HBO The Pacific Trailer Released

I’ve seen the torrent downloads, but will probably end up buying the whole series when it’s released on Blu-ray as the AVI’s just aren’t the same quality…

At least you didnt mis-spell Regards as Retards like my friend did : P

Anyways, to Nick. I thought when i watched that particular episode from Bob, the SS man would be formed by inexperienced solider because its late in the war, the Japanese on the other hand was still winning the war and thus still should have their best soldier.

I get the idea that they didnt give enough respect to their enemy though, thank god they made that mistake.

let me try once more :lol:

After watching just two episodes - I also prefer the BoB (maybe I I prefer Ambrose as a writer).
O.K! I know - McKenna was also one of the screenwriters of BoB - like here - but the basic story and the priorities are totally different…

… but well, as an USMC-fan, I WILL watch all of the episodes of course!

(hopefully better to read now!)

SORRY for the floppy quote!


Have you read Leon Uris’s Battle Cry?


The Japanese were getting beaten down and suffering from malnutrition on the 'Canal. I believe that at least two of their assaults on Henderson Field were very treacherous night attacks (for the attackers) that had to be made through the jungle causing the individual units to become disoriented and hit the Americans piece-meal rather than in the intended force concentration. Secondly, the fact that the Imperial Japanese Army was still “winning” made their commanders arrogant and dismissive towards the marines and Army National Guardsmen defending Guadalcanal. And even in instances where the Japanese won, there were times they had to contend with superior firepower the Allies could bring to bear–when the said Allies were well supplied and hunkered down into tight defensive positions–which the Japanese tended to not do so well against due to their lack of effective infantry weapons and the unrealistic suicidal madness that beset many of the detached high command members issuing edicts from afar. In a sense, their over-aggressiveness could be used against them…

I wouldn’t go as far too say that it was/is better than Flags/Letters, but in it’s own way it is just as good.

Yup, I’ll probably buy it as well! Nothing beats Blu-ray. I wish I had a decent sound system though.

I was doing the same thing trying to compare one to the other.I also re-watched and the second, third, and fourth time to me now there is no need to compare the BoB to The Pacific.Two of the books that “The Pacific” is based on is “With the Old Breed” by Eugene Sledge.He is the character that is still in the states with the heart murmur.“Helmet for My Pillow” by Robert Leckie, character I believe is the Marine with curly hair that survives a head shot ? in the second episode.“With the Old Breed” by Eugene Sledge from what I have read on the HBO The Pacific site is a required read for Marine NCO’s

Hopefully the Blu-ray release won’t be held off until every TV station has aired the show.

I saw the first episode a few days ago and have just re-watched it, thanks to the channel which showed it here capitalising on good ratings by replaying it.

I don’t think it’s very good.

Not a patch on Band of Brothers.

The first episode is largely a series of barely connected vignettes, many of which I assume attempt but fail to convey the confusion of war.

They do, however, convey the tedious obsession of American film producers with maudlin nationalistic sentiment and pyrotechnics, with suitable music to reinforce the maudlin nationalistic bits where the pyrotechnics don’t hold attention.

If you think my view is harsh, you should have heard the adjutant of my old unit the day after it screened here. He turned it off after about twenty minutes because, summarising his many criticisms, he found it to be bullshit.

I am, however, looking forward to a laugh in the second episode next week which apparently shows my city as having a vibrant Greek community based on a group of shops in Rathdowne Street in Carlton, which are about thirty yards from the part of Fenwick Street (also mentioned in the following link) where I lived about forty years ago. You’d have to kill a few battalions of Italians before you found a Greek there, then. Which seems to be the opinion of current Greek authorities on the Greek community in Melbourne during WWII:

I suspected it wasn’t going to be much good when I saw the promotions which preceded it for weeks, if not months. Lots of emphasis on ‘love scenes’. Nothing buggers up a war movie like love scenes.

It will need to be a lot, lot better in the second and subsequent episodes to get anywhere near Band of Brothers and Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan and Schindler’s List.

IMO yes and close to the level of Band Of Brothers

IMHO, we cannot compare (mini) series with movies, but the letters from Iwo Jima was much better (except the soviet GAZ-69 jeep appearing)

but people (and their opinion) are different!

Episode 3 is when the 1st Marine Division gets relieved and arrives in Melbourne RS so 2 more weeks for that laugh.Episode 2 John Basilone arrives on Guadalcanal .

The 5th episode was finally as good as I expected (O.K., maybe I’ m not sensitive enough for the lyric parts…).
The landing scene in the 4th episode was very good too.

The series is progressively getting a little better bit by bit. But the soap opera story lines is a bit annoying…

Soap Opera disappeared (thnx to God) BUT lyric parts are still strong (SPOILER - what happened with Capt. Ack-Ack Haldane)
I have to agree: getting a little better bit by bit (but 10 episodes are enough to became excellent???)

Saw 4th episode last night.

I think I can see what the filmmakers are trying to do, but they seem to me to miss the mark just about every time.

I still feel like I’m seeing a series of, at best, vaguely related vignettes rather than a coherent exposition of the experiences of the 1st Marine Division and its members.

Apart from the bloke with eneurisis and the nasty officer pinching his souvenir box, most of it was indistinguishable from the earlier episodes.

I still can’t see it getting anywhere near Band of Brothers in any aspect.

The last two episodes, my friend, the last two!

I find BoB much better than this one,. so far,.

Well, after waiting fr the show , I have to say it sucked and was no band of brothers