Hot Babes Of WWII

Librarian, you are a fine fellow for picking up that comment of mine. i’m actually surprised it did not spark a flood of posting by offended gentlemen defending German womanhood;):smiley:

And thankyou sir, for some excellent material. Hopefully Chevan’s taste in German women has changed slightly:shock:;):lol:


Thank you guyes for worry about my taste in women.
As we tells: there are no ugly women - there is just a not enough of vodka;)
So i think its time to change you favorite drink in forum.
The Beer or Wine is not really actual in here;)

Now you’re talking.

It’s not the type of grog that matters, just the quantity.

We call them Beer Goggles down here.

Get enough beer into you and, through Beer Goggles, even your bulldog starts looking okay.

Vaguely related to a German aphorism (forgive my spelling or other mistakes in German - I’m remembering this phonetically) “In der nacht, alle katzen grau.” = In the night, all cats are grey.

So from it i could conclude - you drink not enough Beer to understand the all depth of matter in forum:)

I drink more than enough beer. Some say too much, but wives don’t understand these things. And so much else. :wink:

When you drink enough, you don’t care whether you understand or not. :wink:

Or whether other people understand you, which often they can’t. :smiley:

I wish I understood the point I was trying to make. ;):smiley:

Thank God for the pictures in this thread, or I wouldn’t have any idea what was going on. :smiley:

Many thanks, these are very beautiful Mr. Librarian and in color no less. Do you know if any video footage will be released?

Alas, my dear Mr. Eller, that issue is completely unknown to me. In this easy information-access times too many library items are not online, thus leaving significant gaps for devoted scholars like us. These artifacts are not only the important pieces of history that are at risk of disappearing or being ignored in the digital age. As more museums, archives and libraries become digital domains, and as electronic resources became the main tool for gathering information, items left behind in non-digital form are in constant danger of factual disappearing from the collective cultural memory of the mankind, potentially leaving our societal fabric riddled with holes.

Of course, significant efforts toward digitalization over the last 15 years have been significant, but money and copyright complications are still representing truly huge impediments. My colleagues at the Library of Congress, for example, despite continuous and enforced digitization efforts, are saying that perhaps only 15 % of the approximately 135 million objects held will be digitalized in the foreseeable future. Perhaps the best illustration of the aforementioned problem is the verity that out of five million images from “Look” magazine, spanning the period from 1937 to 1971, archived within Library of Congress – a truly fascinating portrait of America through photo-stories on different social and political subjects, personalities, food fashion and sports – only 350 are digitalized! :frowning:

Hope you don’t mind my posting of additional information on these fine looking ladies.

On the contrary, my dear Mr. Eller – this is our common enthusiastic effort! I really do have an impression that the film makers of those days did some magnificent things – some of them so magnificent that they perhaps have never been equaled. I think that we all do appreciate your excellent and unrestrained efforts toward deserved appraisement of these grand films and performers. :slight_smile:

I really do feel that we share those old fashioned memories of special feeling when the theater lights are down, the theme melody is tinkling out, the first titles are flickering on the screen, and the audience is falling once more under the spell of the film magic – a strange enchantment the TV’s never quite duplicated.

And we? Well, as we are presenting these images we are kids again, spellbound in the dark, having bought the whole world for a dime… or perhaps a little bit older, holding hands with our best girl and imagining that we are Humphrey Bogart and she is Lauren Bacall…

Therefore please, my dear Mr. Eller – give us some additional hints about forgotten artifacts of the American history, buried on those dusty but incredibly attractive, mystery-scented pages of the “Saturday Evening Post”, “Collier’s”, “Down Beat”, “Photoplay”, “Life”, “The New Yorker”, “Esquire”, “Look”, “The Billboard”, “Cosmopolitan”, “The Jitterbug”, “Theatre & Arts”, “Popular Photography”, “Pathfinder”… all those magnificent hints of the unforgettable old times, when there was a blackout in effect after 6 p.m., of the times when food and gas rationing did not stop people from going out and having a good, human-oriented time, of those times when the people were ensured that they would be successfully ferried from NY to Washington in style, because they are traveling in a thing that’s Big, that’s Beautiful – that’s Buick. :slight_smile:

I shall post here some hints of those old but immortal times, when LIFE asked The Dame of all Dancers, miss ]b]Ginger Rogers[/b] to give a dream-party for an ordinary American GI. Madame Rogers accepted the offer, and asked seven other girls to come to her Beverly Hills home and help out. You probably know them – mainly from movies and pin-ups.

Private Farnsworth blushing

And so, Pvt. John Farnsworth, who served three years in the Pacific and was at home, recovering from malaria, has been also glad to come. The All-American Girls fed Pvt. Farnsworth, listened to him, admired him, danced with him, played games with him. It was an unforgettable party.

Of course, those beautiful things never happened to us

Colorful, farewell-kisses given to Pvt. Farnsworth by Barbara hale, Lynne Bagget, Gloria DeHaven, Lynn Bari, Jinx Falkenburg, Dolores Moran, Chili Williams and Ginger Rogers

Finally, my dear Mr. Eller, allow me to ask you for a single favor – as you know, there is an old saying that you can’t live in the past, but for the sake of the old days glory would you be so kind to find that magnificent snapshot of a true master of photography, late Mr. Bob Landry, that was printed in a 1941 LIFE:

A photography that has motivated Pfc. Howard A. Fleming and Pvt. Harold D. Gann to compose a letter that contained the following words:

“Sirs - Henceforth our bugler agrees to blow reveille 15 minutes late, giving us more time to dream of Rita Haywoth.”

Quite frankly, my dear Mr. Eller, after that immortal performance she gave us with the song which incorporated the following words, I become to understand how growing portion of the American public started to believe in different conspiracy theories.

When Mrs. O’Leary’s cow
Kicked the lantern in Chicago town
They say that started the fire
That burned Chicago down
That’s the story that went around
But here’s the real low-down
Put the blame on Mame, boys
Put the blame on Mame
Mame kissed a buyer from out of town
That kiss burned Chicago down
So you can put the blame on Mame, boys
Put the blame on Mame…

So please – help us to rediscover those remnants of the undying American past!

In the meantime I’ll try to find that half-forgotten color picture of the most popular singing German movie star in the forties – one and only Madame Zarah Leander.

That’s from what you need to begin;) dear Labrarian
This PR action of Holliwood that demonstrate how the American richs spend a time.
This is sweet fary tell for the american soldiers;) that never could happen with them in reality

Pvt. Farnsworth was rich?

Although they didn’t meet Hollywood starlets, US personnel of all ranks had ready access to women on various fronts. The VD rate was telling. In Italy, I think 15% of all hospital beds were taken up by gallant men of the swollen, infected member. I think I read the estimate for infected Italian prostitutes was on the verge of 60% and this while GIs and Tommies could seldom walk through Naples without their sleeves being tugged by a young boy serving as a pimp, or more directly, by the merchandise itself. One US soldier fashioned a big “NO!” sign and hung it around his neck like a medallion…

The problem became so great that PM Churchill, Gen. Alexander, and Gen. Mark Clark all actually discussed whether men who contracted sexually transmitted diseases in the theatre should have access to the new, expensive penicillin. Or if the wonder drug was to be reserved for only true battle casualties. In the end, they realized that they had no choice but to use the drug where it was most needed and effective…

The source for all of this is Rick Atkins’ “The Day of Battle.”

Actually, there are rumors that several Hollywood starlets contributed to the ‘War Effort’ by raising the morale of a small number of very lucky officers and men…

Dear Mr Librarian, thank you so much for these marvelous images - they exude such an ambience of class. Ms. Ginger Rogers certainly knew how to throw a first rate party. And no doubt Pvt. Farnsworth was the envy of his fellow servicemen, the lucky guy.

I would like to respond to your outstanding post in more detail, but will have to wait until this weekend. In the meantime, I look forward to more of your exceptional work.

All the Best,


Oh sure not Nick.
The fary tells should seems the REAL for the people- there for the Farnsworth played “the usial soldier” in this photo-opera

Although they didn’t meet Hollywood starlets, US personnel of all ranks had ready access to women on various fronts. The VD rate was telling. In Italy, I think 15% of all hospital beds were taken up by gallant men of the swollen, infected member. I think I read the estimate for infected Italian prostitutes was on the verge of 60% and this while GIs and Tommies could seldom walk through Naples without their sleeves being tugged by a young boy serving as a pimp, or more directly, by the merchandise itself. One US soldier fashioned a big “NO!” sign and hung it around his neck like a medallion…

The problem became so great that PM Churchill, Gen. Alexander, and Gen. Mark Clark all actually discussed whether men who contracted sexually transmitted diseases in the theatre should have access to the new, expensive penicillin. Or if the wonder drug was to be reserved for only true battle casualties. In the end, they realized that they had no choice but to use the drug where it was most needed and effective…

The source for all of this is Rick Atkins’ “The Day of Battle.”

Well i have to say that even the Soviet Hight officers had access for the woman in fronts ( even in most fierce battles). They called it as the “Military-field wifes” - the woman who agreed to live with the officer and moved together with him everywhere with his armies.
I’ve read about Zhukov - he always had a one - couple of such wifes althought he was officially married and his wife lives in Moscov.
Many of the hight officers used the such woman-service.Although this was not greeting in Red Army coz the this demontrated the inequality( the medium and low officers personal had not a such right) and lack of discipline - however the Stalin closed eyes for this.
The reason was a very simple - to the contrast of its western and even german officers who regulary had the every-year vacations at home the Soviet military staff did not even know what is this:)since the terrible summer of the 1941.
The any vacations were forbidden except the few-days award vacation for the soldiers who has distinguished in front. Even the wounded soldiers returned in its regiments as soon as it was possible.
So this is true to say - there were no the sexual lfe for the Soviet soldiers during the war.
Just some of them maybe “dreamed to relax” in Germany:) after the victory ( if they will still alive).
But unfortunately some of them has bagan to “relax” already in Poland:)

By special request for our much respected and dear Mr. Librarian :slight_smile:

Rita Hayworth (17 October 1918 – 14 May 1987), was an American actress of Spanish and English descent who reached fame during the 1940s as the era’s leading sex symbol. She was sometimes called “The Love Goddess” or “The Great American Love Goddess,” and was celebrated as an expert dancer and great beauty.

She was born Margarita Carmen Cansino, the daughter of Eduardo Cansino (Sr.) and Volga Haworth in Brooklyn, New York. The Cansinos were a famous family of Spanish dancers working in vaudeville. Their family ancestry were of the Roma people native to Spain. Hayworth was trained as a dancer from childhood, and was on stage by the age of twelve.

First attracting the attention of film producers as part of the dance team “The Dancing Cansinos,” Hayworth was signed first by Fox Studios in 1935, then freelanced for several years before signing with Columbia Pictures. After a name change from Rita Cansino to Rita Hayworth, and painful electrolysis to raise her hairline, Rita made a splash as part of the ensemble cast in Howard Hawks’ Only Angels Have Wings (1939). The Strawberry Blonde with James Cagney followed in 1941. Finally her sizzling “other woman” part in Rouben Mamoulian’s Blood and Sand (1941) with Tyrone Power solidified her new-found stardom.

Hayworth’s fame as a beautiful redhead arose from this Technicolor film. The “love goddess” image was cemented with Bob Landry’s Life Magazine photograph of her (kneeling on a bed in a nightgown), which caused a sensation and became (at five million copies) one of the most requested wartime pinups. During World War II she ranked with Betty Grable, Dorothy Lamour, Hedy Lamarr, and Lana Turner as the pinup girls most popular with servicemen. Rita would soon become Columbia’s (Columbia Pictures Corporation) biggest star of the 1940s, under the watchful eye of studio chief Harry Cohn.

Quoted from:

“Rita Hayworth” - Advanced Google Image Search:

“Rita Hayworth” - AltaVista Image Search:“Rita+Hayworth”&mik=photo&mik=graphic&mip=all&mis=all&miwxh=all

“Rita Hayworth” - Lycos Image Search:“Rita+Hayworth”&x=21&y=7

“Rita Hayworth” - Yahoo Image Search:“Rita+Hayworth”&fr=yfp-t-501&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8



Rita Hayworth from the movie Gilda (1946)
Performing “Put The Blame On Mame”
“Put The Blame On Mame” - guitar version:
Gilda (1946) is a black-and-white film noir directed by Charles Vidor. It stars Glenn Ford and Rita Hayworth in her signature role as the ultimate femme fatale. The film was noted for cinematographer Rudolph Mate’s lush photography, costume designer Jean Louis’s sexy wardrobe for Hayworth (particularly for the dance numbers), and choreographer Jack Cole’s staging of “Put the Blame on Mame” and “Amado Mio”.

When Mrs. O’Leary’s cow
Kicked the lantern in Chicago town
They say that started the fire
That burned Chicago down
That’s the story that went around
But here’s the real low-down
Put the blame on Mame, boys
Put the blame on Mame
Mame kissed a buyer from out of town
That kiss burned Chicago down
So you can put the blame on Mame, boys
Put the blame on Mame…

Rita Hayworth & Linda Darnell in Blood and Sand (1941)
Blood and Sand (1941) is a Technicolor film produced by 20th Century Fox, directed by Rouben Mamoulian and starring Tyrone Power, Linda Darnell, Rita Hayworth, and Alla Nazimova. It is based on the Spanish 1909 novel “Blood and Sand” (Sangre y arena) by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez.

Rita Hayworth in Tonight and Every Night (1945)
Musical in color. Performing “You Excite Me”.

Rita Hayworth in Tonight and Every Night (1945)
Musical in color. Performing “The Boy I left Behind” (with Janet Blair).
Internet Movie Data Base (IMDb):
trivia: Rita Hayworth was pregnant at the time.

Rita Hayworth & Gene Kelly in Cover Girl (1944)
Musical in color. Performing “Make Way For Tomorrow”.

Rita Hayworth in Cover Girl (1944)
Musical in color. Performing “Poor John”.

Rita Hayworth video montages in Color and B/W:

MORE VIDEO CLIPS - Rita Hayworth:

Career success


I was propaganda of course. But there were real instances of US starlets that “visited” with US troops while on USO tours…

Well i have to say that even the Soviet Hight officers had access for the woman in fronts ( even in most fierce battles). They called it as the “Military-field wifes” - the woman who agreed to live with the officer and moved together with him everywhere with his armies.

Well, rank has it privileges! I’m not sure how well this will translate into Russian, but there was a joke about Gen. Eisenhower and his driver illustrated in a cartoon: Irish GI and ex-actress/model, Kay Sommersby.

Eisenhower and Sommersby are driving one day, and the US Army sedan staff car she pilots breaks down. Kay goes under the hood and Ike goes to the trunk to get some tools. He then strolls to the front of the car as Kay is bent over, and her legs and bottom protruding from under the hood are the only things visible.

Eisenhower offers: “Screwdriver?”

Kay: “Might as well, I can’t fix the Goddamned engine!”

I’m not sure what the preference is in Russia, but personally I’d go for access to a woman in the front. :smiley:

They called it as the “Military-field wifes” - the woman who agreed to live with the officer and moved together with him everywhere with his armies.
I’ve read about Zhukov - he always had a one - couple of such wifes althought he was officially married and his wife lives in Moscov.
Many of the hight officers used the such woman-service.

Why is it that the books I need now were disposed of in a moment (well, several moments over some time :confused:) of madness some time ago?

IIRC, General Blamey, the Australian commander in North Africa, who was a legendary pantsman, had his wife join him there. Subsequently other senior officers had their wives join them, which led to some sort of revolt and or government crackdown and an attempt to return the wives to Australia.

Meanwhile the average Australian soldier had no such comforts, although brothels were available to some.

Not necessarily ideal brothels, either, given one account I read of distaste for prostitutes who were far too young.

Since this still deals with ww2 I moved it here!

1944 LIFE Magazine Back Issues For Sale at 2Neat Magazines

Life Magazine September 25, 1944 : Cover - Special Issue - A Letter to GI’s (Clair Poe). charming full page Bell telephone ad with military crowd rushing to use the telephone. Already there are a number of finishing the war and going home things. Full page color Studebaker Weasel ad with art by Frederic Fellander. Humorous little piece - Iowa girls didn’t like all the Paris girls kissing their guys, includes photos of Nora Schuck, Florence Brown, Mrs. Hubert Hanson, Winnie Devlin, Janice Soller, Bernadine Finestead, Sonja Nansen and many others. Fishing is good this year. War wife waits. State of the Nation by John Dos Passos. Swing Musicians. St. Louis Browns are baseball’s surprise. The girls are still pretty, models in swimming suits. Comic strip happenings. Photos of New York City. Full page color Pennsylvania railroad ad with female railroad worker. Streets are shabbier. Housing projects, including Channel Heights, Hollywood Riviera, Planeview Kansas. Your favorite foods. Home hasn’t changed. GI’s dream party, John Farnsworth, Ginger Rogers and others in Beverly Hills - one guy and eight girls. Boulder Dam. Neat full page color Studebaker Weasel ad with M-29 cargo and personnel carrier, a kind of tank. Nice full page color Wyeth Incorporated ad with doctor and patients, painted by Haddon Sundblom. Full page color Army Air Forces ad with plane Double Trouble, art by Clayton Knight.

BARBARA HALE was one of the many actresses who gave their time at the Stage Door Canteen during WWII.
Here, Ginger Rogers opened her home to throw a party with 7 other actresses for Pvt. JOHN FARNSWORTH.
They are from Left,Barbara Hale,Lynne Baggett,Gloria DeHaven,Lynn Bari,Jinx Falkenburg,Dolores Moran, Chili Williams and Ginger Rogers(front).


The Hollywood Canteen operated at 1451 Cahuenga Boulevard in Hollywood, California between October 3, 1942 and November 22, 1945 (Thanksgiving Day) as a club offering food, dancing and entertainment for servicemen, usually on their way overseas. Even though the majority of visitors were U.S servicemen, the Canteen was open to servicemen of allied countries as well as women in all branch of service. The serviceman’s ticket to admission was his uniform and everything at the Canteen was free of charge.

The driving force behind its creation were Bette Davis and John Garfield along with composer Jules Stein, President of Music Corporation of America, who headed up the finance committee. Davis devoted an enormous amount of time and energy to the project and served as its president. The cost of materials for the renovations and the labor was all donated by members of the various guilds and unions of the entertainment industry. The Canteen was operated and staffed by volunteers from the entertainment industry only. By the time the Canteen opened its doors, over 3000 stars, players, directors, producers, grips, dancers, musicians, singers, writer, technicians, wardrobe attendants, hair stylissts, agents, stand-ins, publicists, secretaries, and allied craftsmen of radio and screen had registered as volunteers.

Glamorous stars volunteered to wait on tables, cook in the kitchen and clean up. On September 15, 1943, the one millionth guest walked through the door of the Hollywood Canteen. The lucky soldier, Sgt. Carl Bell, received a kiss from Betty Grable.

A Hall of Honor at the Hollywood Canteen had a wall of photos which honored the film actors who served in the military. Most of those actors, while on shore leave, came out to help the Canteen.

In 1944, Warner Bros. made a star-studded film about the Hollywood Canteen.

At the time the Canteen closed its doors, it had been host to almost three million servicemen.

Over 225 photographs of the Hollywood Canteen can be seen at

Betty Grable

Although she never toured outside the United States for the U.S.O., Betty actively participated in War efforts, appearing at Camps across the country and at Bond Rallies where she auctioned off her nylons for thousands of dollars. Volunteering at the Hollywood Canteen, a club for servicemen staffed entirely by film stars and studio workers, she ‘Jitterbugged’ the night away with hundreds of soldiers, sailors and marines". Her fan mail often reached 10,000 letters per week, and in 1942 she sent 54,000 autographed photos to the soldiers at Camp Robinson, Arkansas, who had sent her 54,000 letters.

HOLLYWOOD CANTEEN (1944) Video clip:

With Dinah Shore as our Hallywood Canteen host we rub elbows with stars Lana Turner, Marlene Dietrich, Red Skelton, Hedy Lamarr, Eddie Cantor, Jimmy Durante. Dinah sings “Night and Day.” From the Army/Navy Screen Magazine series. Matinee at the Bijou coming soon to PBS in HD hosted by Debbie Reynolds: Visit the Bijou blog:



The History of, “The Hollywood Canteen”

Hollywood Canteen Photograph Collection:

Theres a joke in current circulation, forgive me if you hav heard it before:

In the WWII the US soldier sat behind some sandbags, and his girfriend back home prayed for his safety. In Iraq the the US soldier sits behind some sandbags, and his girlfriend beside him prays the condom works .

Lana Turner, (8 February 1921 – 29 June 1995) - Biography:

“Lana Turner” - Advanced Google Image Search

“Lana Turner” - AltaVista Image Search“Lana+Turner”&mik=photo&mik=graphic&mip=all&mis=all&miwxh=all

“Lana Turner” - Lycos Image Search“Lana+Turner”&x=32&y=12

“Lana Turner” - Yahoo Image Search“Lana+Turner”&fr=yfp-t-501&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8

“Lana Turner” - Photo Galleries’s%20Photo%20Gallery.htm

“Lana Turner” - Posters

“Lana Turner” - Encyclopedia


Lana Turner Online

Video Clips: - Lana Turner

Lana Turner - The Definition of Glamour

The Sea Chase 1955 movie trailer - Lana Turner and John Wayne

“My Love and My Mule” - Lana Turner (Trudy Erwin)

Ezio Pinza - Lana Turner - “You belong to my heart”

Cartoon Intermission
Three Caballeros - You Belong to My Heart

Ezio Pinza - Lana Turner - “Let me look at you”

Ezio Pinza - Lana Turner - “Andiamo”

Ingrid Bergman, Lucille Ball & Lana Turner - news clips

Lana Turner Tribute

Movie Legends - Lana Turner

Thank you very much, my dear Mr. Eller! I cannot refrain from expressing my personal appreciation of your wealthy and superbly informative post that unveiled some less known, generally neglected of even sadly forgotten aspects of the WWII.:slight_smile:

Although the U.S. government, like almost every other administration in WWII desired to capitalize upon America’s national affection toward movies, US movie stars, musicians, entertainers and other celebrities actually became important part of the US war effort, because many stars actually were deeply and justly engaged in unrestricted efforts to sell war bonds, to promote scrap drives, or to serve coffee at USO clubs. Hollywood stars have not only provided a real-life example for the average American Citizen to live up to - they also successfully took audience’s minds off the hardships and sorrows of war.

Hollywood Star Linda Darnell serving American soldiers

Alas, it is all forgotten now that in the hospitals for war wounded stars like Bob Hope and Frances Langford worked hardly, and that gradually they got the leaden eyes to sparkling again, that they had planted and nurtured and coaxed laughter to life again. We have all forgotten that Kate Smith opened a new booth for the Department of Treasury and bought a $ 50.000 bond herself, and that Carole Lombard in a few exhausting hours in Indianapolis on January 15, 1942 had sold $ 2.017.531 worth of Defense Bonds and stamps. It is sadly elapsed fact that Betty Grable and Dorothy McGuire at New York City’s Stage Door Canteen successfully demonstrated to the world that Hollywood stars could give up their stockings, and that average all-American Miss Smith could do the same as well…

It is, alas, ancient history, that of all the feats of Marlene Dietrich the doer-of-good-deeds was her three years of wartime labor entertaining the exhausted Allied troops, from the Anzio beachhead to Greenland and the Aleutians. Marlene herself called it “the only important thing I’ve ever done in my life.” It is forgotten that she worked far from publicity cameras, and often perilously near the front lines. Bundled in a couple of GI overcoats, her hands often freezing, standing patiently in chow lines with her mess kit, sleeping in rat-infested ruins and dugouts, magnificent Trouper Dietrich put on a performance that was a triumph of sheer stamina. Aged GIs still do remember her setting her shoulder to an overturned jeep in Italy, helping a pair of French army officers to right it. But modern generations are unfamiliar with the fact that she got viral pneumonia in Bari, that she had a close call among retreating troops at the Battle of the Bulge… We have simply forgotten how it used to be.:frowning:

American Singing Sweethearts - The Andrews Sisters welcome homecoming troops

Sadly, it seems that somehow we have forgotten that immortal greatness of hart which had kept soldiers souls alive and sane through their lonely and hope-dimming ordeal…

Well said Honorable Mr. Librarian :smiley:

Many thanks for the wonderful images too. They really capture the spirit of the moment. :wink: