Hitler, Nazis, UFOs and Antarctica

Well to me it seems it’s a CONSPIRACY but maybe there might be a large concenttration of radioactive material down there. And on the not about one scientist going insane? I would too if the sun was shining for how ever bloody long it does down there. Blimey everything is fubar.

fubar anyone agree with this being fubar

Well SS Tiger I see in those 3D pics you posted in the bottom one they thought of the Horten 229 flying wing. Well SS Tiger great research, but I do not know if you can think that Germany had the rsources to keep somthing going like this. Hitler was not a patiant man and he would not have gone for something like this. The pictures I can not say if they are fakes or not. Hitler only started to take a intarest in the Jet aircraft and ubsert ideas near the end of the war. So if there was a such base someone would have found it by now and those men that worked there must be either dead or they are realy old and why did not one of them escape and tell the rest of the world.


yeah, right!
if the base would exist and their research would continue under Hitler’s rule. Why didn’t they attack us after the war? its now been like 50 years and there is no sign of them attacking us yet?

If that base does exist and really hold that much people and after so many years ,they gotta be old and wrinkly or just dead.

They would have women! So they would die and be born just like every other social group.

i never thought of that!

Can you imagen being stuck under a massive block of ice with no women?!?!? I’d go insane! :wink:

Well if Global Warming progresses, wouldn’t the “base - in - question” eventually fall into the Atlantic Ocean as the ice rapidly melts?

I suppose so, but if its built into one of the mountains down there it’ll be a long while before it falls into the sea.

If you take that the world did not have the technolagy way back then to build a base under so much Ice that can put a lot of stress on a stucture and where wuold they get food and if they did build the base satalites would have picked up something is wrong at the Antartic. Well witch woman will stay underground for so long without nagging and wanting to go back to the fatherland. No, all the facts are just pointing against it all. To build a underground fort or base you must have great concrete (where would you find it in the artic?), Great steel, computers and eqiupment to keep everything up and running, spare parts, electricity, oxygen, the right amount of man power all the time, money ( who will stay there for free?), ect. ect, ect. So if they had this all how the hell will they get it there without the Allies detecting it. It will take years to build such thing and to get it there by sub will take even longer because a sub can just hold so much cargo and it takes a long time to get there and how will the sub survive it without feul and foof for the crew. How will they get all the man power down there to build it and keep them alive.

Can you tell me how this all can be acomplished SS Tiger?


It would require a great ammount of tech I agree and it is it highly unlikely I agree, I do belive there was a base there(At the time there were so many trips there and all the missing U-Boats had to have gone somewhere at the end of the war.) but I belive it was above ground which solves all of those issues. I belive that now the base is deserted or destroyed. The reason for it being not offically being anounced is because it would have worried people (If the “4th reich was under construction at the south people where else could they be!”). That trip the Americans took down there soon after the war would most likely have been to destroyed the base and they most likely succeded.

SS Tiger are there any pictures of this base? It would be verry interesting if you were to get any plans of this base.


Can you imagen being stuck under a massive block of ice with no women?!?!? I’d go insane! :wink:[/quote]

Just bring a picture of an attractive girl and add it to the **** bank :lol: .

This site has stills from a video (Which they have for sale, a bit suspect if you ask me!), it shows the american trip to destroy the base.


I can’t find any pictures of the base, though there is a recent picture of American science team with two of the flags the nazis dropped from aircraft when they were mapping the area but I can’t find it!

More info on the nazi trips out there here and here

How did this " Nazi Base" ever come about. Who discovered it. And who the bloody hell chose Antarctica, why not a tropical country where there a plenty of hot ladies :wink: :wink:

I’m just a girl, standing infront of a boy…- Satan to God

Taken from The OMEGA File: Nazi Bases in Antarctica.

We will now examine the various claims of Nazi bases in Antarctica, which as we have said, may very well have been the point-of-origin of the ‘Nazi-Grey’ craft that Barney and Betty Hill encountered during their abduction experience.

The historical facts are evident. Beginning in 1838, long before the end of the Second World War, the Nazi’s commenced to send out numerous exploratory missions to the Queen Maud region of Antarctica. A steady stream of expeditions were reportedly sent out from [at the time] white supremacist South Africa. Over 230,000 square miles of the frozen continent were mapped from the air, and the Germans discovered vast regions that were surprisingly free of ice, as well as warm water lakes and cave inlets. One vast ice cave within the glacier was reportedly found to extend 30 miles to a large hot-water geothermal lake deep below. Various scientific teams were moved in to the area, including hunters, trappers, collectors and zoologists, botanists, agriculturists, plant specialists, mycologists, parasitologists, marine biologists, ornithologists, and many others. Numerous divisions of the German government were involved in the top secret project.

This is where the mainstream historians leave off, as only revisionist historians will dare consider the implications of the rest of the story…

After all the data was gathered, deep underground construction teams came pouring into the renamed “Neu-Schwabenland”. They came on cargo ships, military transport ships, and submarines. The cargo ships coming from South Africa were protected by a host of killer-submarines and military ships. This might explain the intense Nazi war efforts in North and South Africa. Any ship that even came close to the shipping routes from South Africa to Antarctica were destroyed by German U-boats to protect the secret. After all the goods were brought, the VIPs and scientists started to show up with a compliment of ULTRA, a highly specialized Nazi SS team like our MJ-12. ULTRA has always been in control of Antarctica. ULTRA is the name of a secret alien interface agency in the NSA. Remember that the NSA has connections to both the Nazi S.S. and the Dulce base. According to contactee Alex Collier, the upper level members of the NSA-ULTRA group are cloned replicates or have been so heavily implanted, virtual cyborgs, that they could be considered as being barely human – automatons who are remotely controlled by the Greys’ group ego or group mind. It is also noteworthy that ULTRA is also the NAME OF the Above Top Secret CIA-NSA-Alien base under the Archuleta plateau and peak northeast of DULCE, New Mexico. This might also explain Valdamar Valerian’s insistence that early newspaper clippings just prior to the outbreak of World War II imply that “the Germans” were “all over” New Mexico exploring caves and mines, buying up property, and engaging in all sorts of mysterious activities. Could Antarctica be the real power behind the New World Order? If the Nazi bases still exist in Antarctica then they would no doubt still have secret contact with the Bavarian cults which sponsored and were an integral part of the Nazi party, like the Bavarian THULE society for instance.

It is interesting that the re-united East and West Germany is paving the way for the ‘unification’ of Europe. For instance, all economic bar-codes must be processed through Germany, Germany is trying to impose enforced nepotistic career restrictions where one’s career is determined by the family one is born into, a British news agency spoke of investigations of the Bavarian secret service who were reportedly smuggling weapons grade plutonium into Germany from a nuclear black market operation they had established in the former Soviet States, the Illuminati has its base in Germany [Bavaria], and Germany has been the most active country in the international drive for Internet censorship and control. In other words, Democracy seems to be dying a painful death in Germany, IF it ever really existed there in the first place. As for Neu Schwabenland, the construction and secret projects in Antarctica continued throughout the entire course of the war.

Just before the end of the WWII, two German provision U-boats, U-530 and U-977, were launched from a port on the Baltic Sea. Reportedly they took with them members of the antigravity-disk research and development teams [ULTRA], and the LAST of the most vital disc components [much of this technology and hardware had been transported to the base during the course of the war]. This included the notes and drawings for the latest saucer or aerial disk designs, and designs for the gigantic underground complexes and living accommodations based on the remarkable underground factories of Nordhausen in the Harz Mountains. The two U-boats duly reached the new land of Neu-Schwabenland where they unloaded everything. When they arrived in Argentina several months later, their crews were captured. It seems as if they were either counting on the formerly German-friendly Argentineans to allow them access, or it could have been that they intentionally allowed themselves to be discovered for misinformation purposes, i.e. – “yes… we are the last two renegade German subs. We’ve been trying to hold out but…oops, you caught us… the war’s finally over!”

The crews of these U-Boats were of course interrogated by U.S. Intelligence agents who had suspected the existence of the Antarctic base. Whatever the Nazi soldiers tried to tell them, apparently the Americans were not convinced… especially considering the subsequent and ill-fated U.S. Navy backed military actions against the Nazi’s “Last Battalion” in Antarctica in later years under Admiral Richard E. Byrd, who arrived at Antarctica with an entire military armada and provisions to last 6 month. However the the entire expedition lasted only 8 weeks, with only approximately three weeks of actual full-scale Antarctic operations.

The Antarcticans were desperate following the war, and knew that a confrontation was imminent. Much effort was put into developing secret weapons projects to defend their new underground Empire, which no doubt was constructed with the ‘help’ of a large number of expendable slave laborers transported from the concentration camps of Europe.

The major base-city of Antarctica became known as the NEW BERLIN, or by the code-named “Base-211”.

It makes an intresting read. The theory is quite convincing but like any theory it is easy to pick holes in it.

Somebody have more some pic of that?
or the site… thanks :arrow:

that site was…interesting

whole battleships frozen and left behind,ships cracked from extreme cold.

That’s enough with this bullsh**!

LargeBrew, I thirded (or fourth or more :smiley: ) you.

Guys, if you want to “debate” more on the “subject”, feel free to join abovetopsecret forum (as I adviced earlier). Keep this forum out of this “theory”.