A bit belated, but hope your birthday was great!

Thks guys, I had a great time, started drinking with friends around 8.30 saturday night and finished at 10.00 sunday morning! lol Hung over a little today…

so, I am 32 and that`s me … :wink:

Thats good Flammpanzer. Very boldly.
BTW guys may be we have to begin the thread “your honest face”?
will somebody do this?

I am 16 nd in two years time i can join the army:D

I know! wow! 79!
You have good health sir if I must say so.

You’re joining the army Hartsock? when I turn 18 I’m joining the Marines! :smiley:
And btw Hartsock, you’re under my command, sgt. Baker. lol

so, I am 32 and that`s me …

Willkommen flammpanzer.

“Wo ist die Artillerie?” “Du bist die Artillerie!”

He, he, I know were you get this, from “Stalingrad”

This is from the T-34 seen, correct?

I’m 12 growing up in America as a sweet lifestyle. Always trying to learn something new about WW2

I’m 50. Most of my friends and relatives are either over 50 or dead!

Maybe just refresh this one a bit. Anyhow Ill be 28 this year in April. Also thought maybe it would be interesting to tell what you do for a living or in hopes of a life! :smiley:

From Indiana myself but Im working on my master’s degree in a Geo-physics program in Oslo Norway. Hope to be done this summer and start working. Maybe here in Norway or maybe back in the US…just have to see how the job ops go.

Your classes are in the local language ? :smiley:

Thanks to the British Navy and American Business I dont have to worry about that. Altough I get alot of crap for my next to non-exsistant norwegain coz ive been here just short of 2 years.

Sad… I hope that you can flirt with the norwegian girls in english :mrgreen:

Hi reiver,

Please stay on this Forum, I’m 50 YO and I’m really happy you are here…



I’m 28 years old, nice forum:cool:

Welcome, quite a large country the yours…I mean Sudamerica …:rolleyes:

yeah, your right, we are still out here. im only 13 myself!

only 12 but my B-Day is real soon

Quite young people in here.