Holding Them Off!


I still think he’s a super troll, as well.

Things have been lively!

And entertaining. :smiley:

Enough of this! AlbertSpeer has made it clear he would support a new Holocaust against the Jews

When on God’s green Earth did I say that?

I have to, sincerely, ask - from the time you began posting on these threads there has been an undercurrent of anger in your tone - what are you so ‘angry’ about?

Anger? Perhaps angry at the way history has turned out, but you can’t change that.

You ought to let it go, old chum. Perhaps you get a few people upset on a site like this, but you are damaging yourself more. Life is too short to be wasted on such bitterness.

My question on post 196 was answered by you on post 203. You can’t hide behind that answer.

Regards digger

Well, I believe you misinterpreted. I bear no ill will toward the Jews whatsoever, and I’ve been on a few visits to Haifa and Tel Aviv. I think you’re just trying to smear me.

I don’t know why you seem to think this consumes my life. Perhaps I spend 20mins. on this message board each day.

Have a look at Albert Speer’s approach from post 13 here.
http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4386 It demonstrates in a few posts his standard tactic of starting out with an innocent comment and then becoming increasingly inflammatory, a process he has repeated several times in the present thread.

He is definitely a troll.

In Internet terminology, a troll is someone who intentionally posts derogatory or otherwise inflammatory messages about sensitive topics in an established online community such as an online discussion forum to bait users into responding.

Look how much controversy he’s caused in 50 or so posts. He’s just jerking us around for his own amusement.

He is also skilled in posting things that are intended to convey the impression he wants but in such a way that he can claim innocence when challenged.

Responding to him just gives him what he needs to get his jollies. Ignore him for a while and he’ll either behave himself or stamp his jackbooted little foot and goosestep off into another forum where he can disrupt it instead of this one.

My question to you in post #196 was-‘I suppose you would like to fire up the ovens again. Heh?’

Your answer to this question was on post #203-‘Yes, because I really said that…’

I do not need to smear you. And I do not think, from your answer you could be misinterperated.

Regards digger.

What do you not understand about my response? I was responding sarcastically to your assertion that I wanted another Holocaust, by saying “Yes. because I really said that…”. How does that make me anti-Semetic?

:roll: There’s no “approach” to anything. You are the one getting riled up because you disagree with me. Apparently, there is no freedom of speech here.

That comment sounds as if you have lived for millenia. Somewhat disillusioned by the reality of events, considering how one had hoped things would turn out. History doesn’t ‘turn out’ if one hasn’t preceded the events. Dreams can not be crushed in retrospect.

I am not trying to be unkind with my comments, but what you say makes no sense! :confused:

I think you have been allowed to exercise your freedom of speech quite liberally on this forum, something that would never of happened in the Third Reich.

To a degree, some of your points are relevent, but you have a habit of wrapping them up in your far right dogma, so the message is lost.

I do not believe for one moment you were being sarcastic, as no normal person would joke about such things, whether it be the Final Solution or any form of Ethnic Cleansing.

So for the sake of history the Third Reich lost the war, but the sad thing is, there are people like you waiting for the dawn of the Fourth Reich.

Regards digger.

I understand what you are trying to convey, but if you wish to get that technical, I did precede most of the “events” of WWII.

It just seems as if the young people here are putting words in my mouth. I neither celebrated the final solution nor called for another one. As stated before, I’ve been to Israel several times, I have old friends in Tel Aviv, and I have nothing against Jews or Judaism.

As for the Fourth Reich, I am a pragmatic man, but one can always hope.

Yes, Hitler had Jewish acquaintenances as well.

I rest my case.

Regards digger.

Who specifically? Hitler despised Judaism and the Jewish race. I dislike neither. Saying I do is nothing more than a biased, slanderous, and false accusation.