Hitler, your thoughts and opinions.

Damn, BDL - are we singing from the same song sheet or something?

So is Firefly :wink:[/quote]

but at least dani is more respectable than firefly!.[/quote]

I’m almost certain Dani is!

Well despite this developing into an interesting topic, its unfortunately off topic.


Your list of insults and insulting behaviour continues to grow.

Please understand that from this point on if I see another blatant insult or a flame against anyone it will be simply deleted.

If you want to argue your case, then do so in a grown up manner, if not, you have been warned.

delete my posts if you want,but then i will replace them with new ones.
ban me,i have a plenty of forums in the net.
merry christmas

I just deleted a lot of off-topic non-sense posts. Erwin, because you just continued with your stupid games and attracted a new (and young) member into it, THIS IS OUR last informal warning.

As you said, you have a lot of forums where you could act like a clown without any warnings/banning, etc. Go there mate and post anything you want and when you are calm down, come back and contribute.

Merry Christmas!!

Wait am I the young and new member that got attracted into his nonsense? :?

no, he acts like that since he join this forum.
It has nothing to do with you

:o :? :slight_smile: :smiley: :lol: 8) (sighs of relief)

so how will you spend your christmas?

my family and my cuz’es family are goning to spend it together like a huge party! :smiley:

good for you
not too good for me though:(

And yet, for some reason, he was made a moderator.

Moving on to adolf, Eva Braun was very much in love with him, but he always seemed to push her away. She was very much pushed in to the shadows when people were needed, and I think tried to commit suicide more than once.

adolf also had an interest in the occult and really did have people out scouring the earth for various artifacts - think Indianna Jones.

If he had ever taken Britain amongst his top jobs on his things to do list was to investigate how the school system worked (with grammer schools public schools, etc) and look at the Masons.

Whilst watching Maj Dick Strawbridge on “Crafty Tricks of War” this morning (and warming the oven ready to load turkey & venison for the Xmas Dinner Fireplan), he was talking about assasination as a weapon of war, with particular reference to that nasty little oik, Heydrich.

I wonder what would have happened in WW2 if Hitler had been whacked in, say 1942, and some one who knew how to fight a war had taken over.

I’m still pretty sure the Germans would have lost, having the USSR against them on a land border, but without the BIC running the show, would peace have been possible? Or would some other Nazi have seized power and things run their course anyway?

Hmm, there might have been an interesting Goering/Geobels/Himmler three-way scrap, as the succession wasn’t really decided.

Now that would be an interesting scenario for a what if. Himmler V Goering, with Himmler using his SS to enforce his claim opposed by an allience of airforce and army under Goering. Rather than a more competent replacment for Hitler increasing the chances of an Axis victory the war machine may have destroyed it’s self through civil war.

Himmler was ruthless little weasle and would most likley have had the opposition slotted before rigor set in on Adolfs corpse

More likely high ranking officals in the Wehrmacht would take their chance and take control of the government.

No chance of that except where they planned it all out, as in the bomb attempt at wolfs lair.

If he was killed in anything other than a planned operation during the ensueing chaos the winners would be those who held the keys to state security. Ie the SS and the Gestapo, anyone who attempted to gain power other than those would probably find themselves under investigation or worse.

It would be the “night of the long knives” all over again.

adolf ran his affairs very strangley, apparently he loved to pit people against each other as rivals, sort of say to one person can you do this job and then ask another person to do the same.

As has been mentioned there was no designated 2ic. This again was probably so he could swap people around as it fitted.

Saw a tv programe recently about the bomb attempt, and it was so close to succeding it was unreal!!!

They tried many different scenarios, all of which only fate had affected. If only if only.

If he had been offed, the chaos in Germany would have led to a swift demise on the Eastern front, and could (conceiveably) have seen the Warsaw Pact extending deep in to Europe, including the Danes and French with dire consequences for the swiss.

In fact the very scenario of him being killed, with 20/20 hindsight is truly terrorfying. On one side a militarily competent leader takes over and Germany actually wins. On the other side the german war machine and social apparatus collapses due to savage in fighting and the Russian war machine rolls west.

The infighting could easily have spread to the fronts, with SS units turning on the other units loyal to this leader or that. With also the possibility of units turning on the SS.

The end game scenario fo rthe bomb attempt consisted of army officers seizing power and then looking for a way to stop the war. In this there were plans for the removing of key personnel to prevent the infighting (pretty sure this included most of the top nazis). Whether it would have worked or not is another matter. After all the Russians were going to be very hard to stop by force or by talk.

Couple of quick observations…

  1. It was mentioned earlier about the way Hitler was reclusive. In the book The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler by Robert Payne, it explains that when Hitler was a small child he was outgoing and people found him to be a joy to be around. When his little brother died that all changed. He became reclusive and spent more times in his books then with other people. He was often seen sitting on the cemetary wall overlooking his brother’s grave. Combine this with the fact that he was very interested though only moderately talented in art yet he had one of those “manly men” fathers. I can’t imagine his father being all to kind when Hitler pursued art and then ultimately failed at it. Like it was pointed out earlier, Hitler was a very complex character. Personally, I have to say he was an evil, disturbed genius. He was able to unite bring his country together and out of a depression, he managed to throw of the Treaty of Versialles without much of a word from other foreign powers, he was able to amass a terrible army, etc. He was not a great military mind and for that I would suppose we should be thankful. As for doing what he thought was the best for Germany, I’m not convinced. I guess he could have been but I can’t get over the thought that he was simply using the pride of the German’s in his own plot for power. I could be wrong though.

  2. As for a successor had Hitler been assasinated, there was already one chosen. I don’t remember the exact details of the plot but as I recall the idea was to eliminate Hitler and his closest advisors. The plotters were then going to Place Erwin Rommel in charge. By this time Rommel had long since lost his elusion that Hitler was good for Germany or that Hitler even cared about Germany. However, the plot was discovered shortly before it was to be carried out and Rommel was taken. He was given a choice. If commited suicide he would be declared a hero and his family would be taken care of. If he didn’t then he would be tried for treason and his entire family would detroyed. As much as Romel loved his country he loved his wife and son more so he chose to drink the poison he was presented with. Had the plot succeeded the war would have been over. The conspirators (of which Rommel was one) had negotiations for surrender as their top priority. They knew the war was lost and wanted to save as much German pride as they could.

(p.s. If this site could use anything to make it better I would say a spellcheck. I am terrible at spelling so apologize for slaughtered words.)

In lieu of spellcheck, I always try and preview my post before submiting, but I know what you mean.

Good post by the way…