How did Hitler die?

ok, i was kidding. i know that he and eva committed suicide.bohrmann burned the bodies.

Well I don’t belive he died…Because they actuali dident found his body just a burnd budy but that dozent mean that dat was Adolf Hitler…I belive he ran away…How…I hawe a theory…The rusians said thad a Ju 87 flu over theyr hads from berlin and that the airplane tock of from brandemburg gate because the road was beg enof for an airplane to taik of…and the ju 87 is a 2 seted airplane…Adolf Hitler cud be in the back seat at the guner position…and they flu Near Norway were they landed and jumpt on a U-boat and vent for argentina in South america…Because after the war ended 2 U-boats has doct in Argentina after a month…so I thinc that Hitler hided there…thill he died of natural causes…this is my theory …


Well, what the russians saw was probably the Arado Ar 96 with female pilot Hanna Reitsch and Field Marshal Robert Ritter von Greim aboard, escaping from encircled Berlin on Hitlers direct order.

Traudl Junge - Secretary to Hitler - Part 1

this was an interview with Junge around 74. its from the series “the world at war”. which I now own. she is dead now but I found this. a movie !?
[blind spot](blind spot)

I never heard of this movie. it was released in 2003. anyone see it???

Grand Admiral doenitz infact was still convinced he was the legitmate ruler of Germany right up untill late 1950,s
and i think Hitler shot himself with a poison bullet then walked outside to the bunker gardens and set himsellf alight… simple really.

seriously i seen to rember seeing a documentory about a box of a few remains were found in the kremlin archives i seem to remember one item was a peice of skull with a bullet hole or a hole resembeling a bullet hole the other item was was the bridge from hitlers dental work which has confirmed as accurate from old dental records ontop of this DNA confirmed it was a relative of a living cousin of Hitlers… did anyone else see it ?

No. The info I posted above dates to the mid 1990s. The Soviet investigation documents did inculde photographs of the Reichstag bunker area, incuding corpses on the ground and on a table for examination.

It is not impossible a box of bits has turned up since, but I’d think it would have been front page news. Not buried on a documentary on midnight TV. Then again I’ve been wrong about many things…

I saw something along those lines on TV some years ago, but I think it focused mainly on tracing Hitler’s various burial spots and one in particular in East Germany after the Berlin Wall fell. There was something about ?newly opened? Soviet archives but I can’t recall what.

This is probably the bit of skull you’re referring to.

I believe that he died in Argentina after escape from germany in a submarine, italians secret service may help him get into bariloche Argentina or simply the simpatic to the nazis goverment.

I recall that it was their opinion that Hitler’s body was dug up after his autopsy, whatever discernible remained was re-cremated, and the remains buried under a nondescript parking lot in what is now a small office complex…

This was done of course to prevent the likes of Stevey14/88 from creating some sort of ad hoc shrine…