Glorification of Nazism

1000ydstare, Hosenfield is correct, the British Frekorps didn’t pass on any information to Britain and the Totenkopft Death’s Head units were a part of the SS. :wink:

We have had this out so many times now. The SS were the Nzis, they stood for everything the Nazis stood for. Therefore, regardless of fighting or gaurding camps, the whole stinking lot are tarred with the Nazi Brush. No apologies, not excuses, just a fact.

In fact the whole of German society in the late 30’s abdicated its responsiblity as a decent society when they embraced Nazism.

Get over it, admit it and move on.

It was a total Bastard of a regime (there thats the first time in over 700 posts Ive used that word).

I’ll stop on the freicorps then.

But men from which unit machine gunned the captured rear guard of the BEF in the barn on the retreat to Dunkirk?


The restored barn

Men from the 2/Royal Warwicks, the 4/Cheshires and lements from the Royal Artillery were herded into this cow byre and brutally massacred by men from the SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler ( LAH ). No-one was ever brought to book for this atrocity

This is just one of a number of similar killings, the Glosters were also similarly treated as were the Staffords (I think)

These were the men of the “normal” SS, not their more physcotic relations.

There is no difference between any unit in the SS, they were NAZIs and as such are to be tarred with the same brush. They were, in many cases, the ones directly responsible for most of the atrocities.

Even if they were blonde haired, blue eyed beauties on the outside, they were still monsters underneath.

don’t worry,when you talk about the waffen ss,they always get crazy,and don’t want to understand your words,that they were soldiers (majority)

be patient,one day they will understand.
i hope :roll:

Those wankers don’t deserve to be called human, never mind being honoured and called soldiers.

They were sub human scum and it’s a great pity that some of them died quickly.

don’t worry,when you talk about the waffen ss,they always get crazy,and don’t want to understand your words,that they were soldiers (majority)

be patient,one day they will understand.
i hope :roll:[/quote]

What understand? The SS were the ARMED ARM OF THE NAZI PARTY: PERIOD.
As such they were a criminal gang. They actively supported all Nazi ideology.
Yes, Hosenfield, this includes our grandfathers, yours and mine as well. My grandfather volunteered into the Waffen-SS, or as they were still called by then, Verfügungstruppen in the late 1930s. He was involved in both fighting the Red Army as well as in the crushing of the Warsaw Ghetto rising, which meant that he partizipatet in a massacre. Don´t tell me that you grandfather (who BTW as you said was also a volunteer) came out of the war squeaky clean. You don´t like to hear it, but your grandfather was probably a war criminal as well, and I doubt that he told you the whole story. And I assume that Erwin´s ancestors also include a few SS members or other Nazis.


first of all, my grandfather was not a volunteer. he was transferred from ___Panzer division to boast up the ranks of ____SS division was being reconstituted in 1943 in the west.

All the men that took part in the Warsaw anti-terrorist massacre were part of Waffen-ss antiterrorist units( 38th SS). Their main purpose weren’t fighting troops like SS-panzergrenadiers. I don’t know what unit your grandfather belonged to, and I won’t ask. But there were special units, with special assignments.

Well, my grandfather did come out “squeaky-clean”. He was imprisoned for three years, as the western allies tried to pin all Waffen-SS officers with anything they could come up with. Eventually, they gave up, and released him.

His comades were either quietly disillutioned former wermarcht officers, determined to win waffen-ss volunteers, or scared conscipted kids.

Listen, im not painting the waffen-ss white. but I do know that most waffen-ss troops weren’t a “criminal bunch”.

With this paragraph you just outed yourself. Calling the Jews, who tried to make a last stand against the deportation “terrorists” is quite a insult.


well, they were “anti-terrorist” units from the german ww2 point of view and called such names.

But i don’t think the polish jews were terrorist.

Once again, putting words in my mouth.

Why don’t you say the units involved?

:? …

Well anyway, dont you guys think that the people that like the nazis, or people that classify themselves as fascists but are actually not, are people that just think the Germans were cool in WW2 or they are kind of hypnotised from all the movies and nazi flags they have watched?

Which is OK how?

My bold.

In the Russian winter perhaps. :twisted:

What do you mean by the above statement, particularly the word ‘cool’ ?

Hosenfield wrote

first of all, my grandfather was not a volunteer. he was transferred from ___Panzer division to boast up the ranks of ____SS division was being reconstituted in 1943 in the west.

What units was he in?

Comando jord wrote

Well anyway, dont you guys think that the people that like the nazis, or people that classify themselves as fascists but are actually not, are people that just think the Germans were cool in WW2 or they are kind of hypnotised from all the movies and nazi flags they have watched?

This cdo jord is actually quite a scary post from someone as young as you. I don’t mean any insult. Those that think the Germans were cool or are hypnotised by moves and flags can be motivated to do terrible things. That is how modern nazism spreads.

Many of the youngsters, and they are mainly young lads, that are attracted to the nazi ideals are often blissfully unaware of some of the true horrors that took place, like wise they are blinkered in to believing that the Nazi way was right or in someway justified.

There are some who still persist in the belief that the allies invented all the stories of the atrocities.

Watch “American History X”. It is quite truthful about many of the aspects of modern nazism.

There is nothing “cool” about the SS. There is very little “cool” about the Germans in the war. To lionise their troops is not “cool”.

And I take it your belief in your statements come directly from your non-Nazi but SS service from 1943 Grandad, i mean you have corraborated your information?

well, my grandfather was the only surviving waffen-ss member in our family. I had two other relatives that served and died.

and no, I’m not going to mention what units. due to his rank and knight’s cross award, you could probably find him easily on the internet and get his last name, which would be my familiy name as well.

well, all my statements are documented in books me and my father have. Neither my father, the rest of my family, or I are going to just believe everything my grandfather says. The truth has been throughly researched not just by me but by others in my familiy.

The truth?


??? What is the truth? You seem to be at a divergeance with everything I have ever read about the Nazis, so what is your truth?

i’ve given references for past statements, and you have not proved me wrong. I’ve repeated my main statements so many times i am getting tired of it.