Hitler, your thoughts and opinions.

Hitler was medically dead…
He sustained injures from WWI, which nearlly killed him, and in protests… His doctor in the 1930’s noted all of his features, and took keen interests in his genitals…

To me, Hitler’s ideas were wrong… He made mistakes, such as attacking Russia while fighting the war with Britain…

yep hitler liked laying on the groung and getting urinated on.
There are a few out there still bearing hitlers name.
Stallin killed more people than hitler did.
Germany was more advanced than any country.
the wonderwaffen is similar to todays U.S.A. tomohawk.
Thank god they didnt figure out how to harness nuclear power as a weapon of m.d.
Has anyone mentioned he was part jewish?
Ill take bush over any leader today, gotta give him credit for capturing saddam and killing his demon seeds.
and god forbid living in a monarchy ran by a female…lol.
oh hitler and henry ford were pals.
John wayne also admired him.
I think anyone with super power like that, good or bad, gains the interest of many.

Was Hitler A Jew? - Blog Day Afternoon
Posted by Jeff (Monday January 19 2004 @ 10:53PM EST)

The insinuation that Hitler was Jewish first surfaced in 1923 as he stepped onto the world stage in wake of a failed coup attempt. Since a central pillar of his political agenda was greatness through Aryan purity, journalists thought it interesting to pry through his geneology. The first bombshell surface in a liberal Vienese paper. It was printed that Hitler’s father, Alois, had changed his name from Schiklgruber to Heidler. (Hitler is a variation.) In his ground breaking biography, John Toland mentioned this twist of fate, “It is difficult to imagine seventy million Germans shouting in all seriousness, ‘Heil Schiklgruber.’” Difficult or not, the revelation opened the door to other curious possibilities.
A slow but steady stream of journalists and opposition members trickled into northern Austria. They sought records from the Dollersheim parish church registry. Those records contained a second plot twist. The name of Alois Hitler nee Schicklgruber’s father was added to the birth registry only in 1876, thirty-nine years after the actual event. That late entry was of dubious legitimacy and based on unconfirmed affidavits. A questionable transaction, it opened the door for further speculation. Since Adolf Hitler rose to prominence in the anti-Semitic far-right, it was delicious irony that fed speculation that his grandfather, unknown to this day, was actually Jewish. Such conjecture dogged Hitler throughout his drive to power.

Nearly three years before he was appointed Chancellor by the ancient Paul Hindenberg, Adolf Hitler held a private consultation with his lawyer, Hans Frank. The topic concerned a blackmail letter from a nephew who claimed Hitler had a Jewish grandfather. The letter probably never existed as the nephew in question was in and out of Germany until 1938. Surely, Hitler would have had the means to silence him. But the “letter” did provide opportunity to broach concern for the prospect of a somewhat less than Aryan grandfather. Frank was sent to Austria to investigate his client’s past.

At this point the narrative is heavily depended upon the testimony of Hans Frank. Its details are provided by his autobiography which was penned as he awaited the gallows for crimes against humanity. Those crimes were committed in Poland during the occupation. According to Frank, he had reported to Hilter that his investigation had concluded that Alois Schiklgruber was indeed the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schiklgruber. She had worked as a domestic for a Jewish family named Frankenberger in the city of Graz. She became pregnant during her tenure. According to Frank, the father was one of the family’s sons. This assertion was based on correspondance between Frankenberger and Maria Schiklgruber. Those letters have never surfaced.

The accuracy of the events detailed in Frank’s report to Hilter are not likely. According to Nikolaus Preadovic from the University of Graz, there was no record of a Frankenberger in Graz at the time of the events in question. In fact there were no Jews in the entire Styria Province. There were driven from the province in 1496 and did not return until 1856. There was a Frankenreiter from Graz at the time of Alois’ birth, but he was the son of a Catholic cobbler. Hitler was not Jewish.

He may not have been Jewish, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t consider it possible. The details provided by Frank may have been wrong, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t pique Hitler’s interest. On several occasions after 1930, the Gestapo investigated this issue on Hitler’s orders. The records at Dollershiem were destroyed by the Nazis after the Anschluss. If nothing else, there was nagging uncertainty.

The lawyer’s case was built on letter correspondance. If Frank actually presented facts to verify a Jewish grandfather as detailed in his memoir, then surely Hitler would have demanded to see the evidence. If Preadovic’s research is correct, and it’s been cited by authors far greater than I, then Frank would have been unable to produce such documents. Without that evidence, it’s hard to believe the case was ever presented as Hans Frank detailed from a Nuremberg prison. Certainly Hitler was dogged by uncertainty. With so much riding on Aryan purity and given a lack of documented Aryan pedigree, why wouldn’t he? But explanations for the Hilter phenomena built on the premise of the self-hating Jew seem far fetched indeed.