Hitler's shocking table manners


The post-war ‘white wogs’ from Germany and Holland assimilated very well here (in many cases a lot better than the whingeing Poms of the ten pound tourist variety) and vastly better than people from some other backgrounds.

I can’t understand why you think that Germans are reluctant to mix with Aussies.

He probably mixed them up with …jews:)Who actualy are very reluctant to mix with any locals.
This is well known fact.

Yes, this ethnic minority was called les Noisettes and they settled in the south-western German region of the Schwarzwald (Forêt-Noire, Black Forest) which is near the German-French border just in case things go wrong for them in their new homeland.

But still I’d like you to tell me about the situation in Israel between WW1 and WW2.

Wasn’t there a lot of semitic Germans living in Israel between WWI and WW2?

One thing I find a bit confusing is Hitler’s supposed belief in a connection between jews and the USSR. I was under the impression that anti-semitism was quite powerful in the Soviet Union and previously in Russia. Why would he think that the Soviets were in league with the jews given the persecution of jews that occurred there?

If anti-semitis was a powerfull in russia, why so many Jews did occupy the key state posts in USSR?
Even the GULAG has been managed by jew.
Indeed the anti-semitism was a CRIME in Soviet Russia.
And Hitler actualy hated the boslshevics for their semitic roots, according his Jewish conspiracy theory.
the Nazic propogand inspired to germans about the Holodomore, mass murdering and ets as about “Jewish crimes”.

I heard the Nazis even colloborated with zionists in 1930-yy.When they were going to move jewish settlers to Palestine.

Could you possibly expand on this a little - I’m slightly confused as the state of Israel wasn’t in existence in WW1.



You are not alone in your confusion.

More like total mystification in my case.

I await Viper’s elucidation.

any one has one for sale please get in touch

That’s exactly what I wanted to hear!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Yes you are

Start with the spelling and then move on from there.



Yes, between the wars it was in a catatonic state but after the war a number of armies developed there, like this one.

Not at all.

You’re as transparent as the best Waterford crystal.

Nice pussies :mrgreen:

There are so many responses to your comment burning on the tip of my tongue but, as the only member of this board noted for refusing to descend to vulgarity and coarseness, I must refrain. :wink: :smiley:

…a bit too hairy for me!!

Hi Viper,
there use to be a girl named AlY J that was Also from Australia like You, who Also had problems with her spelling and use of Word program, like You. Maybe you know her? I liked her, but know she’s gone.

Bing-bong, Herman wins the prize! We’ve known that Viper was in fact Aly J for some time now, hence some of the suggested Avatars for her?

So now she’s been rumbled by just about everyone, she can go back to the realm of the banned!

Why didn’t you guys tell me!. Why am I always left in the Dark about things like this. I had an inkling but wasn;t sure. Is there like this special club where you guys talk about things like this? Can I join? I want to be part of your secret know it all club. Nobody ever tells me anything. So Lonely being the Herman meister…
…but I like Viper…I hope you don’t ban him/her…if you ban every member that can’t spell, then youll be banning members who don’t have blue eyes or who aren’t 6 ft 2 inch or are gay…this is how Nazi germany started I tell you!

It’s our way of helping you to educate yourself. As someone once said, experience is a great teacher but she doesn’t give lessons. So we’re letting you learn by experience how to spot a troll.

Yes. The mod room.

I hate to tell you this, but once even you had spotted her she ceased to have any amusement value and so, as she was persisting with her usual trolling ways, we gave her the boot. Ironic, isn’t it, that by working out who she was you signed her death warrant?

Quite right too - somebody has to maintain standards.