Hitler's shocking table manners

Half of this is true i read the Hitler by biography Ian Kershaw while he did yell and dictate his dreams and speeches over the table that lasted for hours however this peace of history was simply a deterrent for any neo nazis left europe.


Viper ss-kitty

Where is the evidence for many Jews operating key posts in the USSR? Even if anti-semitic acts were not officially condoned this hardly would put a stop to them.

Look at Wiki although

Ф. И. Эйхманс (апрель — июнь 1930)
Л. И. Коган (до 9 июня 1932)
М. Д. Берман (до 16 августа 1937)
И. И. Плинер (до 16 ноября 1938)

All the shiefs of GULAG were the Jews till the 1939.
Besides the Soviet Punitive mashine- has been created and developed by the Jew Genrikh Yagoda.
The Ukrainian SBU recently has declassified to archives and documents and showed the list of whom were personaly responsible for Holodomore( bloody famine in Ukraine 1932-33)
See it here.
from 19 of top soviet officials - 17(!!!) ARE the JEWS
This is very enough to say that in the early Soviet Russian jews migh EASY occupy the keys state posts and were welcomed there.
I can’t say this was anti-semitism:)

Even if anti-semitic acts were not officially condoned this hardly would put a stop to them.

Sure, but in USSR it was a crime.Unlike on the rest of world.
and man might be executed for anti-semitism.
One of the worst first Bolshevick crime in Petrograd was mass execution of russian intelligencia in 1918 ( Red Terror) . It was unofficial “revenge” for anti-semitic acts against Boslhevics leaders( murder the Moisei Solomonovich Uritsky )

But Stalin (an ex-Orthodox seminary student), and most of the senior leadership by 1941 were not of Jewish heritage it should be stated…

doesn’t matter
Lazar Koganovich was in Politbureo untill the 1956
Jews were all time around the Stalin.
Even the “ant-semite” Stalin’s third wife ( since 19330 was Jewish - Rosa Koganovich.
The Molotov’s wife Polina Zhemchizina also was jewish.
Can you imagine the “anti-semite” man who is married on jewish girl ,Nick?:wink:

Also interesting is that in orthodox forms of Judaism it is considered that Jewish lineage passes down the maternal line, so Jewish wives of non-Jewish husbands give birth to Jewish children while non-Jewish wives of Jewish men do not.

So, under orthodox Judaism, Stalin’s and Molotov’s Jewish wives would give birth to Jewish children, which means that Stalin and Molotov could sire Jewish children. Whether or not they wanted to.

It does matter, Stalin was an autocrat who held almost all power close to his chest. And I never said he was antisemitic. He pretty much hated everyone equally…

It’s not you but mr Cojimar thought.
BTW i don’t think the man migh to hate everyone.
He have to love somebody.And Stalin did…

Stalin did ? :D:D:D Whom ? Himself or Himself again ? Don’t make me laught please i beg you :wink:

I better will not to make you laught :D:D
His first wife Katherina was a buatiful and reasonable girl.
And he loved her.
But it was pre-1917 era.And he wasn’t dictator yet.
And he loved her/his son Jakov.

He loved him ? :D:D I told you to not make me laught :smiley: Wasn’t that the son whom he left to the germans in captivity when they offered exchange ? :rolleyes:
Wasn’t Stalin the man whom send his relatives to hell ? :rolleyes:
Wasn’t him later whom killed everyone in his close circle from being afraid that they can make coup against him ? :rolleyes:
Wasn’t him which regime spread terror for years ( till 90s ) in countries like mine ? :rolleyes:
Wasn’t him or maybe he was angel saving the world " loving " father of everyone ?
Please don’t make me laught again :smiley: I am happy and give my regards to all fighters against communism because their sacrifice wasn’t in vain , and now i live free thanks to them , i shall never forget all the people that died in my country in concentration camps , which were builded AFTER the Wehrmacht left the country , my country was seduced from all gained territory and we are now " small " miserable country which no one resepect , but at least free , so please keep the communism for yourself i don’t want it :slight_smile:

Well , just don’t missunderstand me .
Honesly i/m not a Stalinist.
But , due to historical accuracy, i have to add…

They offered to excange Jakov by whom?
By the general Paulus.The toppest German general that has been impisoned by Red Army.
Did you hear what was Stalin’s answer?

Wasn’t Stalin the man whom send his relatives to hell ? :rolleyes:

As i know all of his relatives, except Jakov who died in German camp , and his second drunkard wife that has killed herself , all of other his relatives succesfully survived Stalin.
Including his douther Svetlana, who emigrated to USA soon after father’s death.

Wasn’t him later whom killed everyone in his close circle from being afraid that they can make coup against him ? :rolleyes:

But weren’t they ALL a bolshevicks war criminals who deserved their death?

Wasn’t him which regime spread terror for years ( till 90s ) in countries like mine ? :rolleyes:

Oh there were the terror in YOUR country till the 1990-yy:mrgreen:
Sorry i din’t knew.
We lived in USSR without the terror for decades( me and my parents) , while your local bulgarian comminist bas…rds made you to suffer.

Please don’t make me laught again :smiley:

But you didn’t laugh so much when wrote yourself that Adolf Hitler had a charismata,and he was cool, that peoples respected him and listened to him?

I am happy and give my regards to all fighters against communism because their sacrifice wasn’t in vain ,

Sure it wasn’t in vain.
The total genocide of about 10 mln population in the East- the bloody job of such “fighters against communism”.Including your Bulgarians who felt so good in Nazis side, right:)
It was so cool to take part in cruel occupation of Yugoslavia ( 41-43) and commited the crimes against THEIR civils.

and now i live free thanks to them , i shall never forget all the people that died in my country in concentration camps , which were builded AFTER the Wehrmacht left the country .

Hardly you now fell free becouse of them.
Don’t forget- it was the Commi who in 1989 make you “free”:slight_smile:
And BTW how about those who died in death camps , builded by “fighers agains communism”?

my country was seduced from all gained territory and we are now " small " miserable country which no one resepect , but at least free

Oh you live now in small miserable country that lost occuped in 1941 Aegean region and Vardar Macedonia becouse the Axis losed the war.
It so sadly.

Wait a minute why when we talk about Stalin you always include Hitler ? :rolleyes: I said what many people say - Hitler had charisma to speak and to make terror too . As for Bulgarian occupation in Yugoslavia we take part in occupation of Macedonia which is ours not their , we weren’t in Belgrad and can you give me example of bulgarian soldier who did crimes during that period … i don’t think so :slight_smile:
Commies did made me free ?? :D:D:D:D:D
that’s the funniest part , please if you don’t know bulgarian story don’t continue to say such things . People were send to the concentration camps for simple things like saying " Commies we don’t want you " or any word against the regime much like under hitler rule . That were the people who fought against the commies that’s why i call them fighters , cause they given their lives against the regime , one memorable camp is called "belene " , and don’t say it’s only because our commies did so . No they were under direct orders from Moscow and the whole world know that we were pupets under your regime while you had a great time in the USSR . So that’s why i say keep that regime for yourselfs we don’t want it more . The commies here didn’t made me free , in fact we still fight against them even now as they created and transformed the previous commie party BKP into BSP , and they play now as they are democratic left in fact the sons of these commies now try to make us slaves again . But we will win simply because i am not the only who feel so , there are others here and we will live free no matter how much the commies try to make us slave . I don’t think there were any camps builded by the people who died in Belene during 45-90s . :wink:
So these are the people i thank , not the Stalin and his NKVD neither DS( our secret police from that time ) .

I know that Hitler had a sweet tooth,which probably interfered with his appitite.