How (if?) could Germany win WWII?

More lives condemned by the stroke of a pen!

More evidence that the pen in the hand of a clear eyed and emotionless bureaucrat can be mightier than thousands of swords. :evil:

On a less emotional level, and given German military and agricultural reliance on horse transport during WWII, was any of the new grain to be used for fuelling horses? If so, there may be a degree of diminishing returns to the extent that horses are used for transporting grain while consuming it.

Oh now your ignorant in this area. In the other note string you were the “know it all” of all war relared topics.It amazes me that you actually admit your ignorant. It doesn’t surprise me at all.

Stick around, sonny boy, and learn how adults deal with things.

Unlike your magnificent twelve year old grasp of nuking everything to end WWII by Christmas 1941, not to mention the magnificence of the Italians compared with the pathetic Japanese, some of us don’t know everything and aren’t afraid to admit it. So we ask those who do to inform us. Which isn’t something you’ll ever experience, as you already know everything. It’s just a pity that you fail to demonstrate that in your simplistic and puerile posts.

You might like to have your English teacher explain to you that there is an inconsistency in saying that something amazes you and then saying that it doesn’t surprise you.

But this would not guaranty the defence of France.
Don’t forget Hitler after the capturing of Chehoslovakia and Poland should have been seriously increase the GErmans military and economical abilities.This fact worry the both France and Britain.
So the both should do sometheng to prevent cupturing the Poland.The Polish treaty wasn’t the best, but it was attempt at least to do something
The Germany was going to the Great war- and there is no any more reasons to be blind further.
The Britain did what it have to do.

well if gemans would win world war two maybe it would better and maybe it would be worse we will never know

I think it would be much worse for any non german if we had won ww2 and when it comes to personal freedoms etc. even for germans, though we probably wouldn’t realize it or care because of all the propaganda and mass hypnosis.

But I honestly think the world would have been a better (in the sense of more peaceful) place if we had managed an early victory in the west in 1914, since this would most likely have prevented communism/stalinism in russia (lenin stays in exile) and the rise of facism/national socialism in germany and everything that evolved from those two isms. Consequently this could mean no ww2 at all.

don’t bite off more than you can chew??? he declared war on the world. and the world won !!!:slight_smile:

It is very very very very unlikely that Germany could have ever won the war. They would have been, and were, eventually just over come with industrial power and sheer numbers. Also they never could have truly won the war with the US involved because they could never have pulled off an invasion of the US.

Also the argument about the seizing of Bohemia and Moravia in March 1939 makes no sense at all. First of all I doubt that England would have just allowed Germany to try and take over the entire world just because they hadn’t invaded some small area in 1939. also Germany attacked France so therefore France is obviously brought into war, and also France is an ally of Britain so I think if they hadn’t done anything by then they probably would have stepped in then anyway.

Everyone east and west of Germany would be enslaved or dead since it wouldnt stop at the slavs, eventually world would face either total or nuclear war since the Nazi regime required war to keep going, the “maybe it would be better” in the face of the fact that Germans planned wholesale extermination of upwards to 200 milion people makes you an ignorant idiot, think before writing in the future.

As for Nazi victory, just take out Hitler of the equasion and the war is over by 1943, D day never happens and if it does it meets a full scale german military machine and gets firmly kicked in the butt.

i never sayed that it would be better read before posting idiot i sayed we would never know

Take it from me. The best way to lose any respect here is to name call. Calling someone an idiot isnt necessary and isnt adult.

Please conduct yourself more civily in future, thanks.

Actually, it was condemned German prisoners forced to don Polish uniforms and equipment. They were then machine-gunned down to provide photographic “proof”…

edit: Ha! Not quite:

[i]The Gleiwitz incident was a staged attack on 31 August 1939 against the German radio station Sender Gleiwitz in Gleiwitz, Upper Silesia, Germany (since 1945: Gliwice, Republic of Poland) on the eve of World War II in Europe.

This provocation was one of several actions in Operation Himmler, a Nazi Germany SS project to create the appearance of Polish aggression against Germany, which would be used to justify the subsequent invasion of Poland.

Events at Gleiwitz

Much of what is known about the Gleiwitz incident comes from the sworn affidavit of Alfred Naujocks at the Nuremberg Trials. According to his testimony, the incident was organized by Naujocks under orders from Reinhard Heydrich and Heinrich Müller, the chief of the Gestapo.[1]

On the night of August 31, 1939 a small group of German operatives, dressed in Polish uniforms and led by Naujocks[2] seized the Gleiwitz station and broadcast a short anti-German message in Polish (sources vary on the content on the message). The Germans’ goal was to make the attack and the broadcast look like the work of anti-German Polish saboteurs.[3][2]

In order to make the attack seem more convincing, the Germans brought in Franciszek Honiok, a German Silesian known for sympathizing with the Poles, who had been arrested the previous day by the Gestapo. Honiok was dressed to look like a saboteur; then killed by lethal injection, given gunshot wounds, and left dead at the scene, so that he appeared to have been killed while attacking the station. His corpse was subsequently presented as proof of the attack to the police and press.[4]

In addition to Honiok, several other convicts from the Dachau concentration camp[2] were kept available for this purpose.[3] The Germans referred to them by the code phrase “Konserve” (“canned goods”). For this reason some sources incorrectly refer to the incident as “Operation Canned Goods”.[/i]

With my customary trepidation in offering any comment upon a mod’s actions ;), might I say that Warpig initiated it at #29

Everyone east and west of Germany would be enslaved or dead since it wouldnt stop at the slavs, eventually world would face either total or nuclear war since the Nazi regime required war to keep going, the “maybe it would be better” in the face of the fact that Germans planned wholesale extermination of upwards to 200 milion people makes you an ignorant idiot, think before writing in the future.

Doesn’t that assume that Britain accepted a German conquest of France etc and reached a truce with Germany?

Was that likely?

What else should they do? Blockading the entire continent would be impossible, so Germany could import vital stuff through France, Spain and Italy. No way Italy joins the entente in that case, they’re greedy but not insane. Maybe they even honor their pact and declare war on britain. They seem to have the tendency to do that when they see someone approaching the finish line.
Russia will be gone pretty fast when it faces the majority of the German army and not just 1/8.
The UK would have to bite the bullet, abandon the balance of power policy and accept German hegemony on the continent. I see no other option.
They could of course continue the hostilities at sea, but they’d probably face a blockade themselves with cruisers and subs based in France as in 1940 (and possibly invasion, if Germany, Italy and Austria combine their fleets, maybe they even get a hand on parts of the French fleet). But I can’t really see the benefits for the UK from continued hostilities. It’s not like in 1940 when losing wasn’t really an option for the civilized world.
Belgium would lose independence, France would lose some colonies but I’d assume Germany would offer acceptable conditions, pretty much a white peace, to Britain.

I don’t know enough to know what needed to be imported, but if it had to come from outside the Mediterranean then the approaches to the Straits of Gibraltar would be the naval battleground so far as concerns anything coming through southern Spain, Italy and southern France was concerned. Germany’s problem there is that it had to negotiate the fleet blockading the Straits to get vessels into the Med.

Britain could probably blockade the Straits fairly easily.

Perhaps, but why is that a problem for Britain on the other side of the Channel?

Was Germany a better invasion threat in 1914-15 than it was in WWII?

Possibly. Or just rely on naval power to try to confine Germany’s influence.

The resolution would probably be determined by trade needs rather than naval power, e.g. if one was starving the other into submission then a truce became more likely. I don’t know enough - or anything - about the trade aspects to know which would have to bend first. I suspect that both could probably survive for a long time.

I think the colonial aspect could be very important.

Part of Germany’s motivations in both wars came from becoming a nation much later than its major rivals, so it missed out on the best colonial possessions.

I don’t know how important it would be to Britain to deny Germany the French and Belgian colonies, but that aspect might bear on the prospect of a negotiated peace.

History tells us that nations will often accommodate the realities of war gains by coming to an agreement with the enemy, but it also tells us that nations can be very difficult and fight hard over fairly minor issues, as Britain did with the Falklands and Argentina.

I wouldn’t bet on Britain coming to terms with Germany just because Germany conquered France and Belgium in 1914.

I think the opposite might be more likely.

And it could be that a purely naval conflict would have given Britain advantages it lacked on land 1914-18, but I’ll leave that to the naval experts here.

The critical issue for germany in ww1 was food. If you don’t have a fighting war of the dimensions of the western front, the whole industrial demand for raw materials can probably be met by continental ressources (with the exception of some exotic stuff like rubber, but they somehow managed to get along IOT, so I guess they’d get along there, too).

Maybe, but the straits is insignificant since Spain and France have ports on the atlantic coast as well.

It’s not an additional problem for Britain, but one less problem for Germany, that’s why I mentioned it. Peace in the east opens other traderoutes again as well.

They had at least a bigger fleet and marines. I doubt however, that this would have ever become a viable option. Germany would probably have responded in kind to naval blockade and simply ignored Britain otherwise.

Well, Germany is not as powerful at sea, that’s true, but in the long run FAR more powerful economically with the entire continent at their disposal.

Yes we would know, Germans planned on gassing half the Europe and making the survivors into illiterate serfs, we do have Nazi plans for what they wanted to do after WW2 so we know perfectly how would it be.

Must disagree with the statement of “Reckless Erwin Rommel” as a “supreme strategist”.

I could start a link on this very issue…

As for this thread, it really did not matter how Germany conducted it’s affairs, even if Russia had been knocked out of the contest, they still would have sat back in mid-1945 and watched Grossdeutschland reduced to an atomic wasteland by a United States sick and tired of the war in Europe…

of that you can be sure…

If Germany had the Hydrogen bomb they would of made Swiss Cheese out of Truman