My question was: When Lviv area ( in Polish this lands was name Galicja Wschodnia) was part of Russian empire before 17. IX.1939 ?
and my answer was correct. Off course if you look on history you find that Russia was occuped short time Lviv and this areas before 17. IX.1939 , but I can tell you that was this same as Polish occupied Moscow in XVII century
When you say “this was land belonged to Polish Kingdom as others subject lands what was annextion by Soviet Union in 1939” I hope you do not want to extend your statement on Kiev and Moscow. Right? Because in the course of the history they were occupied by Poles. Or should we hand it back to Poland?
No off cours no. I have in my mind only terretories annexed by USRR in 1939.
Sorry Chevan I’m not criticized borders but argument what Egorka wrot as justifice annextion polish former east lands.
I guess you did not read all the post from the beginning of the thread, else you would not write this.
I made a mistake by using english word “justify”, I should have used “explain” instead.
Sorry I missed this post, but this not changed my opinion about “historical arguments” but if you think that did you agree with this same type arguments explain why Poland want take controll of the land on East in 1919. Poland was newborn after 123 and want to have all lands what belonged to her before partitios of Poland in XVIII c.
Well you did not chalenge the validity of these 2 arguments. I do undertand that you might not like them or disagree with them. But you did not show that they make no sence at all.
Look this (bold by me)
When you say “this was land belonged to Polish Kingdom as others subject lands what was annextion by Soviet Union in 1939” I hope you do not want to extend your statement on Kiev and Moscow. Right? Because in the course of the history they were occupied by Poles. Or should we hand it back to Poland? .
If you give sence “historical arguments” you can find person who answer for you question YES.
For me
Historical argument are not any arguments to prove rights to lands any nation.
Ethnic - yes.
[Quote]Does it mean you actually share the view that the eastern Poland was rightfuly joint to USSR becasue Poles were manority even after extensive polonisation campains?
No, because USRR acepted Treaty of Riga in 1921, and acepted this borders.
Don’t forget that this annexation was prepered with Germany and was braek
Polish USRR non-agression pact.