of 911 than you. I bet if it were skyscrapers in Britain that were whacked, you’d be drooling at the mouth to see the sorry fu*ks given a little British justice.

I bet also that if it happened to Britain, the US would be at Britain’s side.

What enemies of the US or Britain has the US contributed to? I’m open minded. If anyone did that, I’d like to know how.

As for terror against Britain, I guess Blair has a better appreciation for the events of 911 than you. I bet if it were skyscrapers in Britain that were whacked, you’d be drooling at the mouth to see the sorry fu*ks given a little British justice.

I bet also that if it happened to Britain, the US would be at Britain’s side.[/quote]

Have you heard of terrorists in NI ?

Cuts dont bother they where white so they must be freedome fighters, the complexities of the NI situation are beyond the limited interlect of a games geek. Lucky for us that we had all those Gurkhas to deal with the problem.

What enemies of the US or Britain has the US contributed to? I’m open minded. If anyone did that, I’d like to know how.

As for terror against Britain, I guess Blair has a better appreciation for the events of 911 than you. I bet if it were skyscrapers in Britain that were whacked, you’d be drooling at the mouth to see the sorry fu*ks given a little British justice.

I bet also that if it happened to Britain, the US would be at Britain’s side.[/quote]

Have you heard of terrorists in NI ?[/quote]

Not sure what you are talking about, but is it anything like supporting the enemies of the IRA?

Ironman google Noraid. Then google IRA/FARC, IRA/ETA, IRA/Libya, Then google cain archive, then get a life you walt

“The same seeds of destruction and division have been sown in the USA.”

I’d like to see them say that as a citizen of Iraq when Kudai Hussein and his thugs drive up and take his wife away, shoot his dog, and drive off. Thankfully that turd died when he fired upon the USMC and they filled the building he was in with holes from a .50 cal MG.

Yea. A group of dingbats. I bet you’re a member.

What enemies of the US or Britain has the US contributed to? I’m open minded. If anyone did that, I’d like to know how.

As for terror against Britain, I guess Blair has a better appreciation for the events of 911 than you. I bet if it were skyscrapers in Britain that were whacked, you’d be drooling at the mouth to see the sorry fu*ks given a little British justice.

I bet also that if it happened to Britain, the US would be at Britain’s side.[/quote]

Have you heard of terrorists in NI ?[/quote]

Not sure what you are talking about, but is it anything like supporting the enemies of the IRA?[/quote]
Noraid was a front operation, posing as a charity, which collected funds for the PIRA.
Despite, if I recall correctly, ( I stand to be corrected) being named as part of a terrorist organisation by the British Government, it was allowed to collect openly in America for many years.
In Boston I believe one collection slogan was “give a dollar to kill a British soldier”.
This, not unnaturally, led to more than a little irritation within our armed forces who were fighting said terrorists on a daily basis for some thirty years.

There are dingbats who organize themselves in every advanced nation. Now don’t go trying to imply that the American general public either participated in or approved of the operations of some like-minded losers who are socially and globally distorted. They do it in your country and mine. What’s new?

I’m sure that if the US government had any evidence to arrest them or to deny them the right to free speech or to assemle peacefully, they would have excercized it. Hell, yhe US gov’t even has software and laws designed to allow them to snoop on any US citizen’s on-line activities (thanks to 911), which has caused a bit of a stir here. I am sure, as an ally of the UK, had there been any evidence of actual terrorist acts against the UK, the US Gov’t would have kicked in some doors with search warrants.

I don’t give any credit to your claim that the paractice was manuable.