my real age is 34 this month why do kids want to put up bs i dont know they wana bees sayen there some thing there not there will be more wars and thy we be vet why rush them. them learn from that that has served in stead of it like playing gunns out back. my saying there are always war in a far away place when ur old enouph u wold see the worst then u see today thank god u see what u to today.

maby people need a history lesson and if the managment dont mind for the younger people i could give i lesson

Just curious ArmyDude, but are you French Canadian by any chance? Or possibly from another country originally?

A very interesting read this thread is.
Just in case anyone’s interested i’m 36.

I was making you younger …:mrgreen:

I also got a couple of suprises on the ages of different members.
Completely different to what i thought.
For example i thought that you were older.

Sure it’s interesting.
Like Panzerknacker, I thought you no more 25 becouse you look very modest in your post.
( i mean you never hotly disputed with anybody)

I was just joshing when I said I was 69. I’m actually 52 and feel not a day over 18. Age is a state of mind and I enjoy having a good youthfull attitude, as I still leave people half my age floundering.:shock:

Regards Digger.

I agree, that’s the way i like it.
I have no problem with hot disputes because it makes the forum interesting.
I really enjoy the forum. For me it is an interest and a time to relax.
The great thing is that every member brings his own feel and personality into the forum. Thats what makes it so great.

Right you are. I thought that you were much younger.
I agree. Age is definately a state of mind. This forum is proof of that.

Thanks mate. Look this is a great forum and while things can get heated at times, most people take it in the right spirit. This is all about information sharing, not scoring points.

What I like is, I’ve learned a lot from a diverse range of people and it proves to me, we’re all not that much different, no matter where we live. Forums such as these can spread goodwill and help eliminate some of the old hatreds and animosities and prejudices. My only complaint is often I don’t have the amount of time to contribute.

I’ll get off my soapbox now and wish you all the best for 2007 my friends.

Regards Digger.:smiley:

Cheers Digger and all the best in 2007 to you too.

Well , I have to update my age, I get 27 the december 27th. :mrgreen:

No matter what age we got, we are all smart enough to participate in this forum. that should be enough.

I am 32.

Happy B-day!

Ill be 28 in April…ever so closer to 30! :wink:

We’ll have to set up a retirement forum for you old fogies!!! :wink:

I’ll be 19 in August!

Jeepers i thought that you were older.
A retirement thread in the forum would be quite funny.
Great humour SS Tiger.

Thanks Gen Sandworm and happy B. to you and everydoby.

This is a picture from my birthday…or it was in new year s eve ?..not sure, too many cider.

Great pic Panzerknacker.
To much fiesta and to little siesta.:wink:

Folks, I am 26…feel and act like I am 18! :slight_smile: