
Maybe she’s from Melbourne, but just really, really stupid?

Her IP (partially changed to protect her identity) is as follows:

The IP Address is: 211.28.xx.xx
The host name is: c211-28-xx-xx.dandn2.vic.optusnet.com.au

It traces to “Springvale South,” which I assume is a Melbourne suburb…

Have you noticed that, although there are some serious intellects and greatly knowledgeable people, nobody on this board claims to be smart?

Members, apart from you, just discuss things.

You, however, flaunt your claimed lack of intellect and patent lack of knowledge about matters military while making gratuitous observations about members who are supposedly ‘smart’ to confirm in your own mind your victim status at the hands of the ‘smart’ members.

This will no doubt come as a shock to you, but nobody here could give a fish’s tit if, as you repeatedly assert, you’re a 26 year old girl with a demonstrated desire to be a victim because you’re a girl (most 26 year old females are women, but in your case you’re probably correct) when it is abundantly clear that any negative responses you get flow purely from your remarkable ability to purport to be profoundly stupid. But a genuinely stupid person wouldn’t be as smart as you in doing it, Fur Ball.

So, why don’t you drop the pretence of being a cretin and stop pointless posts in every thread and use your genuine intelligence to discuss and learn as a reasonable 26 year old adult, if that’s what you really are?

Your position isn’t irretrieveable.

We’ve rehabilitated problem members who have gone on to be accepted for what they contribute, not what they did on the board in the past. Herman is living proof of that.

But you may find that there is no forgiveness for people who, once warned, persist with intolerable conduct.

That’s possible.

We have some world class stupid people here, but mostly we keep them away from the internet.

They’re too busy governing the State. :wink: :smiley:

It is.

Even more surprising given my insistence on the RACV question, Springvale South is next door to the RACV headquarters shown at A in the slow loading link.


As ali j likes to say: Go figure!

Spooky, huh?

90%: My Foot!
I thought in America its a free country and there is freedom of speech. Why should I stay out of threads that are publicly on display. If you didn’t want me to engage in this thread then you should have locked it. This thread is nothing but a bunch of B.S and serves nothing productive nor objective about WW-2 stuff. You keep it open to allow us to vent our opinions. Why you picking on me?. I was merely trying to figure out what RACV means then Aly J started asking me questions which I responded to. Am I not allowed to respond to questions from other members when I am asked?. Is this a communist thread where I am forbidden to engage in a conversation with another fellow WW-2 member when I am specifically asked a question?. As long as America is FREE, I will speak freely to people who ask me questions. I did not, nor did I harass RS in this thread in any way , form or matter. I even attempted to act as a friend by calming Aly-J down and implored her to APOLOGISE to RS, in case you haven’t noticed. This is the thanks I get from someone I respect like you?. Secondly, I don’t know where you get 90% from. You merely pick a number and post it out of the blue and expect everyone to believe it?. I don’t know why I can’t support the Mods either. Am I not allowed to support our troops as well?. I can support who ever I want. The fact that I appreciate, respect and admire the challenges your position entails is proof enough that I am a caring and compassionate person. If I can’t even say nice things about the Mods, then what is this, a communist forum?. I am sorry you feel this way. If it annoys you then don’t read it. I am sincere in my intentions.

Whether it is or not is irrelevant to a board in cyberspace.

Perhaps, but you’ve made repeated and significant contributions to it.

What was the question?

  1. This is not an American board.

  2. You are not an American.

  3. You have no entitlement to American rights of free speech.

  4. The rest of us don’t all recognise American rights of free speech as applying to an international board, any more than we recognise German laws which prohibit things related to the Nazis which are permitted in other countries.

Every Body knows America is the Greatest Country in The World!. As a Canadian, I enjoy the honour and the privilege to be next to this Great Country. The fact that you lack respect for America is your problem. America always protects and defends the whole world and always comes to the rescue in WW-1 and WW-2. Without America we would probably be living under Nazi regime. I wouldn’t knock America. Your beef is not with me. For the Last time, I encouraged Aly J to Apologise to YOU. I even told her she would be banned if she didn’t shape up for insulting you. I did not insult you. And lastly, There are no tits on a fish, contrary to your prior post, so get your facts straight :slight_smile:

Um, we’re not in America, we’re in cyberspace. And nobody promised you absolute “freedom of speech” here. You had to click on a “terms of use” to even register, remember?

And while I hate censorship, I also hate people who vandalize, yell out and talk in a movie theater, or spray paint over monuments…

If you didn’t want me to engage in this thread then you should have locked it.

When did I say you couldn’t engage in it?

I merely made an observation…

This thread is nothing but a bunch of B.S and serves nothing productive nor objective about WW-2 stuff.

That’s why it is in the “Off-Topic” section, which is precisely for B.S. :slight_smile:

You keep it open to allow us to vent our opinions. Why you picking on me?.

I dunno. Why do you constantly have a running commentary on everything troll-related, including various off-the-cuff and snide comments regarding the various mods that have oppressed you here?

And I do not mean to answer a question with a question, but I asked you first (sort of)…

After all, you’re the one “cyberstalking” here with annoyance posts to pdf27, or with following me to other websites…

I was merely trying to figure out what RACV means then Aly J started asking me questions which I responded to. Am I not allowed to respond to questions from other members when I am asked?.

I never said you were or weren’t allowed to do anything…

I merely made an observation, one which seems to be a bee in your bonnet.

The point is, if you weren’t fluttering around her/his/its posts every thirty seconds, and if she weren’t coming up with another load of trolling in her self-proclaimed biography of a “26 year old girl” who all of a sudden is now a crown prosecutor in Australia, you wouldn’t be answering nor asking questions to her…

And if she is indeed a prosecutor, no wonder why the motorcycle maniacs took them over in “Mad Max!” :smiley:

Is this a communist thread where I am forbidden to engage in a conversation with another fellow WW-2 member when I am specifically asked a question?. As long as America is FREE, I will speak freely to people who ask me questions. I did not, nor did I harass RS in this thread in any way , form or matter. I even attempted to act as a friend by calming Aly-J down and implored her to APOLOGISE to RS, in case you haven’t noticed. This is the thanks I get from someone I respect like you?. Secondly, I don’t know where you get 90% from. You merely pick a number and post it out of the blue and expect everyone to believe it?. I don’t know why I can’t support the Mods either. Am I not allowed to support our troops as well?. I can support who ever I want. The fact that I appreciate, respect and admire the challenges your position entails is proof enough that I am a caring and compassionate person. If I can’t even say nice things about the Mods, then what is this, a communist forum?. I am sorry you feel this way. If it annoys you then don’t read it. I am sincere in my intentions.

Are you finished whining about your supposed persecution yet, Joan of L’arc?

P.S.: I didn’t say you were nor weren’t allowed to do anything, I merely asked you “why?,” in a sense. Because, your motivation for returning to this board day after day after spending a good deal of your first 50 posts or so blatantly trolling it, is still unclear to me to this day…

Review that statement in 2050.

Or even 2025.

Lucky you.

Why don’t you move to Mexico and enjoy the same honour and privilege which spills across the American border down there to make it a great place to live.

Apart from anything else, the weather is better down there.

Don’t confuse a realistic assessment of the likely future with a lack of respect.


You should read some American strategic assessments about letting Australia fall to Japan during WWII, and earlier pre-war assessments about whether or not to support Britain during a European war.

Not to mention the strong isolationist movements in America during both World Wars, in both of which it was forced into a war it wanted to stay out of.


If Britain had fallen you’d probably be pumping Ford engines out of Windsor like there was no tomorrow, to keep supplying the Nazis Ford and GM supplied right up to Pearl Harbor and, on some views, even after.

Why not?

They’re used to it.

As previously posted, I don’t care if people get stuck into me.

I do care if people post crap all over the board to no knowledge or humourous purpose.

That’s what you think.

Our high country freshwater gongavarmi fish has four tits on the male and twelve on the female, to sustain the minnows during the early spring melt before the insects come up the mountains to supply food.

I didt say i was a prosecuter lawyer, i meant i was a witness for the prosecuting side. i cant belive you thought i was a lawyer.

Oh Please…Oh Please…I made on or 2 comments in that other forum your talking about. I don’t live in a Communist Country so I am free to go wherever I want in cyberspace. I can’t help it if I discovered that PDF was BANNED in other web sites. Personally, I feel sorry for him I think the guy was framed because he seems so Nice in this web site. But if it makes you happy, I won’t bother anyone in any other forum nor even read the commentaries in your other forums. (By the way, some of the comments by you guys in them other forums are pretty rough with a lot of swearing and yelling…I am surprised because your such a pussy cat in this forum) …Anyways getting back to my point….I promise you I will not and have not nor intend to join and other forum’s that your in
And one last thing, I am not snide. I merely speak up for my rights. I have not posted a single stupid thread since I joined. My threads are for the most part, professional, unlike some others. I only involve myself in threads that I can be productive in. I even gained some points, 16 to be exact for one of my commentaries from the Admin Staff (or maybe it was you) that put :Excellent Post” in my Reputation log (Right below my Infractions which I still believe I should be forgive for)…At least I TRY….The fact that this thread serves no purpose, should not affect any members who don’t care for my dribble, because only those that want to read it, chose to read it. Have A Nice Day just the Same.

How did you find that out, i live half an hour away from springvale.

That Fish Does NOt Even Exsist…You google it and find out yourself…I did not find any freshwater gongavarmi fish …Liar!:rolleyes:

Remember what I said about forensic linguistic and textual analysis? Here is just one simple example of why your inconsistent intentional bad English is bullshit.

I was on the prosocuting

And, Fur Ball, I didn’t say you were a lawyer any more than you said you were, but at #88 and #96 you tried to create the impression that you were habitually at the courts in some prosecutorial capacity while leaving wriggle room to slide out of it as you just have, so don’t tread on my dick and say you thought it belonged to the bloke behind me. :rolleyes:

I didn’t realise that Google was the arbiter of existence.

I just Googled my parents’ and grandparents’ names and they’re not there. That must mean I don’t exist.

If, clever dick, you ever get stranded in the high country in early spring when the snow is beginning to melt but there’s no food above ground, you’ll be bloody grateful if you can snatch a couple of nice fat gongavarmi out of the streams.

Could you say that in english please! In my english.

U r ful of fkn sht

Im full of —, you anouced that Herman and i were the same person-Wrong.
Then you anouced that Aly j [me] was lieing about my age, my sex and where i live- Wrong, Wrong ,Wrong. Whos full of -----
And didt anyone tell you that you not too adverties youre — on the ww2 forum!

From the Mods: Watch your potty-mouth, pookems! Next one is another demerit and another way station on your way to ban.

No, it hasn’t been mentioned.

I can’t imagine why the site admin never thought to tell members not to advertise their trogs.

Anyway, now that you’ve brought it up, I’d post a picture but (a) the screen is far too small and (b) I don’t need to advertise, beyond the hidden glory which bulges in my tweeds for all to see.

I’m pretty sure he didn’t…

Why the hell would I be stranded in High Country?..I live in a City and not the backwards hillbilly territory mountains where some god awful fictitious fish named gongavarmi presumably habitats. If I was stranded then where the hell would I get a fishing line to catch the fish?.If I was fishing, I would be with my car and have a cell phone and my GPS, so Why would I get stranded?. Do you think if I did, by chance, some how, get stranded, without my cell phone, because I walked into some bush land in the snow, for whatever reason, I don’t know, and by God’s grace, I happened to be so hungry and half starved that I would be so so fortunate to come across a lake full of hundreds of gongavarmi fish, then I would be grateful?? Mate, Trust me, If I were to find a bush or a park in My BIG City and get lost in this bush and find a lake with this weird sounding fish, I don’t think I would be grateful and eat it. How would I cook it if I were stranded?. Am I suppose to eat it raw?..The point is, the fish does not exists because you made it up and everybody knows that. And I am sorry that your grandparents don’t exists. Maybe the gongavarmi ate them…LOL:mrgreen: