Hitler, your thoughts and opinions.

Vote rigging is a pretty big accusation Stoat, do you have proof of this with references etc?

I for one would be interested.

Not just an accusation – Labour councillors have already been prosecuted for it.

Labour election fraud ‘would disgrace a banana republic’

A quick search reveals:

The BBC also discovered abandoned buildings with multiple postal ballot registrations, which was on BBC London News. Strangely, these were all in Labour dominated areas.

There was also the scandal involving service voter registrations, which ensured that vast numbers of servicemen on active service could not vote in the general election.

This was all over the mainstream media!

Hitler did attempt and uprising called “The Munich Putsch” using his SA troops. This uprising failed and landed him in prison. After that he used propergander that fed off the German peoples bad situation caused by the “Treaty of versaille” Hitler promised freedom from the treaty. The Weimar republic was losing the confidence of the people and with Hitler’s promise of freedom from the treaty and work and food for all Germans he got the votes. President Hindenburg made Hitler the chancellor which gave him allot more power. He then proceeded to get the support of other nationalist parties which gave him the overruling vote in the Reichstag. So he was legally elected and put in power. Once Hindenburg died Hitler combined the postions of president and chancellor into one postion “Fuhrer” He now had control of Germany’s military aswell.

Not just an accusation – Labour councillors have already been prosecuted for it.

Labour election fraud ‘would disgrace a banana republic’

A quick search reveals:

The BBC also discovered abandoned buildings with multiple postal ballot registrations, which was on BBC London News. Strangely, these were all in Labour dominated areas.

There was also the scandal involving service voter registrations, which ensured that vast numbers of servicemen on active service could not vote in the general election.

This was all over the mainstream media![/quote]

Thanks for that, interesting, but not in my mind a direct correlation to 1930’s Germany.

Of course other countries have had hanging Chads etc in the past.

In my opinion, hitler was more a visionary rather than a commander, his decisions on the battle field were sometimes flawed which meant battlefied decisions should have been left to the generals. As the russkies pushed into berlin, he slowly started to turn insane, hoping for divisions that no longer existed to come and save berlin. It was only until the last day that he finally realised all was lost and so took his own life. Hitler was powerful enough to hypnotise a whole nation into being fanatical enough to defend their capital to the last bullet and take their own lives over surrendering to the russkies.

ppl say hitler had some sort of disease of something, i forgot what it was called i know it begins with an S.and thats what lead him to become a madman.

Syphilis perhaps ?

Never go out with girls called Eva Braun.

The story says he caught it off some tart when he was a student in Wien(Vienna). I don’t think its been proven either way though.

at some time he was prudent? I don’t think so…

Hitlers condition is far too complex to be put down to a single diagnosis such as syphilis related dementia as this tends to surface in the final stages and is usually identified with other more noticable physical symptoms such as open sores/ulcers and is typified by what is generally known as being non compis mentis, Hitlers ability to recognise his failure and ultimate suicide tends to rule that out .
Hitler had been barking mad for years and is more likley to have been suffering from a deep seated psycholgical disorder possibly related to his experiences during ww1 coupled with some childhood trauma related to issues around power and self detemination add to that his possible psychosexual (emasulation) fears related to testicular deficiancy and some sort of edipul comlex and failure to achieve in his chosen field, he was a psychological time bomb.
In simple terms he may have been a testicularly challenged bullied child from a socially deprived background with PTSD and passive aggressive tendancies who just got too much power and was able to act out his revenge/domination fantasy’s.
Like I said he is a complex character but what do I know after all I’m only a pole dancer. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

How is Miss Hydrokawitz anyway ?

Hitler was a war hero,yes,he did have the brain fucked but he had a pair of balls i think,he wasn’t condecorated in the first ww?,however,in the second i think the fame went on his brain and he started playing like maggie tatcher.

So Hitler started acting like an elected leader? I think I missed the bit where he was voted out of power in 1938?

I will ask you to think about your post and consider editting it Erwin.

Adolf Hitler a war hero ? :shock:

Well that’s a turn on things ! I think you’ll find there is a rather large percentage of the world’s population that may take issue with your ideas of heroism.

Adolf Hitler a war hero ? :shock:

Well that’s a turn on things ! I think you’ll find there is a rather large percentage of the world’s population that may take issue with your ideas of heroism.[/quote]

He means in WW1, for which he was decorated.

I will give you some examples (alphabetically sorted):

Doenitz, Karl
Frank, Hans
Goering, Hermann
Hess, Rudolf
Jodl, Alfred
Keitel, Wilhelm
Raeder, Erich

You heard of them, they are highly decorated officers, marshalls, etc.

Their decorations (in the war!!!) made them war heroes???

A good reading:

You noticed already that they were “Major War Criminals”

I will give you some examples (alphabetically sorted):

Doenitz, Karl
Frank, Hans
Goering, Hermann
Hess, Rudolf
Jodl, Alfred
Keitel, Wilhelm
Raeder, Erich

You heard of them, they are highly decorated officers, marshalls, etc.

Their decorations (in the war!!!) made them war heroes???

A good reading:

You noticed already that they were “Major War Criminals”[/quote]

First world war heros, second world war war criminals. Anyone who fights for their country is in my opinion is a war hero, obviously war crimes are not heroic.


Hey, don’t worry Erwin I understood and tried to clarify.

Hitler got Iron Cross 2nd Class in WW1.

Erwin if you don’t want to be seen as a bad guy, pay attention to your posts. Think twice, post once.