How did Hitler die?

Or maybe it pays off being a vegetarian and a teetotaler. Guess I should try that pastry diet…

Not if Adolf is their poster boy. :smiley:

Might this cause you to exceed EU limits on methane production? :wink:

No, just putting Germany on No. 1 in Europe:

Biogas production 2006 (MWh/1000 inhabitants)
UK 327
Germany 271
Luxemburg 226
Denmark 202
Austria 166
Finland 141

I’d bet he’s popular at Neo Nazi rallies, maybe I’ll ask stevey 14/88 if he’s seen him.:smiley:

Maybe it is stevey 14/88, in his war room planning the invasion of Poland. :smiley:

Finally, German pastry conquers Europe! :wink:

Who needed Anschluss to get access to Austrian pastry? :smiley:

You will be a national hero. :smiley:

Naw. He’s been scared off by their Jew-modded “Super-Sherman!” :wink:

This Jewish Super-Sherman? :wink:

I think its called plastic surgery!

I’ve seen the body double question come up many times. Folks who were witnesses to the nazis leaders and events surounding Hitler never mention such a thing. The remarks of his surviving guards and the office clerks in his staff have nothing about a double or using actors.

After Hitlers corpse was taken from the bombshelter and cremation started his guards joined the group of SS making a break for the west. Several survived and were interogated by US, British, and Soviet intellegence services. So, were the surviving clerks and members of Hitlers entourage who had been present on the last day. While there are the usual descrepancies and contradictions between the seperate eyewitnesses they agree on the basics. Unfortunatly for this question the Soviet invetigators did not preserve the corpses they collected from the vicinity of the Chancellory or the bombshelter. Those suspected to be Hitler & Eva Braun seem to have been disposed fairly quickly. The many other dead near by were buried in the following weeks as the battlefield was cleaned up.

Anyway the summary of the Soviet investigation suggests that will be the best evidence we will ever have.

The Soviets did indeed find a corpse of a man that had a passing resemblance to Hitler. But a pug mustache, black parted hair, and the beginnings of decomposition do not a “body double” make…

He was in a ‘Father Ted’ episode, recently.

Hitler did have men that worship him to actually die from him.
This is my recolations- It may be only 50% right or a bit more. It won’t be 100% right cause i’m not perfect.
A german man that resemble Hitler that worship Hitler was willing to die for Hitler to through the Allies of Hitler’s body, Hitler himself never wanted his body to be captured by the Allies.

The German man “worshiped him” enough to grow a mustache like the Fuhrers. He may have been unlucky enough to encounter some Red Army soldiers that did not appreciate his look…

That’s the pic that i was talking about.
Maybe so…The same pic that you put up there also was in a documentry.
I was only stating what i heard and saw, i am not indeed of saying that i’m right. I’m never right anyways.
Just like talking to you guys about ww2, is that a crime?
But you do have a point with you there.

I reckon some deal was struck and he ‘disappeared’. Like Idi Amin; and so will Bin Laden.

I don’t believe that Hitler made out of Berlin alive, although I don’t think that photo above is of HItler. As the story goes, Hitler committed suicide a short time before the Red Army reached the bunker. The SS guards burned his body and that of Eva. The corpse in that photo looks like it has been dead for longer than the few minutes that passed between his suicide and the execution of the order to burn his body. This man also seems to have slightly higher cheek bones than the Fuhrer and even a bit too thin, even if the Fuhrer was a “wreck” in the last few days of the war. As Carl stated already, the Russians weren’t very good at keeping the bodies for further investigation or examination by other parties.

Hitler is said to have commited suicide by taking cionide and shooting himself. personally, I think he lived it up in mexico until the mossad (israeli secret service) found him and killed him like adolf Eichmann.

Without sharing their “Coup” with the rest of the world…most unlikely!

Indeed!! If they would have captured Hitler, they would have made certain that everyone knew about it…even if they had to break international law to get him!