Greek Fire

Quoted from;jsessionid=368nq0dbj20u7?method=4&dsid=2055&dekey=easternortho&gwp=8&curtab=2055_1&sbid=lc01a&linktext=Eastern%20Orthodox%20Church

The ritual that developed at the patriarchate of Constantinople—known as the Byzantine rite—gradually replaced other local rites in the Orthodox East, and after the 13th cent. became, with local variations and translations, the standard of Orthodox worship.
End quote.
What you say about this?

Also another quote:
The word Orthodox became current at the time of the defeat (753) of iconoclasm in Constantinople. Orthodox acceptance of the seven councils resulted in the exclusion from their communion, on grounds of heresy, of the Nestorian, Jacobite, Coptic, and Armenian churches; it also involves holding a sacramental doctrine of grace ex opere operato (see grace) and of veneration of the Virgin Mary, two points differentiating the Orthodox from Protestants.

Mate, up to the Great Schism (in 1054) was only ONE church!!

Please research!! :smiley: :smiley:

yes the Catholic Church is the most dominant Church with the most worshippers, second is Orthodoxy and 3rd being Protestant, most people from the Eastern European areas are Orthodox and most in the West are Catholic or Protestant (and of course there are minorities in other countries including Anglicans, Quakans etc etc)

oh also Dani you’d have to say that Orthodoxy is the most traditional Church with alot of the same customs dating back to when the first Church was established

Alas, im a strong believer in Holy Orthodoxy Preaches and Relevations… and unfortunetly disagree with alot of the things the Catholic Church has done in the past and the things they do in Church…

Noo, religion, it burns :twisted: .

Seriously though Minimal you would be wise to remember that the Anglican communion and its various offshoots are Protestant and that includes not hust the African Anglicans but also Apostolics in the US.

too be honest Bladensburg, i find Anglicans and Catholics VERY similar, the only difference is that the Anglicans could get a divorce back in the day, can anyone enlighten me on the main differences ??? (if there are any)

Anglicanism remains a “catholic” or “universal” communion like the RC and Greek orthodox and it does have similarities with the RC, particularly in High Church parishes thanks in part to Archbishop Laud and others during the 17thC. Backed by Charles I Laud tried to introduce a universal prayerbook and liturgy with a more “Popish” feel, when he tried to force it on the Scottish Kirk the presbyterians went mental and this lead to the Civil War. The book still survives though in the Book of Common Prayer, which is one of the great works in the English language regardless of how one feels about religion.
Nevertheless the Church of England draws much of its character from the Protestant tradition, with the emphasis on individual responsibility to God and priests leading and teaching congregations rather than being their conduit to God as the RC and Orthodox believe. There is no confessional in Anglicanism and vicars and rectors canot give absolution for that would be hubris.

Couple of IMHO very relevant quotes for you…

Bladensburg, thanx for that :smiley:

pdf27 i dont understand you :?:

OK, now back on topic!

We could open in off-topic - general a discussion on religion issues.
