germany hand waving question

Skyscraper terrorism old news - canary wharf!

Well done we should all ike bliar because he is a man of action!

Bollocks is he.

He sent out troops wherever yours went, hardly a thinking man, he has no input on where “your” war on terror manifests itself yet, if anything out of misguided loyalty he deploys our troops to stop yours getting carried away and to add stability to the region.

I am not asking IRONMAN - IRONMAN do not answer. How many American troops get involved in stay behind peace keeping tours?
How often do the Europeans hanf around post conflict to tidy up and rectify the mistakes made through war. War from the air destroys infrastructure, observe the marshall plan post WWII and how long it took to put Germany back on its feet.

I believe that the UK did not choose to fight in IRAQ and that we are involved primarlily to stay “on-side” with America whom we need as a trading partner. - sign up IRONMAN

Clinton was a bad president was he? I think youll find he managedd alot more for the middle east peace process than, the texan son of an oil billionaire. Maybe Clintons aims in the region were different?

I do not support Bush but neither do I support Tony, or Clinton. I respect the democratic process that put them there.

Are nail guns assault weapons?

People used to go around the Irish pubs in New York with collection buckets asking for donations for the “Auld Cause” - they were collecting money for the IRA.

$1000 dollar-a-plate charity dinners organised by prominent American-Irish were also often collecting for the IRA.

It’s quite well documented, and the US turned a blind eye to it until recently.

In the past, the PIRA has received funds and arms from sympathisers in the United States, notably from the Noraid (Irish Northern Aid) organisation.


I’m sorry.
I don’t understand this statement, particularly the word manuable.
perhaps you could explain it to me?

“Manuable” was a typo, I’m very tired. I meant mineable.

But is that illegal? I do know this: If it were in some way illegal according to US law, and the US gov’t knew of it, the US would take action. I know this much: IRA supporters have been caught more than once trying to ship small arms out of the US for the IRA, and they were thrown in jail for it, probably as much if not solely for the reason that they did not have a legal permit for shipping firearms from the US as for any other reason. I am inclined to believe that such fund raising activities are “protected” by claiming to be for some other cause or done in secret, in which case the gov’t’s hands are tied to stop it. If you claim a dinner is held to raise money for a charity but it’s not, how is the gov’t going to step in and stop it and take the money away?

I’ve never seen anything done publicly to provide support for the IRA in the US. No signs, no newscasts, no magazine advertisements, no young women in skimpy ourfits walking around in traffic with a coffee can collecting donations from motorists at stoplights. I don’t think such things are done openly.

You seem to be trying to imply that the public or government in the US turns a blind eye to injustice as long as it is perpetrated to people of another nation and not themselves, and that is not at all true of Americans.

Now, if they are going around Irish pubs in New York City to collect funds, I can see how they might get away with it. I can see how they might find some patrons there.

Bluffcove, I’m not trying to be aloof, and I’m not being arrogant, honestly. I’m only letting you know: I quit reading your posts a week ago. When I saw that your 30th or so post directed toward me had no sensible content and was only filled with more childish drivel and insults, I decided that you had no intention of saying anything worth listening to, and were only interested in trying to incite and insult me. I don’t read your posts. I’m telling you this because I notice that you posted here. But I don’t read them anymore. Just so you know why I never respond to anything you say. If the content of the last 30-40 of your posts directred toward me had been as much discussion as insults and begging me to prove the claims someone else made were untrue (like your “I can make out the leg of a man at 600m!”), I would have continued reading them, but I don’t. I just skip them.

None of these have any idea what Manuable means.
Mineable doesnt exist, itss declension is minable - which refers to something that can be mined.

rather than changing the word - why dont you explain what it is that the claims were not.

I hope you didnt mean it was childish to take two of your quotes and assk you whether they contradicted one another.

I merely asked if you assertion that standard rifles were effective at 600 metres was in contradiction to your suppostition that an assault rifle isnt effective at 600 metres.

Hardly immature of me to want to explore the ramifications of such a dichotomy of opinion.

the server in this forum wont allow me to post your two quotes again but I would like it if you could just tell me whether they were opposed views.

Don’t forget that tinwalt is allowed to change the generally accepted meaning of words, and is also allowed to make words up.

…depending on how they are used.

Thing is that I cant understand what he was trying to say, maybe if he uses a thesaurus and then lets us know what he wanted to say using words alerady in the English language this would make more sense, IRONMAN waht did you mean, when you said mineable

I should point out that there was more evidence of Noraid funding Irish Republican Terrorists than there were of WMD’s in Iraq, but we backed the US. When we wanted to extradite “Convicted” not just suspected, but convicted Republican Terrorists (who had escaped from prison here) the US gave them political assylum.

Until 9/11 we had been fighting a “war on terror” for decades whilst our supposed ally was too scared of losing the Irish American vote to do a thing to help in that fight. Not only did it not help, but it aided those terrorists andlauded their leaders. These same terrorists were training with and sharing tactics and experience with Arabic and South American terror groups.

As terrible as 9/11 was, and as much as I wish it had never happened, it was at least a wake up call for the US. You never gave a shit about global terrorism before it, but after over 40 years leaving it to us (and some other Europeans) you finally got the message.

the best was Lyndon LaRouge,but he had only 2 votes (i think one was from his mother).so,if LaRouge can`t win,i think kerry must be the president

kerry rules!,

but i can`t vote him,im not american


Americans like Blair overall, mostly because he had the balls to say that Britain needed to participate in the war against terrorism. That’s a large part of the reason that Bush has been so poular in the US. He has the balls. Some men who run for president, like the idiot Clinton (the biggest presidential mistake in the US in a long time), would likely sit around and blather about things that the US does NOT need to do.

However, Britain is a fairly liberal society, and the US is fairly conservative by comparison. I don’t think, even if it were possible for a European to run for Presidnet in the US, that he would get many votes.

But Blair is an action man, and Americans like that. They like a leader who has the gaul to stand up and tell the laid-back liberal consession-makers what needs to be done.[/quote]

by the way, as an american i can tell you that you need to be a natural born american citizen to run for president. so you can’t be president. ever.

bush isn’t as popular as you think. he barely won the last election by 2 percent.

an equal amount of american soldiers have died in war as compared to the 9-11 bombings…

and iraq is getting really annoying. morale among soldiers is very depressed. the iraqs we are training are a bunch of tards that won’t fight and be our bitc9es. that means we have to police there…

clinton was more popular than bush. mostly b/c when he gave speeches he wasn’t a moron.

and, you guys have small cars