Guide to Britain for the Americans

Of course, the NA nations usually use Beer to mean Lager. Two very diffrent things actually.

Beer in the UK has never ever been served warm. Merely chiled, as opposed to so frozen you cant taste it.

So true…

hey,what about south america?

i tried budweiser,german national beers and i don’t think nothing can beat the quilmes beer (from argentina),usa has good beers,but german beers are the best.

Never tried South American beers Erwin, so I couldn’t comment on them.

hey,what about south america?

i tried budweiser,german national beers and i don’t think nothing can beat the quilmes beer (from argentina),usa has good beers,but german beers are the best.[/quote]

Thats actually one thing I can agree with you on. German Lagers are the Best, but British and Irish Beers are the best.

Was it you or Erwin who thought Guinness came from England?

hey,what about south america?

i tried budweiser,german national beers and i don’t think nothing can beat the quilmes beer (from argentina),usa has good beers,but german beers are the best.[/quote]

Thats actually one thing I can agree with you on. German Lagers are the Best, but British and Irish Beers are the best.[/quote]

I think both larger and beers from germany are the best.Because i never tried a british beer,but im sure britain and ireland both have great alcoholical drinks!,also the best tea :smiley: .

Was it you or Erwin who thought Guinness came from England?

i wasn’t mate! :oops: :lol: ,i never made a comment about guiness

IRONMAN thought that guiness was English - in the Drinking thread!

I am still being amused that hte “guide to the British” is a large discussion about booze, Im not sure if this says more about the British Militayr or our nation.

Ale - the consumable not the forum user is what most British people refer to when they drink it warm or more accurately “cellar temperature.”

To state that British beer is either “better” or worse than American beers purely for the temperature at which it is drunk is absurd! especially as lagers in Britain are drunk chilled as well. Heineken cold filtered and Fosters are both specifically meant to run through a cold pump. though it is the same beverage on either tap the “cold” beer is more saleable as people prefer to drink piss weak ansty lager at a temperature that cant be tasted. the same is true of the “cold” guiness that was released a few years ago. the same beverage run thorugh a cold tap was alot more palatable to younger drinkers that didnt like the fuller heavier taste of standard guiness.

Quilmes is a very light beer. a bit like Amstel / Carlsberg.

Tonight if you’d had the chance to visit my local pub You would have found.

Uley ale
Hook Norton
3 varieites of Green king
London Pride
Cotswold Way
Bath Spa
Gloucester Old spot
Archers Gold

Draught Ciders
Black Rat - Scrumpy, 5 pints
Cheddar Valley - Scrumpy, 3 pints
Stowford Press - Clear (same price and percentage as Strongbow! down with Strongbow the Chav cider)


John Smith’s

This shows that at least in my neck of the woods, Ales and not Lagers are the more popular drinks. making any comparison between bottled lagers and draught ales seem obtuse.

I once tried a lager called Sol, which I think was Mexican. Didn’t like it much but it was better than Budweiser. But then so is drinking the drip tray.

Ive never met a FREE beer I didnt like but if im buyin its good ol Miller Lite for me. :wink:

Where do you live to have such a fine selection? I’ve had about half, and they’re all pretty nice (Hook Norton especially, but that may be because my parents live pretty near the brewery and beer really doesn’t travel).

its easy to find.

If the wind is in the east you travel past much dinglebrook over the two ways, past the house that burnt down in the great storm of 2003 and isnt htere anymore, then you go past old mr burridges house where they found those children a few years back, you remember the ones, with the two arms and legs and people said they looked just like the twins that were missing from the school but we never saw them so buried them again. Then you get to the cross roads, now if its evening its going to be faster to go south cos otherwise youll meet mr Meek coming the other way with his dairy herd. if its the afternoon your best to go west cos then you can sometimes get caught out by the Ford going norht especially if its been raining or if they…then its just a case of climbing over the five bar gate and wandering down to the bottom field and over the style

You have to go to a country pub in deepest darkest west cun’ry!

it is interesting to see how a conversation can turn so quickly to beer… :shock:

Have you ever had a Beer in the UK?[/quote]

I have drunk UK beers imported to the US.

So the answer to Fireflys question is no then isn’t it?

And yes I have drunk American beer in the US and I still think that it is (weak) gnats piss.

Budweiser? Good Lordy no! You silly Euros. lol You think Americans think Budweiser and Coors is the best American beer. He he.

No, those are the “general masses” beers that the untrained palletes patronize. Far better beers come from America. Beer has evolved.

I have never tasted gnat piss so I will take your word for it. The bottom line is what ever you grow up with drinking you end up liking. Like I said…if your buying Ill drink your beer if IM gonna buy it, its gonna be Miller lite.
Does gnat piss screw your teeth up??? :lol:

Agreed that your seminal beer drinking days will inform your palate. but drinking beer so cold that you cant discern the taste is horrid.

and what is the point of asking for a pint of beer if you have to drink it before it becomes putrid having risen in temperature. You want ap int to last it should therfore still be palatable when it has lost its chill! whereas purposefully cold beers do not have this attribute.


We design beers that taste good at room temperature!

American beers are "ok :? " cold and taste like floor polish after about ten minutes! now if you have to finish your beers in ten minutes a throw…before you RISK tasting :shock:

Well then id rather drink ale and take my time.