Holding Them Off!


In postwar Germany we have been speaking of the stylised eagle in the Bundestag (Federal Parliament) as the “Fette Henne” (Fat Chicken).
If the eagle is on the logo of the federal department of finance (federal tax office) we also speak of it as the vulture (Geier).


You guys don’t realise that Germany has it’s own local ethnic minority?

I’m speaking of the Sorbs. Their traditional homeland is the region around the river Spree (Spreewald) and the city of Cottbus southeast of Berlin. They are ethnic Slavs and speak a language halfway between Polish and Czech. All of them are also fluent in German.
Under the Nazis they have been persecuted and under the east German communists used as a tourist attraction.
See the following Wikipedia article (fairly accurate): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorbs

Berlin has always been in the border region between Germanic and Slav tribes.
In the 1970s the remains of an early medieval Slav village have been found in the southern district Zehlendorf of Berlin and, after an archeoligical dig, reconstructed as “Museumsdorf Düppel” Museum village Düppel). There reenactors show how people lived 1000 years ago.
In the late 1970s early 1980s the museum became the victim of arson carried out by neo-nazis, who have been denying the existence of Slav tribes in Germany, but it was rebuilt.


You are right, I didn’t know that. I’m surprised they survived the Nazi regime, considering how many Slavs the Nazis did murder.

However, I do know that Germany has a large immigrant population, quite a number from Turkey, who were encouraged to migrate to Germany to work in the more menial service and production areas.

Yes, because I reallly said that…

It doesn’t all have to come down to race, as you seem to think. I was accurately describing the Slavs, and there was nothing offensive or discriminatory about my statement.

I’m one of the few real Germans on this site (not like you several generations apart, your dad might live in “Good ole Germany” of the 1930s, but for your information: The country has changed completely and is part of the EU, as are Poland and the Czech Republic as well as France and Austria)

My friend, it is irrelevant to me whether or not you consider me a “real German”. I’m not the one who is willing to give up our territories to the Slavs without a fight, or who cheers the destruction of his own country at the hands of Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States.

As for the European Union, it’s a weak organization which will eventually collapse from in. There is no mutual respect in Europe. There is bullying of the Fatherland by the paranoid of Britain, Russia, and France.

My father’s family was driven from their homes twice: First after WW1 out of the “Memelland” the area of East prussia north of the river Memel, upon which they moved westwards into the province Posen (today Poznan) from where they were driven out again in 1945 when the are abecame Polish.
Except for my late grandfather (who was the only one in our family who still has seen the places himself, he moved as a young man in the 1920s to Berlin to get a job as a town administrator), none of us has any claims to the land we lost. We lost it due to historical circumstances (which were the fault of the generation of my grandfather who, including himself voted the Nazis into power), there have been at least two generations of people grown up on this land. I’m an aircraft maintenance engineer who has grown up in Berlin. I’m not a farmer, same as all of my family. The land is gone, good luck to whoever works it now. since Poland is a democratic EU country now, I can at any time get into my car and have a look at where my family came from (this would be about the only reason for me to go there)

It is terrible what happened to your father. The war brought sorrow to many, but your laying it at the feet of Germany is an insult to the sons of Germany who laid down their lives to protect their country, whether they liked the Nazis or not. That’s selfless patriotism; the same that is being subjugated today by the ideas of liberalism and weakness.

The territories are today Polish and Russian. period. Unfortunately Russia is far from being a real democracy, but I would have no problem to live in Poland as EU citizen, which would grant me almost all rights except the right to vote on national level.

And if we continue to have concerns for the Poles, and the Russians of all people, over our own, that territory will lay in their hands much longer than it should.

That’s not to say I bear any ill will to Poland. I was in Warsaw and Lodz a few years back, while Walesa was still in office.

Russia can be thrown to the wolves though, for all I care.

Except for political parties on the rightwing lunatic fringe, like the NPD or DVU, nobady in Germany expects any return of the lost territories and certainly nobody is willing to start a war over them

Interesting that you label the only real patriots in Deutschland left as “lunatics”.

The Germany you dream of has been extinct since May 8th, 1945 thanks to the brave allies.
And, for your information, for people like Willy Brandt, Louis Hagen and other Germans who fought for the allies instead for the criminal and corrupt mafia running Germany from 1933 to 1945, are much truer patriots than the Nazis have ever been

And on that same date, our culture and national spirit went with it. As long as more German citizens are brainwashed with Allied propaganda, praising the Anglo, American, and Soviet “liberators”, there is no hope for reanimating the glory that the nation once was.

First, Germany is smack in the middle of the historical crossroads of Europe. Everybody who crossed Europe had to pass Germany and left something behind. Thus we have traces of rthe Romans, the Goths, the Spanish, various Slav people and the French (e.g. one of my ancestors was a surviving French soldier of Napoleon’s Grande Armee, which invaded Russia. After the retreat he got stuck in East Prussia, settled down and married a local girl).
Then, in the middle ages the Hanseatic association of traders had also people moving around between their various ports on the Baltic coasts to their members cities on the Rhine or in Holland.

During the 19th century coal was discovered in the Ruhr valley. The mining companies recruited miners from Poland. Thus you’ll find many people in the Ruhr area (between Duisburg and Dortmund) with names like Kowalski.
Then, post WW2, during the Wirtschaftswunder (economic miracle) Germany needed workers and recruited as as East Asia, but most workers came from the meditarranean area (Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Morrocco, Italy Yugoslavia). Most were simple peasants, who worked in menial jobs, but quite a few were highly qualified (e.g. most hospitals in former West Berlin have Korean nurses in high positions, they came as young nurses in the late 60s, early 70s, married a German husband and stayed on, being very industrious, by and by they reached management positions. Same happened to an aunt of my first wife. She came to Germany in 1970 as a young medical technician. Later she married a German and today, close to retirement, she is the boss of the laboratories of the Red cross blood bank in Berlin. There still exists a bilateral treaty between the philippines and Germany which allows Filipino engineers and technicians to work in Germany without a work permit, provided they have regular contract with a local employer. I brought several Filipino aircraft mechanics into Germany this way).
Many of the immigrants werd young men from a rural background who planned to work for a few years on Germany, save their money and then return to e.g. buy a farm or a small shop back home. After a while they got lonely and brought their brides / wives wit them. Children got born and after a few years they decided found out that their lives were centered in Germany and they felt out of place in their original country (I experienced something similar during the 2 1/2 years I worked in Ireland. Germany became strange to me), especially since most of their old friends moved abroad as well (my Filipino girlfriend discovered this as well when she went home first time for a visit after two years abroad. All her friends had gone).
[edit: insert]
East Germany imported many contract workers from Vietnam, Cuba, Angola, Mocambique and Mongolia. Many of them also stayed after the Berlin Wall collapsed.

Now we have the first generation of immigrant retirees.

Additionally there the many allied servicemen who came to Germany either as part of the occupational force after WW2 or of NATO, met a German wife and decided to stay here (e.g. where I live now there are many Americans who got stuck here for good, but I also have a few British friends, who came to Germany with either the RAF or the BAOR and stayed on).


ALBERT SPEER (How the f#ck can someone take such a user name? If was known about Speer in 1946 what is known about him today, he would have been hanged in Nuremberg and rightly so!)

Crawl back to the brown hole you came from.
You and your ilk are the ones I would at any time take up a weapon to fight you.
My democratic tolerance stops with Nazis. We will NOT let our country be ruled by this criminal gang again. Period.


So, what, I think, you are telling me, Jan, is that both modern and ancient Germany is, and was, peopled by many that have become one nation?

That being so, I can only assume that you think my previous remarks regarding ‘pure-blooded’ was aimed at the German people as a whole. They weren’t! they were just aimed at anyone, of anyplace, that had any foolish notions of being pure-blooded and, therefore, superior to the rest of us.

Having said that, thanks for the info. it’s really quite interesting and, as you have commented, makes sense with where Germany is situated. Britain is sometimes described as a mongrel nation, does this mean you are the same as us? :slight_smile:

Speer was not a criminal, so I know not what you base your irrational assertions on.

Furthermore, I am not a “Nazi”, or at least, not as you seem to think. I would have “rooted” for Germany in the 1940’s whether it was under a fascist government or a democratic one.

This is why I dislike sunshine patriots.

I have to say - and this may come as a surprise - but, unless you are a German national, it isn’t your Germany.

Secondly, you weren’t around when the ‘Real-Germans’ accepted defeat, so who are you to judge those that went through that hell?

I still think you are taking the ‘proverbial’. If not, life must be extremely exasperating for you. :smiley:

Exactly. There is no such thing as a “Germanic race”. The only differences are originally the languages, which can be (except for Hungarian, Finnish, Latvian, Estonian and Lithuanian, they are ethnically central European, but speak languages relating to those of nothern central Asia, a legacy from having been conquered by mounted warrior tribes from central Asia for a while a millenium ago) be traced back to the Indo-Germanic language family.


Yeah? Right or wrong, my country, no matter if it is being ruled by a corrupt criminal gang (of which Speer was a member!).


Would they be where the ‘Hun’ comes from?

Not trying to be rude or denegrating here.

Thunderous combustion from the arse (ass to our American buddies)!

I thought we had the corner market on that title?

I am talking in terms of blood, 32. I have no interest in applying for citizenship. For starters, the citizenship laws are very stringent these days. Second, I’m getting up in age and the whole affair would be pointless.

You are right; I wasn’t around(well, I was “around”, but only five years young). I don’t believe Walther was around though.

And no, I am not. And I don’t see where your confusion lies. You judge me because you disagree with my opinion?

There was no criminal gang ruling Germany. It’s apparent that you would only support your own nation if the political structure was to your liking.

Well, you sure seem to making a lot of judgements all by your self. :smiley:

Blood-types, I believe, are common to all races. So, if your’re talking blood you are once again talking nosense. If you had been moved from germany as a baby, before you had any sense of reasoning and placed with an American family, thta didn’t explain your background to you, you would have no idea of your roots.

Obviously, you are a very frustrated old man whose life is empty and is, therefore, clutching on to anything which might give his life some value and meaning before he pops off. You speak of heroism as a fantasy, but your heroism is a fantasy and not based on any reality. You believe you would have saved Germany or laid down your life - talk is cheap old man.

No, no my friend. We don’t have all of that African-American, Irish-American, Italian-American stuff going on - we get together and breed! :smiley:

Seriously, we are Celtic-Romano-British, Anglo-Saxon, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Norman-French, Scandanavian and that’s just the ancient parts. When one considers all of the modern immigrants and the inter-marriages ( and the ones that are not married:D ) we are very mixed.