Holding Them Off!

Yes, I know - I was just being nice! :cool:

I’ve had the same reaction to the post you quoted and to some of Herr Speer’s other posts, along with disbelief, but he seems to be serious.

Yes, but really … ‘Chicken feed?’ …how quaint! :smiley:

Not the colloquial American usage one might expect where matter associated with, or evacuated by, chickens is used to indicate contempt or trivia, is it?

Maybe it lost something in translation from Deutsch? :smiley:

Speaking of chickens, but otherwise apropos of nothing in particular, I’ve always liked this Heath Robinson chicken (okay, it’s really a goose, but it can be a chicken for this thread). :smiley:

I wouldn’t know. If there is one thing of which I know absolutely nothing, it mus be - poultry management! :roll:

That is as it should be.

Feeding chickens is not widely acknowledged as the sort of enterprise one expects of real men, let alone Teutonic supermen ready to rule the world. Which probably explains why Himmler was a poultry farmer. :roll:

Anyway, according to Babel Fish translation, the German term for poultry management is Geflügelmanagement. I just thought I’d mention that in case you wanted to work it into a conversation about Geflugels. Or management. :smiley:

Come to think of it. I did ‘manage’ relations with the odd American ‘chick’ here and there in my youth…. Would you say that qualifies as a Geflügelmanager?

I would add, that I have, since, received absolution.

Curious that management is the same in German as it is in Anglo-Saxon English … could we be related?..Naaaaahhh!

I haven’t seen an American chick’s Geflugel so I can’t really say, but I’m willing to try to manage one. :smiley:

I sure am. It’s not rocket science. If Germany had stayed home there would not have been a European war. Japan would not have attacked outside China without the Allies being engaged in Europe. The Second World War would not have occurred. Germany started the war and everything flowed from that

Yes, because Germany made Italy invade Ethiopia. Germany made Italy open up a theatre in North Africa. Germany made Italy invade Greece. Germany made the Soviet Union annex Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. Germany made the Soviet Union attack Finland. Yes, those cruel, sadistic Germans deserved what they got after WWI. They deserved to starve and be persecuted by British, French, and American imperialists. We deserved mass Soviet rapes of our women. Of course, we must all worship those loving and tolerant “Allies”(even though their gier is what cost the world 60 million lives).

And the contempt of every right thinking person, who would also dispute your concept of patriotism.

Well, that’s an easy way to dismiss someone who disagrees with you.

The Nazis were never German patriots. They were fascists who happened to be Germans. Apart from the Austrian running the show. They took over Germany and ran it for the benefit of the Nazi Party, not Germans. They supplanted state organs with Party organs. They oppressed, imprisoned, tortured, and butchered non-Nazis (and Nazis with whom the leadership fell out) with equal hatred for people, German or not, who did not share their perverted views. There wasn’t a Nazi on the planet who had the patriotism and courage of someone like Dietrich Bonhoeffer. The Nazis naturally murdered him because he dared oppose them.

  1. National Socialism was an off-shoot of fascism, rather than pure fascism.

  2. You seem to think that fascists can’t be patriots :rolleyes:

  3. Hitler was ethnically Austrian, but a proud German citizen.

The rest is merely your own opinion. The attempt to demonize the German leadership is historical revisionism at its finest.

As for doing what had to be done (Ah, the historical imperative which justifies the unjustifiable!) to bring back the glory of the German Reich, as usual your pro-Nazi sympathies come out and cause you to contradict your own more rational if unconvincing arguments, which up to this point have been essentially that Germany was correcting unwarranted mistreatment by France and Britain.

You are, however, refreshingly correct in saying that the Nazis did what they had to do to bring back what they thought of as the glory of the German Reich, in their customarily perverted view of history and humanity. That is why they started a war in which other nations and millions of people were victims of Nazi and German expansionism for the sole benefit of Nazi Germany, to be achieved by the most ruthless and brutal means. That part of Nazi ideology, which drove German military aggression, had nothing to do with WWI or its consequences and everything to do with Nazi notions of racial supremacy and imperial entitlement. And that is why there is no justification for Germany starting the war, and why it bears primary responsibility for everything that followed.

Not that I expect you ever to accept that

If you cannot see that Deutschland had the right and the moral duty to its citizens to take back its true territories than it demonstrates that you are acting from the position from a typical reactionary Anglophile, and an anti-German. What Hitler did was give back to the country, in the form of the Sudetenland, the City of Danzig, and the Polish Corridor. Maybe it is the fact that you have an obvious problem with self-determination for the German people. The Czechs did what was morally right, and gave the Sudetenland to Germany. The Poles, the Brits, and the French should have taken a lesson from the German leadership. If they underestimated their will to right the wrongs of the past, then they deserved the events that followed.

32Bravo was right. You’ve just been taking the piss out of us.

I must congratulate you on sucking me into believing that you were serious with your increasingly fanciful and inflammatory opinions.

You could have kept stringing me along, but you went too far in your last post on a number of obvious points, e.g. blaming Italy for starting the war by invading Abyssinia, which of course happened in 1935 and was over by the middle of 1936 which causes a bit of a problem in linking it with Germany marching into Poland three years later. Also, for example, making a point about self-determination being a right of the German people, which of course they exercised by denying the same right to the Polish people. And so on.

Still, you are to be commended on A1 planning and execution of a sustained piss-taking exercise.

The Italian invasion of Ethiopia occured before the official “start” of World War II, but like the Japanese invasion of Manchuria or the German absorbtion of Czechoslovakia, it’s often considered a prelude to WWII. The point I was trying to make is that you want to blame Germany for starting WWII, when Italy’s aggressions would have taken it down a crash course with Britain eventually anyway. Yet, you seem to make excuses when you have to blame another country for something and run out of Nazis to demonize.

You really are serious, aren’t you?

Oh dear!

Yes, I am.

And thanks for debating the actual argument on its merits :rolleyes:

At least you’re not alone in promoting German victimhood.


The way that dispute is going, Germany should march back into Poland about the middle of this century to reclaim the glories of its Reich and exercise the right and discharge the moral duty to its citizens to take back its true territories.

It is precisely the views you have expressed that make such an event more likely.

Merkel has some good domestic policies, but she has bowed to the internal liberal cancers, by even entertaining the Slavs who are now just complaining.

And all my views are, are more honest accounts of a war which you are willing to lay at Germany’s feet.

And while I wouldn’t advise Germany to build up the Heer and the Luftwaffe and reclaim its rightful territories in Poland just yet, I wouldn’t complain if she did.

I suppose you would like to fire up the ovens again. Heh?

Regards digger.

The Italians, lead by a coward attacked the only country it knew it could beat. Ethiopia was a country protected by an army armed with spears, not machines and guns. Italy did not start the war, nor were they even able to hold their own against the British and never would have been able to either. The pathetic Itialians wanted Germany to pay more attention to them…Hitler did, and formed an “evil axis” ally of his neighbor and friend “Italy”. Their “cardboard navy” (called that by the Italian sailors) never did hold up to any real fighting . When Hitler demmanded the italians to fight a naval fight they went in fast and hit hard then proceeded to get wiped out. No offense to the Italians or the Germans of todays world, but those living within the axis territory to be led by cunning people and obilturate others, you deserved to be whipped, by others who wanted to, and still want to defend the lesser capible countries. I like the first statement in this thread “I think The British Army did a good job of holding the Axis Powers off” Then they got the help they truely deserved and needed. Together they handed out just rewards to the axis tyrents. :mrgreen:

Amazing how it has to come back to race. Throughout the whole of the animal kingdom, which includes humans, hybrids are the stronger, more intelligent and, usually, better looking. Whereas pure-blood is merely a euphemism for in-breeding, and we know what that produces.

As for R.S. being an Anglophile: you are quite mistaken. If he were so, he wouldn’t be in Oz. Many nations share aspects of a common culture and history with Britain (which includes Scotland, Wales and Ireland - Britphile?), and as much as they enjoy and take pride in their own culture and history, they also enjoy inter-acting with us Brits, if only to show us how much better thay are than us at rugby. :slight_smile: Already, on another thread, we see R.S. and Amrit discussing the humour of Spike Milligan. It is somtehing they have in common and it is very British humour. If I were to mention the smack of leather on willow, they would understand my meaning without fantasising about some S & M situation. Yet, both of these two would put their own country first and above all, which is what most of us do.

We discuss the misunderstandings between East and West, on another thread by R.S. which can only serve to improve understanding between the two, promote better relations and remove some of the misundrstandings by allowing members to give voice to their feelings.

In my experience, most Anglophiles appear to live in new England, and fit the description of W.A.S.P. I suspect that the American part of your psyche is becoming confused.

Fianlly: I find that most representatives of some nationalist movement or other (in Britain the British National Party) embrace any opportunity to promote their cause, using well rehearsed aruguments, in order to recruit the weak minded, who might do their bidding. Sounds very familiar doesn’t it? Most of what you say is based on half truth, fantasy and a massiv eboulder on your shoulder. You have no interest in contemplating what others might say, but merely use this site as a platform to promote your warped version of the truth. :cool:


Have you gone completely bonkers?

I’m one of the few real Germans on this site (not like you several generations apart, your dad might live in “Good ole Germany” of the 1930s, but for your information: The country has changed completely and is part of the EU, as are Poland and the Czech Republic as well as France and Austria).
My father’s family was driven from their homes twice: First after WW1 out of the “Memelland” the area of East prussia north of the river Memel, upon which they moved westwards into the province Posen (today Poznan) from where they were driven out again in 1945 when the are abecame Polish.
Except for my late grandfather (who was the only one in our family who still has seen the places himself, he moved as a young man in the 1920s to Berlin to get a job as a town administrator), none of us has any claims to the land we lost. We lost it due to historical circumstances (which were the fault of the generation of my grandfather who, including himself voted the Nazis into power), there have been at least two generations of people grown up on this land. I’m an aircraft maintenance engineer who has grown up in Berlin. I’m not a farmer, same as all of my family. The land is gone, good luck to whoever works it now. since Poland is a democratic EU country now, I can at any time get into my car and have a look at where my family came from (this would be about the only reason for me to go there).
BTW, my grandfather had not such inhibitions. While never having been a member of the Nazi party, he was hoping to be appointed mayor of a small town (after the original population has been driven out and replaced with German settlers).
I can, if I want, take a job anywere in Poland and live there. There is a huge community of ethnic Germans in Poland, but if I went there I would have to follow Polish laws.Period.

The territories are today Polish and Russian. period. Unfortunately Russia is far from being a real democracy, but I would have no problem to live in Poland as EU citizen, which would grant me almost all rights except the right to vote on national level.

Except for political parties on the rightwing lunatic fringe, like the NPD or DVU, nobady in Germany expects any return of the lost territories and certainly nobody is willing to start a war over them.

The Germany you dream of has been extinct since May 8th, 1945 thanks to the brave allies.
And, for your information, for people like Willy Brandt, Louis Hagen and other Germans who fought for the allies instead for the criminal and corrupt mafia running Germany from 1933 to 1945, are much truer patriots than the Nazis have ever been.
