Hitler, Nazis, UFOs and Antarctica

http://www.germanufochatter.com/German-Chatter-Main/index.html 2 penny site :smiley:

Hear, hear: http://www.germanufochatter.com/German-Foo-Fighters/index.html
In 1945 German made UFO’s could travel to moon in 1 hour!

The Germans had bases on the moon as early as 1930. They used UFO’s to get supplies from around the world to these moon bases.

Want more? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Here it is:
The German Government was contacted in 1930’s by the ET’s, both the Pleiadians and the Grays.

This present day continues making high tech devices - from Alien technology.

The Government has been experimenting with weather control, time travel, and antigravity for many years. Alien visitations are common place. Just because you don’t see them, that doesn’t mean that they are not there - It simply means that you did not see them! They are very selective in who they choose to see them

They landed on Mars in 1956 on a 1.5 day flight.

etc etc etc

I have to admit that I am a “Stargate SG1” series fan but the embolded quotations from the cited site made me laughing rolling on the floor.

I will put my name on that as well Dani.

Is there really anyone in the world that believes in the drivel? Because if you do, you really need to think about leaving the house more.

Unless of course your tinfoil hat is wider than the door, then you might have to stay inside.

Hanging on that site, I found the location:

On http://www.germanufochatter.com/Supressed-German-UFOs/Alien-2a.htmlthis page.

A presentation of this video are shown below:
A detailed expose of the Suppressed German Technology including: Weather Control, Time Travel, Anti-Gravity, Virus Creation, UFO’s, and Alien collaborations. After looking a this Rare Video you will know that…
…We are not alone!

As for this http://www.germanufochatter.com/Paper-Clip-Scientist/index.html, video, the poor woman (his father, by the way, was teleported to Mars and the Moon using Alien technology) said that The tall blonde aliens, the Nordics, may very will be creations that were done in the South Polar base in the Antarctica.
The German colony in the South Polar base city with admiral byrd in the underground base was called New Berlin. 100,000’s of people were moved here and they had to loose the world war II in order to win the south polar war were done in the south polar base!

Hold on! I found more!!! Al Bielek and his brother Duncan Cameron were teleported to underground bases on Mars under direction of Hilga’s father, Dr. Frederick Wilham Augest Cooper. Teleportation can be done with and without a receiver station!

Poor woman!

Now we found that Germans have underground bases on Mars :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Each video costs $30.00. Taking all seven, you’ll pay only $149.95.

I am not amazed of what people do for money, I am amazed that somebody could pay (and believe) all these!

Sincerely I am afraid!

I have to put a tinfoil hat but I am undecided about the model.

This one?

Or this one?

If someone was harmed {or pissed off) by my posts, please accept my apologies.

It is rather unsual for me to see in one place (THAT SITE :shock: ) so many stupidities (from my point of view) so I couldn’t abstain!

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Yes Dani I saw the other day they say that the Germans build a V-2 rocket wich went to the moon and crashed there and that the US Govermant is concealing this.

This is all bull. It is not even so easy today to make a base today in the South Pole.


If the base exists and theres people living there howcome they havent emerged, are they making a “secret weapon” that took 50 years!?!, (srry if this post seems foolish or off topic :wink: )

If that is the foirm of the aliens, I’m affraid there’s two in my house. :arrow:

those tinfoil hats look more like plastic funnels covered in aluminum foil! :lol: :lol:

Even I think them being on the moon is very unlikely. I googled it and allot of the sites that claim this also claim the moon has an atmosphere. I can prove this wrong just by looking through my telescope, so that makes me think all the other information is rather suspect.

You got a telescope,can i borrow it :wink:
serously the moon got no atmosphere.

If that is the foirm of the aliens, I’m affraid there’s two in my house. :arrow:[/quote]

I have four of these “aliens” :lol: :lol:

My emboldment.

So, could we all agree that we have to drop the issue?

I dropped the issue on the previous page

My final word was trying to say that it is not possible to prove it and their will always be more evidence against than for.

Case closed.

Topic locked!