How (if?) could Germany win WWII?

Where were all those nukes supposed to come from and what should be the significant difference to the people on the ground compared to raids like Hamburg and Dresden?

In referrence to the obvious problems that would of been created had Germany continued the war, it seems obvious that the best plan of action at the time, would of been a Blitzkrieg of Atomic bombs shot all over Berlin to neutralize Hitler wherever he may be hiding.:slight_smile:

And where would all the bombs come from? :roll:

There is an old saying that if you build it, they will come. I can bet that had Germany succeeded more at the end of the war then the USA would have no doubt sped up their atomic research abilities and mass produced the A-bomb quicker than it did. Where there is a will there is a way and it would of/could of been done.

From what I read, the Los Alamos team was doing it the fastest they could. Correct me if Im wrong.

From December 11 1941 Germany was doomed. Declareing war on the USA while at war with Britain and the Soviet Union was the final nail that doomed Germany

After WW2 The usa became superpower before that it was nothing…
if USA vs Germany would fight in a clean war the Geries would win

I don’t know.I sure about that when the nazis win the war many people must die,but the allies won the war,then others must to die

despite my first dumb but hilarious answer i think if Germany had a different commander such as Rommel or Goring or even Jodl and they would have focused not on starting the eastern front but commited to the western front then i think Germany would have won

Hmm did you read the message that he wrote? he sayed me first idiot… but nvm