Guide to Britain for the Americans

Yea, but we Americans don’t order it by the pint. We drink it in a glass od 10 or 12 ounces, or from a bottle, or from… EGAD!.. a can?

I can understand that. We Americans just don’t understand how British can stand the taste of warm dark beer. To each his own.

beer was a means to sterilise water, it is functional!

Roger that… :lol: :lol: :lol:

The Alcohol content of American beer is generally less than British beer though too.

Roger that… :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote]

It was explained that we dont drink it warm already. Cellar temp. I find it strange that every time I have been deployed with US personnel, they flock to the british bars and drink nothing but warm dark beers.

Must be a reason for this I think.

It has taste!!!

Although they don’t seem to grasp the finer points of Black Pudding!!! :smiley:

And the rest of the “Full English” breakfast.

I’ve always wanted to get one to try Fish, Chips and Mushy peas just to see if their reaction would be like Samuel L. Jackson in the 51st state.

Funny food story, in the Gulf the Yanks were feeding us, and at one point swapped the sign on the “french fires” for one saying “freedom fries”. They must have not liked the frogs at this point!!!


When we go on our annual holidays we are fed by the US.

Imagine the surprise of the Chef when one of us asked one day for something we could eat with both a knife and fork!

I also got a blank, Ill have to ask my supervisor stare when I asked for some chicken breast, not in a bun! After 2 months of fast food it was becoming like Supersize Me. Bloody good salads though if you dont put any dressing on them.

Black pudding though Mmmmmmmmmmmm…

hey, a big mac has only 500 kcal!!!

its so healthy, its a salad with 3 servings of carbs and 2 3 oz. pieces of gray cow anus!

remember in supersize me, that guy who eats bigmacs everyday…and is thin as a stick!

Physically thin, but look at the results to his bloods!!!

Edit to add, scary.

Personally I don’t eat MaccyDs but I do like a good BK. Also a KFC.

But given the option a good bag of chips does me, with fish.

Or Kebabs, Gyros or bratwursts.

LOL, what are you doing up at 4am?

its ok! as long as you look good!

Yea. The US military is fed on Big macs. Uh huh. :roll:

As for American troops going to pubs, it’s not like they had a choice of what the temp of the beer would be. I assure you, they qwould prefer a cold Michelob to alchohol in a barley-boulion rue. Take it from an American. :wink:

On the subject of dissing American beers, I have to come to it’s defence on one point: it’s not just an American thing to chill the bollocks off a beer to hide the god awful taste.

Have you ever tried Stella warm? Or Carling? Or Carlsberg? Or …

The list is endless. Lager tastes crap warm.

But proper English style beers, cellar cool instead of immersed in liquid nitrogen or something daft… yummy.

And that is why nobody drinks it warm… because all beer tastes like crap warm, except to the British.

Except our drinks arent meant to be drunk at brass monkey temperature!
hence htey taste good at cellar temperature!

You have never drunk draught ale! What the FUCK would you know!

You’ve clearly never tried proper Ales…

You’ve clearly never tried proper Ales…[/quote]

Sure I have. I have drunk countless types of beer form numerous countries. I’ve probably tasted 10 beers from Britain alone. But I, like most of the prople of the world, think warm and/or dark beer tastes like a rotten loaf of burnt bread soaked in water for a week.

Which ones? (curious here, as I seem to recall you thinking Guinness comes from England!)

so how do you brew beer then if you dont soak malts and hops in water for a week? and let it “rot” though of course the true term is ferment - burnt? that might be particualr to some breweries!

I work in a pub that has 21 draught alcoholic beverages, the fact that you ahve tasted 10 exported beers that have made it to the US suggests furcrawl! it means nothing American bottled beer will travel as it is entirely sterile"! bot casked draught ale cannot be transported to the US so its opbvious your talking bollocks! the tranist costs prohibit air travel and by container vessel no product would reach selling point in anything akin to decent condition.

You cannot have drunk quality British Ale in the USA.

Dont be a Dorkus!

The US personnel had their own Bar, but chose deliberately to go and drink in the Brit Bar as they prefferred our beer, or German or French even over their own.